Stories From The Frontline – Dec. 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


Reminding people not everything is bad; stories of truth, of connecting with old friends and making new ones, learning new skills, showing respect and integrity, love, laughter, fun and working together as a community. PLEASE share these stories with you friends and acquaintances; the world needs to know, not only about the atrocities being committed but of the good which has come from the enormity of this stance against evil. Sincerely, Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez


12-26-2016 ~ 150 Years Ago Today Largest Mass Execution in US History
Riding out :: Preparing for the circle up :: Final day of the #Dakota38+2 A spiritual Ride out of Land of Memories into Mankato where the largest mass US public execution happened in our dark history of settlers ordered by President Lincoln. This day marks a day of healing for our people. Never forgotten . #NoMoreDakotaExile

The hanging of 38 Sioux Indians in Minnesota December 26, 1862 was the failure “again” of the U.S. Government to honor it’s treaties with Indian Nations. Indians were not given the money or food set forth to them for signing a treaty to turn over more than a million acres of their land and were forced to live on a reservation.

Mary Todd Lincoln had over spent decorating and cleaning the Executive mansion blowing the entire four year budget allocated by Congress in a matter of months then tried to cover it up; when Lincoln found out he immediately dispatched Congress to quietly approve two appropriations to pay her bills which were taken from the annuity payments due to the Dakota Indians.

Indian agents kept the treaty money and food that was to go to the Indians; One local trader, Andrew Myrick, said of the Indians’ plight, “If they are hungry, let them eat grass or their own dung.” The food was sold to White settlers; food given to the Indians was spoiled and not fit for dogs to eat. Indian hunting parties went off reservation land looking for food to feed their families; one hunting group took eggs from a White settlers land. Trader Andrew Myrick was found dead his mouth stuffed with grass.

Authorities in Minnesota asked President Lincoln to order the immediate execution of all 303 Indian males found guilty. Lincoln, concerned with how this would play with the Europeans, whom he was afraid were about to enter the war on the side of the South offered the following compromise to the politicians: They would pare the list of those to be hung down to 39. In return, Lincoln promised to kill or remove every Indian from the state and provide Minnesota with 2 million dollars in federal funds although he only owed the Sioux 1.4 million for the land.

President Lincoln, the Great Emancipator ordered the largest mass execution in American History, where the guilt of those to be executed was entirely in doubt. Regardless of how Lincoln defenders seek to play this, it was nothing more than murder to obtain the land of the Santee Sioux and to appease his political cronies in Minnesota.

On December 26, 1862 President Lincoln notified Sibley that he should cause to be executed thirty-nine of the 303 convicted Santees, Execution date was the 26th of December. At the last minute, one Indian was given a reprieve. About ten o’clock the thirty-eight condemned men were marched from the prison to the scaffold. They sang the Sioux death song until soldiers pulled white caps over their heads and placed nooses around their necks. At a signal from an army officer, the control rope was cut and thirty-eight Santee Sioux dangled lifeless in the air.


12-26-16 ~ via Oceti Sakowin Camp … The Real Winter Makes an Appearance
Last night 5 men were caught in a vehicle a little over a mile away from the shelter where our team has been working. They called around 3.

We called BIA, reached out for Security… the storm blocked almost all means for help. 2 people helping out at the shelter went in search of local vehicles to pull them out with and came back without success. 3 of the OSCM team went out to scout the conditions, to see what was possible, that’s this video.

They made it to the main road out of Cannon Ball to 1806. They couldn’t see the headlights of the vehicle, but the did see that the snow was blowing 3-4 foot drifts over the roadway that vehicles couldn’t have traversed without a plow… our guys were climbing over them. They had to come back and all we could do was pray for them, and let them know what we were discovering at each step.

This morning at 9 we got confirmation that everyone is safe and accounted for, including the 2 young men who came up from camp on snowmobile, that plan to be shuttling them each here.

***Would this be the situation if Morton County & Co had not persisted in blocking the highway at the bridge?***

The DOT needed to test the bridge for safety before the blockade could be removed. They and Morton County have been repeatedly assured that DOT personnel would be safe. As our collective camp documentation assures, we are PRAYERFUL, and would not interfere with such a vital process.

We deeply appreciate your continued support as we hold fast here in the snow, against DAPL. Learn more about our camp at
Arctic Weather Needs:
#SNOWPLOW – to ultimately leave with Cannon Ball community
Send Donations to:
Oceti Sakowin Camp
P.O. Box 298
Cannon Ball, ND 58528
Direct Donations:



12-31-16 ~ Penny Fruth…. I leave my basement door open as shelter for animals who might need it. This morning, before sunrise, I heard a hen sing out her death cry and ran downstairs. I saw the hen, still squatted down, waiting for the next blow. I looked and saw a large owl. I spoke calmly to the owl and tried to herd it toward the open door where there was only darkness. The owl wanted to go toward the light and kept crashing into walls. Finally, after much reassurance, the owl flew into the darkness and found the wind that lifted him up.

The owl is a powerful symbol that relates to the Water Protectors and the Seventh Generation. It is a strong symbol of transformation that often comes through darkness, not light. Just as the owl preferred the light, but finally realized he needed to go to the dark; the Water Protectors’ bravery and endurance have led them to go into the dark, with no assurance of success. Through their courage and perseverance, they are bringing light to the darkness and I am grateful. Thank you.


12-31-16 ~ Crystal Houser… Today has been a tough one. Will likely be a tough night. Trying to center. Trying to have some semblance of celebratory spirit on this holiday.

When it all boils down to it, I am where I need to be. I love you all, family, old friends, new friends, new family. Happy new years from Standing Rock.

It’s a happy new year here. Boy, I love it here with all these great people,” said Lee Sprague ~ Pottawaomi/Ottawa


12-31-16 ~ Youth Unity Journey for Sacred Waters… Journey continues to Standing Rock, Our Walker’s Marge Roberts Mckenzie, Charrjalz N Mikeroberts have the determination, Resilience, and Perseverance to reach there destination (y) Awesome to be helping out and extremely proud of them to be Walking this far in North Dakota, USA


12-31-16 ~ Daphne Singingtree… Long post about the current controversy about Standing Rock funding including the tribe’s decision to use some of the donated funds to address deficits from impact of the legal and logistical issues around the protest.

How we share resources is our biggest challenge today. The cause of most wars, our fight for clean water, protection of the earth, is all about those who wish a bigger piece of pie for themselves, sometimes the whole pie. In traditional indigenous cultures a core value is taking care of those in need. Those who have more, share, and it lifts everyone. Simple concept, but one we have gotten away from as modern life and the culture of self has supplanted the idea of care of others. The future is endangered by the 1% who use their wealth as power to produce more wealth at the expense of water and the earth and those who live upon her. It is the heart of colonialism. Money is power, and as the NoDAPL movement grows economic pressures are going to be essential to long term victory.

Standing Rock donations have come in from around the world providing vital support we would not be able to function without. However, as a movement, we are still in a gestational stage, working without traditional leadership, developing organically, and a source of pain as we labor right now revolves about money, donations, and how resources are allocated. We are trying to figure out a way to do things differently, that is more inclusive, less hierarchical, less based on colonial models.

At Standing Rock we are a microcosm of society as a whole, and as such are facing avarice, selfishness, egos, and competing agendas. There has been misuse of donated funds, I know people who raised money specifically for the Wellness space at Rosebud and not one dime reached us. There has been theft and resources not used or ruined because of a lack of organization and proper stewardship. But there also has been tremendous generosity, not only from those donating money or supplies, but those giving their time to do fundraisers and organize political events at home, and those who work so incredibly hard at camp. I have seen so many people give up well-paying jobs, put school and their lives on hold, all for Standing Rock. It gets into your soul and becomes the only thing that matters. I get it, I have a small business before Standing Rock making and selling herbal products. After I was gone months, had to lay off my part time staff, and no longer have the time to make products, and truthfully making and selling stuff is not how I want to spend my time, as my work with Standing Rock is so much more important to my grandchildren’s future.

I was a part of the Occupy Movement and see so many similarities with the early support and enthusiasm, then personalities, egos, lack of leadership and focus, the movement crumbled as much from within as from without. I was a midwife for 30 years, my role was support the natural birth process, yet be aware in case intervention was needed. Sometime intervention is simple sometimes complicated, but if not done in time, consequences can be devastating. As one of the many midwives helping birth this movement that started with Standing Rock, I am listening to the heartbeat with concern. While I am concerned about the misuse or theft of funds, I believe a greater threat is the infighting about it. The finger pointing, the accusations, the negativity, the divisiveness can sweep up good people as well as the bad. I have seen from personal experience how unfounded accusations, haters and Internet trolls can destroy someone’s life and important work. Transparency and accountability is important. We can make a full accounting with receipts for all the funds donated to either my Gofundme page or to, and will continue to do that. The Medic and Healer Council is in the process of organizing a separate nonprofit which will do the same.

While people are still braving the weather and a protest camp will remain at Standing Rock until the pipeline is gone for good, longer term sustainable community projects, including an integrative health clinic, a birth center, are all in the planning stages, and can result from some of the positive energy generated for this cause. We still need support and help from the global community to fight the black snake and protect the water for all of us. The Standing Rock tribe has incurred a lot of expenses and losses from this protest, monies donated will not go to any one person or family, and that is more than I can say for a lot of other fundraising efforts.

I see one of the biggest needs right now in terms of funding is paying the fines and legal fees of arrested water protectors. While there are specific camp needs such as firewood and propane we are still working on, we are now looking other protest camps in Texas, Cheyenne River, British Columbia, & Florida. At both the Medic Healer Council and Zaniyan, we are looking at how to allocate resources to best serve the most people.

Standing Rock needs continued support as well as a healthy discussion of donated funds and how best to use them. What we don’t need is people from outside, who do not know all the facts or whole picture making judgments or accusations that can result in funding being pulled entirely. Facebook is powerful weapon, use it responsibly. Let’s focus on what is needed, where, how it is best used, and how to have transparency. #nodapl#waterislife #divestbank


12-31-16… Red Fawn is a Lakota from Denver, Colorado, who had been one of the water protectors. The 37 year old was known by many of the younger protectors as mom. She was always checking on people to make sure they had everything they needed. Her mother had been at the Wounded Knee occupation in the seventies, and sadly just recently passed away. One day a young girls hand was broken by a Morton County cop, and Red Fawn was right there to get her out of harm’s way. Later the cops grabbed Red Fawn who was walking away from the front line and threw her to the ground on her face. Three cops had their knees in her back and on her legs. Suddenly shots were fired. They claimed Red Fawn had a gun hidden behind her back, pulling it out and fired shots. But there is video that clearly shows they had her face down on the ground, not on her back so the cops were lying. They tried to charge her with attempted murder. Now how could a small woman with three cops on top of her pull out this mysterious gun and get off three shot ? After being held in jail without bail, Monday a Judge stated that the murder charges were dropped, but now she’s charged with concealing a weapon. Those lying cops knew that these false charges would never hold up in court. If she had really done it there is no way in hell they would drop those charges. They also never did a test to prove she had fired a weapon, because they already knew she hadn’t. So now the cops are going to ruin her life with a lie about a concealed handgun. Prayers for you Red Fawn, you are a true warrior and hero, unlike those lying cops in the Morton County Sheriff’s department. PEACE & BLESSINGS DOC


12-30-16 ~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi… Thanks for an Amazing Year of Support and Action.
It is time to share energy and give thanks. So I am saying thanks for all the support you have each given Standing Rock and all Water is Life movement protests everywhere. The heroes of Standing Rock have done amazing things and spiritually and morally led us all. Their place in history as energizing movements to save our planet is set. We all thank and honor them – and continue to support what they are still doing.

That said, each of you now look in a mirror, smile and say wopila – many thanks – to the one you see there. To yourself. Early on we were asked to spread the word about the efforts at Standing Rock and we answered that call. As we still are. Without the virtual effort to bring Standing Rock to the masses, I fear they would have been stopped long ago. This effort takes us all – those at Standing Rock and those virtually around the world.

So many have taken the Standing Rock example to heart and begun their own protests around the U.S. and the world. To them I also say thank you. I am working with a group we created here in Colorado to stand against fracking and save our water. I hope many more of you find local groups as well.

As is the way on my spiritual path as taught to me by Two Bears and my other elders, I also thank those at Standing Rock and those in these virtual communities for all they will be doing in 2017. I see it already – and it is beautiful to behold. Watching the four colors of prophecy come together. I have no words. I thank you for taking this movement to the next level. I thank you for your continued peaceful revolution. And I thank you for the seven generations who cannot yet speak – but are watching us all.

2017 is the year we must work even harder to connect ALL the Water is Life efforts. Even if we are swamped with our local protests, we must allow some time for the council of protests to form. To truly win this war I know this is so. I ask those at Standing Rock to also play a leadership role in this. I look forward to returning to Standing Rock to embrace my friends and relatives there with my thanks again. And I also thank you, here, for your leadership. Mni Waconi – water IS life… the Movement.

This thank you comes from deep in my heart and spirit. It is an honor to walk with you all. And I know the other admins feel the same way. I invite them to comment here if they wish.

I tap into my Mayan relatives teachings with a reminder as I end this: In Lak’ech Ala K’in – I am you and you are me. This has never been so true.

~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Standing Rock Protectors Support Group


12-30-16 ~ Jim Petoskey‎… I was in the Marines for 9 years. I was stationed at Camp Lejuene, NC for 8 years and every Marine since 1959 has been drinking benzine, TCE, PCB and other chemicals from the contaminated wells. I was also at Fort McClellan, AL where we were exposed to nuclear particles in the air and Agent Orange in the water that was dumped by the Monsanto plant next to the fort. I have lost many friends I served with who died from diseases related to those chemicals. I feel like I am on borrowed time. I have 4 young children ages 8,9,9 and 11. So what ever time I have left I have vowed to fight for clean water for them and , as we say in my culture, the 7 generations to come. Stand strong.


12-30-16 ~ With all the talk going on I just wanted to focus on a positive right now, this is Randy…He has been one of the consistent roles here this winter at camp. His program and bill is fitted by the tribe, regardless of any misconception. He has been out in all conditions to help people stay warm and safe here at camp and across the reservation. He shared a story about seeing and helping a guy who rolled his vehicle recently, breaking glass to get this guy out and into a safe position eventually getting him into an ambulance. These silent heroes are the foundation of what’s going on here in #StandingRock #NoDAPL


12-30-16 ~ Johnny Dangers


12-30-16 ~ Anthony Liccione… This I would wish, that there was no time or sleep. No more past, or future, and everything we did was good the first time, for the day. Without the need of looking back to learn from the past, and no future to hope for the better. No more tiredness, or having a need to dream, and no nightmares to fear. If there was a second time, this is how I would like to start over. Nor pipelines ever ever ever



12-30-16 ~ Mikeroberts N Charrjalz… Today was a good day I’m so thankful we made it to cross the border walking 😁that’s such a big achievement I struggled today before crossing. I was so worried thinking and overwhelming myself just about to have an anxiety attack didn’t know what to expect in United States, our first time going there. But I prayed and gave it to the creator and just let go of everything and smudged and walked, I felt good about myself and our group that we were gonna pass the border. And now were here but our journey is not over were determined to keep walking to standing rock Standing Rock were coming WATER IS LIFE MINI WICONI


12-29-16 ~ To better comprehend Standing Rock, throughout the past century, prime Indian land has been seized or “bought” by the Federal government or corporations with no regard for Native rights or needs. This Associated Press photo from 1948 shows the Secretary of the Interior “buying” 155,000 acres of Indian land in North Dakota for a government reservoir. The weeping face of the Fort Berthold Tribal councilman says it all.

At a certain point, people have to say “ENOUGH.” Which is what the Standing Rock resistance is all about.
Read the original


12-29-2016 ~ A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY TO THINK ABOUT.…… December 29, 2016 marks the 126th Anniversary of the murder of 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. These 297 people, in their winter camp, were murdered by federal agents and members of the 7th Cavalry who had come to confiscate their firearms “for their own safety and protection”. The slaughter began after the majority of the Sioux had peacefully turned in their firearms. The Calvary began shooting, and managed to wipe out the entire camp. 200 of the 297 victims were women and children. About 40 members of the 7th Cavalry were killed, but over half of them were victims of fratricide from the Hotchkiss guns of their overzealous comrades-in-arms.

TWENTY members of the 7th Cavalry’s death squad, were deemed “National Heroes” and were awarded the Medal of Honor for their acts of [cowardice] heroism.

We hear very little of Wounded Knee today. It is usually not mentioned in our history classes or books. What little that does exist about Wounded Knee is normally a sanitized “Official Government Explanation”. And there are several historically inaccurate depictions of the events leading up to the massacre, which appear in movie scripts and are not the least bit representative of the actual events that took place that day.

Wounded Knee was among the first federally backed gun confiscation attempts in United States history. It ended in the senseless murder of 297 people.

Before you jump on the emotionally charged bandwagon for gun-control, take a moment to reflect on the real purpose of the Second Amendment, the right of the people to take up arms in defense of themselves, their families, and property in the face of invading armies or an oppressive government. The argument that the Second Amendment only applies to hunting and target shooting is asinine. When the United States Constitution was drafted, “hunting” was an everyday chore carried out by men and women to put meat on the table each night, and “target shooting” was an unheard of concept. Musket balls were a precious commodity and were certainly not wasted on “target shooting”. The Second Amendment was written by people who fled oppressive and tyrannical regimes in Europe, and it refers to the right of American citizens to be armed for defensive purposes, should such tyranny arise in the United States.

As time goes forward, the average citizen in the United States continually loses little chunks of personal freedom or “liberty”. Far too many times, unjust gun control bills were passed and signed into law under the guise of “for your safety” or “for protection”. The Patriot Act signed into law by G.W. Bush, was expanded and continues under Barack Obama. It is just one of many examples of American citizens being stripped of their rights and privacy for “safety”. Now, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is on the table, and will, most likely be attacked to facilitate the path for the removal of our firearms, all in the name of “our safety”.

Before any American citizen blindly accepts whatever new firearms legislation that is about to be doled out, they should stop and think about something for just one minute-

Evil does exist in our world. It always has and always will. Throughout history evil people have committed evil acts. In the Bible one of the first stories is that of Cain killing Abel. We can not legislate “evil” into extinction. Good people will abide by the law, and the criminal element will always find a way around it.

Evil exists all around us, but looking back at the historical record of the past 200 years, across the globe, where is “evil” and “malevolence” most often found? In the hands of those with the power, the governments. That greatest human tragedies on record and the largest loss of innocent human life can be attributed to governments. Who do the governments always target? “Scapegoats” and “enemies” within their own borders…but only after they have been disarmed to the point where they are no longer a threat. Ask any Native American, and they will tell you it was inferior technology and lack of arms that contributed to their demise. Ask any Armenian why it was so easy for the Turks to exterminate millions of them, and they will answer “We were disarmed before it happened”. Ask any Jew what Hitler’s first step prior to the mass murders of the Holocaust was- confiscation of firearms from the people.

Wounded Knee is the prime example of why the Second Amendment exists, and why we should vehemently resist any attempts to infringe on our Rights to Bear Arms. Without the Second Amendment we will be totally stripped of any ability to defend ourselves and our families.


12-29-16 ~ Chris Turley… I visited Wounded Knee once. Theres some powerful emotions and energy there. Times may have changed, however we will never forget.

Remember Wounded Knee Massacre December 29, 1890
300 Men, Women and Children. May our relatives rest in peace, for they are not forgotten.


12-29-16 ~ Remembering the Fallen on this 29th day of December while praying for our future.

12-28-16 ~ DAPL Hero Charged With Felony Terrorizing For Saving Lives by De-escalating Deadly AR15 Standoff
In return for heroically de-escalating a situation in which an employee of the Dakota Access Pipeline pointed a loaded AR-15 at bystanders, Brennon Nastacio is being charged with a felony — and has been placed on the Morton County Sheriff’s most wanted list. Read More


12-28-16 ~ Wicapi Otto… or those of you needing facts. Here is a fact that I can undeniably refute. DAPL has the media purporting that Standing Rock never objected. Well they never counted on someone like me that actually reads stuff like their boring reports.

An article was passed recently that had an audio recording from 2014 of the tribes objection. However this report was taken directly from the Army Corp of Engineers website and is the public report submitted by DAPL and the ACE. It was published in 2015 and updated in 2016. If anyone says the tribe did not do due diligence proof is here. You can click the link and see the publishing dates and click the PDF to read. Um…it is 1261 pages long though…good thing to do if at Oceti Oyate and learn about what we are fighting.

12-28-6 ~ Magpie Waters… O ci yo I thought it was a sign of hope when the United States Veterans announced that they were organizing and heading to the freezing North Dakota plains at Standing Rock, to stand with and stand in front of the water protectors to get them out of harms way. Nobody new what kind of effect that it would have on the situation. It was monumental (remember that word) in this unprecedented gathering of Indigenous people.

Never in the time of Indigenous people has a gathering like this taken place and pow-wows don’t count. What was monumental was not just former military members coming to protect Water Protectors, but the healing that took place, between the two groups and the tribes. Water is Life unified all people gathering to fight the Black Snake. Veterans prayed with the Water Protectors and, asked for forgiveness for past atrocities that the United States military had committed in the genocide of our ancestors. They then acted as mediators to bring peace were none had been for so long.

Here is Magpie Waters video number four, for the year. At the time this video was produced with a misspelled cavalry(where Jesus died) in the title instead of the kind that are part of the military. I thought it was a sign of hope when the United States Veterans announced that they were organizing and heading to the freezing North Dakota plains to stand with and stand in front of the water protectors to get them out of harms way. Nobody new what kind of effect that it would have on the situation. It was monumental (remember that word) in this unprecedented gathering of Indigenous people.

Like many people around the world the night of November 20 sparked not only outrage but activity in writing the President, the North Dakota governor and many others I would have never guessed that veterans would be the answer in solving the violence against Water Protectors.

I shouldn’t have been surprised by the healing either. Anyone, who has been around our elders, Sun Dancers, Pipe Carriers and Medicine People understand their genuine love for our earth and all who walk, slither, swim, fly and crawl on it. They have the power of peace. This peace allows healing to take place in times when no one else can.

The veterans stood tall at Standing Rock and are true American heros. Wado and blessings to them all and to all the Water Protectors on the front lines of battle and everywhere in between. All my Relations, Magpie Waters


12-28-16 ~ Jason L.George… I need to speak, and I wish to be heard. I am Jason L.George, a proud and patriotic son of our nation (Colville confederated tribes). I am in standing rock North Dakota and am resident of oceti ohyahteh ,the northern most and front line camp. I’ve come here to represent our 12 tribes with nothing in my pockets, but with good will, and honor in my heart. I have become known and well thought of as High hat a person to seek out if you need help of any kind. A warrior who will hold shield position and not abandon those behind him.Even after being wounded, gassed and frozen I have kept my shield high and strong. I wish to represent and honor my nation as best and as long as I’ve the strength and life to do so. I am not a person who readily requests help from another. But I am here now to beseech any who may be inclined to, and in a position to help. I have repeatedly requested that flag of our tribe to be sent to me, so that I might fly our colors high and proud above my lodges. So that all who seek my assistance or counsel might have our beautiful star to guide them to my lodge flap, and any of our tribal relation who may travel to this distant land may find a piece of home to welcome them in. I’ve been informed by our counsel that as an individual I cannot represent us in such a fashion. I am not requesting financial backing,nor am I not asking for a counsel seat. I just want the world to see that we are here to be counted among those who choose life over wealth for us and our loved ones living and yet to be born.If anyone of you has access to our (Colville) flag and can find it in your heart to give,loan or sell said article to me. I would truly be appreciative to you and yours eternally. The postal workers in cannonball have been forthright and honorable in making sure supplies sent to them for us be delivered without incident or circumstance barring their path. So an acceptable address for me would be. Jason George (High hat) c/o Oceti ohyahteh camp,general delivery,Cannonball ND 58528
Thank you (Lim lint) ….


12-28-16 ~ Youth walking over 400 miles from Saskatchewan to the #NoDAPL frontline camps!


12-28-16 Casey Eugene Leydon… (i am very tired but I have to give you this message to listen too and to share.)
My coughing never really went away…though it has been growing since the Night of November 20 that I was struck by a rocket on the Hwy I806 backwater bridge …

I returned to Florida December 4 but my cough stayed with me…and grew.

Tuesday I began having an asthma attack that I had been building for days… feeling was building into a death for me…. It became so intense it took my breath and nearly my life… My roommate and dear friend Carol R. Brown Lmt saved my life.
She called the ambulance..she coached the EMTS on the medical procedure I had to have to save my life…She held my hand the entire time…she looked into my eyes and kept me calm…kept me from panicking and pushing my life over the edge of no return…I made the long ride from the woods to Florida memorial hospital in Flagler…because EMT named Roy held my hand and looked me in the eyes and talked me thru each painful inhale and exhale….I have been here a few days …totally exhausted from the pushing air in and out…breathing is exhausting….the STERIODS lines are fighting the fluids in my lungs… Medications fight the side effects of the STERIODS and fight my panic and anxiety attacks from struggling to breath..other medications are fighting the pneumonia…and hourly breathing machine with meds to fight asthma…it seems the tear gas rocket that hit my chest on the bridge emptied a lot of acid powder in to the air I breathed and I got a lot of powder deep in my lungs…I still smell the acid when I cough…the result is That i will stay here under extra care and medicine while my body finishes coughing and removing all the tear gas powder.

I am hurting and tired but I am in a loving hospital..the group of caregiver’s all know about #NoDAPL and the Water Protectors and the Lakota and the treaty rights and the bridge on November 20th…they knew before I got here…they send there love to all on the frontline…they treat me with honor and respect and love because of you.
The Water Protectors…

They say they promise to heal me …to tell the frontline that they will heal this warrior….because they love the Frontline…
How beautiful is that.

Here in Florida a group of healthcare givers are all knowing and supporting the frontline…
Creator sometimes shouts ….but sometimes also will whisper us to us in our hospital bed a thousand miles a from the backwater bridge on Hwy 1806….”get up my faithful healing warrior…you are winning…do not lay down for long…you are winning.. Get up …rise up…

Can you hear your sisters and brothers?
the Liberators are calling your name.”
I will not lay down for long.
I have heard my brothers and sisters.
I will return.
We will let the world hear us.
Get up.
Rise Up.
The liberators are calling you name.


12-27-16 ~ Olowaan Plain… 15-20 with shields, 6-8 armored vehicles, bunch of vans, sound cannon and water cannons rolled out AGAIN this time around Turtle Island sacred site and Heyoka Camp. Nothing has changed. We are still here protecting ourselves against imperialism and ecocide.

Earlier we went to the bridge and prayed, took a few pictures. Concrete barriers and razor wire are still up, vehicles were moved days ago, bridge inspection will take “thirty days”…A gun was pulled on us by DAPL mercenaries stated that if we touched the barbed wire we would be shot. People tried speaking to them reasonably. When I told them the pollution from these oil spills invades my womb and breast milk for the next seven thousand generations they walked back to their cars…we will post video later. We went up on the bridge again later praying with the drum, got on our knees and prayed. Some people, unarmed as always, walked off into the field not far from the bridge and were shot with rubber bullets by cops.

Unfortunately 4 scouting from Sacred Stone were arrested, but this was unrelated to our group.

I didn’t go on Turtle Island. Prayers have been laid there. I told the feds to get off the gravesites and sacred site.


12-27-16 ~ North Dakota law enforcement stalked a group of people who were praying along the Cannonball River and began arresting them. Not sure what the charges are at this point or if police can legally arrest people simply for gathering near the river on Army Corps land. This seems more like an infringement on religious rights than anything else.

Find out how much water you should be drinking per day


12-27-16 ~ Native Blood… One of the earliest photos showing a Native American with a wolf – unlike the myths created about wolves by settlers, Native Americans maintained a close and respectful relationship with wolves.


12-27-16 ~ Jon Eagle Sr… Dakota 38 Wokiksuye Riders completed their commitments today. A 330 mile prayer on horseback that brought healing and reconciliation across the land as they came. Today we remembered the 38 Dakota who were sentenced to be hung by President Abraham Lincoln in what came to be known as the largest mass execution in US history.

Yesterday it rained as they rode into Land of Memories Park. We knew it was a blessing when the Wakinyan showed themselves. Today when the ceremony was done many of the riders and people in the crowd remembered Standing Rock and the Water Protectors and yelled,”Mni Wiconi!”


12-27-16 ~ This is an image of history made just today. These burnt trucks were removed from the now famous Highway 1806 blockade. This life-threatening war crime by Morton County is finally being stopped and dismantled. It is a war crime against all people of this region of North Dakota, including the Protectors, according to Article 24 of the Geneva Convention. This war crime is ending just now, after two months, and it is the People who are ending it. That is why this picture means so much.

“Please keep the Protectors in your prayers tonight. The action taken today on Highway 1806 was by the People. That means that Morton County may act in retaliation soon (illegally). The Protectors are talking about DAPL security moving certain equipment in this live video from earlier this evening ( We still need confirmation that the entire blockade on Highway 1806 will be cleared, but at least the contentious burnt trucks do seem to have been cleared. But again, they were cleared by the People, and Morton County is scary in its disrespect and brutalization of the People. The giant concrete blocks still need to go, and that is a lot to do in a blizzard with Morton County against you. It may take days to finish removing all of the blockade, and I am not sure of the


12-27-16 ~ HolyElk Lafferty… The Sami were teaching how to make shoes today.

12-26-16 ~ Digital Smoke Signals… If DAPL cannot ask for forgiveness for the desecration of “Sacred Lands”, if the Governor & Morton County police department of North Dakota cannot humble themselves and ask for forgiveness for human rights and civil rights violations of unarmed peaceful water protectors……then we will have to demonstrate and role model the power of unity and good teachings,

“We will have to pray for them”
Myron Dewey
Digital Smoke Signals



12-26-16 ~ Luca Majno… The Day After Christmas ~ 1862 ~ THEN and TODAY ~


12-26-16 ~ Beautiful things can happen when we stand firm in our faith, keep love and compassion in our hearts and see everyone as our sisters and brothers, and speak the truth openly. Here is an inspiring story from water protector Salix Roots, who broke the ice with some National Guardsmen at a hotel in Bismarck when they were socked in together by the blizzard.

I had breakfast downstairs this morning in a hotel in Bismarck, ND, where I await for the next possible flight back to Santa Fe. A blizzard rolled in, cancelling all potential flights I was booked for. I’ll be heading to the airport as soon as the roads are clear enough so I can be on standby for the next available flight. In the meantime, find me snowed in at the Expressway Suites and processing the experience that I’ve had this past week at Standing Rock. I can’t quite articulate just what it means yet, but soon I will take a gander.

In the meantime, at breakfast today, I sat next to three National Guard Military members who have been going back and forth between Standing Rock and Bismarck. We are all stuck here in this hotel together.

There they were, those mysterious people stationed up on that hill with those bright, blinding lights casting down on the peaceful Water Protectors 24/7. I wanted to engage. I had seen them wandering around the hotel and wanted to interview them and hear their story but naturally, they were guarded and didn’t even want to tell me their names. So, I told them mine, and I shared my story with them.

I told them about my experience at Standing Rock, and how we’ve been praying for them to listen to what we are trying to say. Praying for them to come around. Praying in Sweat Lodges, praying in meetings, praying quietly to ourselves as we drift off to sleep each night. I quickly started to cry, tears dripping like jewels from the reservoir of anguish that I’ve been carrying. They looked at me when I spoke. They nodded in empathy. They listened. I did not feel any slither of judgment from these militarized men who are just doing their best to live their lives the way that they know how.

I told them how badly we want reconciliation, constructive dialogue, environmental protection for future generations, indigenous sovereignty, and the honoring of treaties. They didn’t argue with any of it. They just heard me and held that space.

They’re guard dissolved right before my very eyes. I felt their humanity. I maintained my vulnerability. Soon we were laughing together. I sensed they understood the futility of perpetuating continued violence towards native peoples and all who are out there, doing their best to protect what matters most to them. We are all just doing our best, after all.

We have been indoctrinated into a system that none of us is to blame for, but each of us is responsible for transforming when injustice is present and we become aware and compassionate enough to do something about it. Sometimes that can be a simple, honest dialogue with the perceived enemy where you can transmute the illusory differences that keep you separate. Sometimes it’s realizing that the enemy is really just another reflection of you.

If there’s anything that I learned from my week at Standing Rock, its that help will come because people are desiring a new way to listen. Some new kind of energy is moving through our bloodstreams, we are dropping our guards, realizing the enormous task of healing that is underway and how we each have a part to play in this, no matter which tribe you belong to or which hill you stand on. We have what it takes to do so much better. We have what it takes to respect one another, and listen to more stories then the ones that we keep telling ourselves.

Photo taken by Macon Verteskjall at Standing Rock. I’m sitting in the snow here with The National Guard // DAPL lights off in the distance. I wish I could have walked right up that hill and said to them what I said to the men I had breakfast with today, but for now…baby steps, baby steps, baby steps…may we learn how to crawl, stand, and walk together, united, all in due time.


12-26-16 ~ LRInspire… Dakota 38 + 2 wokiksuye, remembering the 38 Dakotas who were hung on this day in Mankato, Minnesota the largest mass execution in US colonial history. painting by Patrick Campbell

On December 26th 1862, the United States Army hanged 38 Dakota warriors in Makato, Minnesota. It was, and remains, the largest mass execution in American colonial history. Two Dakota warriors who had escaped into Canada were eventually captured, returned to the United States, and hanged at Fort Snelling in 1865. #NeverForget


12-25-16 ~ Olowaan Plain… I have never experienced thunder snow until today…

12-25-16 ~ Olowaan Plain… I have never experienced thunder snow until today…

12-25-16 ~ LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, Lakota Sioux – Founder, Sacred Stone Camp… Love Blessings & Prayers To LaDonna Brave Bull Allard

“Water is life. Water is the center of everything. Water is female. As females, we must stand up for the water. We have no choice. Without water, we all die. It’s common sense to me. We must save the water.”


12-24-16 ~ Dakota Spirit Riders traveling through a snow storm today. We are strong & resilient.
The pipeline has not been stopped, just rerouted. This fight is far from over. Comment “YES I STAND ” if you stand in solidarity with Standing Rock and all indigenous Native American nations in this fight to stop the DAPL


12-24-16 ~ Greg Grey Cloud… “Today a veterinarian in New Salem, North Dakota refused to help out with a sick horse from Standing Rock based on political beliefs. He claimed that “if it became known that we were helping the horses associated with Standing Rock we might lose clients because our clients have strong feelings about what is happening down there.”

“Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.”

(New Salem Veterinary Clinic in Almont, ND) The Vets number who refused service ! The number is (701)843-8020 let’s all put the pressure on!!!!

Video link here

Shannon Griffis • File a complaint. Below includes licensure information of owner of vet clinic, links to complaint forms and cites administrative and legislative violations he committed by refusing care to the horses.

License Number: 1211
Name: Chad Jason Wild
License Type: veterinarian
Under Disciplinary Action? No
Initial Licensure Date: 06/12/2006
Expiration Date: 06/30/2017
City: New Salem
State: ND

Administrative code 43-29-14. Refusal, suspension, and revocation of license and certificate –
d. Immoral, unprofessional, or dishonorable conduct manifestly disqualifying the licensee from practicing veterinary medicine. (refusing care)

87-05-02-01 Unprofessional conduct. Unprofessional conduct manifestly disqualifying a licensee from practicing veterinary medicine includes:
2. Engaging in conduct likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public or demonstrating a willful or careless disregard for the health, welfare or safety of a patient, in which case, proof of actual injury need not be established. (careless disregard for patients by refusing to treat)
11. Engaging in conduct which willingly and knowingly leads to the spread of contagious disease from one herd or animal or another. (if illness is contagious)


12-24-16 ~ Redhawk… We are currently preparing for anywhere from 9″ to 2 feet of snow tomorrow. The camp is ready, and we are all in celebration of Christmas and the coming holidays despite the storm. I want to take a moment and say thank you to everyone that has shown love, sent smoke, shared prayers, and offered donations for everyone at camp. I can only speak for myself, but I know everyone here at camp is very grateful for your solidarity and the outpouring of love. We will defeat this pipeline, but none of this would have been possible without the world standing together in support. From my heart to yours, thank you.
To my little sister, Renee. I love you, and i’ll see you soon. Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays from Standing Rock Rising.


‎12-24-16 ~ Aaron Dorn‎… Anyone know an attorney who could look at my case and offer some advice. I will fire my public pretender and represent myself if he doesn’t file motions to discharge all false charges laid against me and/or file for a change of venue. I am facing two felonies and a misdemeanor which are all bogus, obviously. The prosecutors are trying to steal my truck as a forfeiture and have had possession of my driver’s license, passport, all my cash and credit cards as well as my truck since thanksgiving. They deny they have my phone. My public pretender has gotten a court order for them to release and gave me the court order but when I went to the Morton county sheriffs to have them release my property, they refused, even called the prosecutor who signed it and she refused. BTW, my public pretender’s office is located two blocks away from the courthouse which makes me feel very uncomfortable putting my life in his hands, if you know what I mean. i will include every video and court docs i have in this message. I was arrested and beaten by Morton county sheriff’s department for passing a patrol car on the way to the Thanksgiving Day action in Mandan. I arrived at rosebud camp about a week before Thanksgiving and made daily supply runs for the medics and construction crews. I am sure this is why the police targeted me and stole my truck. Every time I went in these supply runs I was followed by patrol vehicles and unmarked police vehicles. Medical and construction supplies are still in my truck. I was on the bridge the night the DAPL funded police/military force use lethal force against us. I was teargased, shot with less-lethal rounds and drenched with water in freezing temperatures. I was an infantryman in the NY National Guard and none of my training compared to that night. Except the teargas. I have witnessed firsthand and been a victim of police abuse, lies and the misuse of our justice system all for exercising my right to peaceably assemble on public land. On Monday morning (12/19) as we were praying at the courthouse I had a Morton County Sherriff shove me off the sidewalk from behind. One of the legal team saw this and asked for the officer’s name and badge number. He gave his badge number but when he noticed I was standing behind the legal aid worker he said he will refuse to give his name and walked away. Had bit of a guilty conscious.


Some of you seem to think I personally profited from the Veterans Stand deployment to Standing Rock. This is patently untrue. No money from the GoFundMe page has passed through my hands or will pass through my hands as I have never had access to the funds and was told repeatedly that I had no say or control over how the funds were spent as Veterans Stand was not an official NGO at the time nor do I hold any title or authority in the organization. This operation was simply a call out to see who would come and stand in support of our Constitution and the protection of both our environment and the indigenous peoples within the borders of the United States who we have horribly mistreated throughout our history and whose mistreatment continues to the present day.

To those hating me for apologizing to the Lakota – I don’t care what prideful haters think so feel free to keep despising me but understand that you leave a clear digital trail right back to yourself as to what kind of person you are.

To those hating me for “stealing” money, you are repeating falsehoods published by online, unsourced periodicals with no facts. When the money raised has been spent and Michael A Wood jr publishes how the money was spent, the websites which initially spread these lies will either issue a front page apology or be sued out of existence for libel by a competent legal team who will go after the websites, the individual reporters as well as the right wing PR firms that work for the hydrocarbon industries that funded and pushed the libel in the first place (as well as the human rights and Constitutional violations that took place at Standing Rock for months). Be careful what you forward and spread, because despite the facts put forth by myself and Michael A Wood jr, you continually reprint, share lies and therefore are also guilty of libel.

There is such a thing as truth and justice in this world and you’re going to get it whether you like it or not. I suggest you put on your big boy pants and start dealing with reality rather than the phantasm of fear and paranoia orchestrated by our corporate overlords.


12-24-16 ~ Amnesty International writes to the North Dakota Supreme Court
“According to reports, the public defender system in North Dakota is struggling to handle the case load stemming from the more than 500 arrests related to protests of the DAPL. The petition that was submitted to the Court notes that 79 attorneys have been assigned as public defenders for 265 cases, while an additional 264 people are listed without counsel. Furthermore, it is reported that private attorneys in the state either cannot or will not be able to fill the needs of those seeking representation. Other public defenders within the state of North Dakota may be limited from taking on more of these cases due to the conspiracy charges that were filed in several of these cases.”

“Not only would this violate international standards on the right to a fair trial, but it could also be construed as being unconstitutional.

Everyone deprived of their liberty or facing a possible criminal charge has the right to the assistance of a lawyer to protect their rights and to help in their defense.”

Click here for the full document: … /Choice_of_lawyer_comments_to_ND…

Courtesy of Amnesty International
Water Protector Legal Collective


12-24-16 ~ Lolly Bee… finally back Home for a week after 4 months at Standing Rock. I coordinated the mental and emotional health for the standing rock medic and healer council. I run the facebook group Standing Rock Stories and kept a vlog on youtube under lollybehealing. I also helped support the wellness room initative at the casino hotel to attend to peoples needs. This was the hardest and most rewarding and meaningful job I ever had.

I had no idea what was in store when I set out on a roadtrip west the first week of August just after my birthday. I am so grateful that Spirit guided me to become a water protector in north dakota. I feel like I was waiting for this my whole life. I have barely begun to process the myriad experiences from swelling pride during prayer marches to crisis management in the face of violent trauma.

The people I met will stay connected to my heart forever and I look forward to crossing paths many times as we continue this stand to defend the sacred earth we live on. I grew up in so many ways and proved myself more capable that I could have imagined. I did so much every single day to get done what needed to be done and kept on going despite exhaustion and stress. I feel like my years of travel and running my own businesses as well as my experience working with trauma prepared me well for this role. The hugs and gifts and deep friendships kept me going. The prayers were felt and the global support carried all of us in this historic movement. I am amazed at the ripple effect that the camp had on millions of people. I offer the utmost honor to the indigenous people and appreciate the wisdom and strength that made this movement peaceful, prayerful and powerful.

I know that we have what it takes to change the way humans relate to our planet and remember how to live in harmony with her. It does not mean everyone has to go live outside in a camp, but it means that you are responsible for the decisions you make every day and how it affects this land and water we depend on. It is up to each of us within ourselves and then to come together.

I am so grateful for everyone who supported my journey and I will continue sharing updates and reflections to the group.
thank you


12-24-16 ~ Olowaan Plain… I am so happy to spend my holidays helping to unpack and deliver all the beautiful care packages sent to the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council. The healers and medics are in camp and ready to help anyone needing healing of any kind. Sending everyone my love and hopes for a beautiful and peaceful holiday. We are expecting lots of Christmas snow so I am sure it will be beautiful.

Packages for the Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council can be sent to 220 E Rosser Ave, #1251, Bismarck, ND 58502

UPDATE: Delivering supplies and donations at camp today preparing for the blizzard, the snow is starting to fall and it is very very cold..everyone is hunkering down for the night and luckily we got everything delivered before it got is a beautiful Christmas Eve.


12-24-16 ~ Josué Rivas Fotographer… Every morning at sunrise a singer would wake up everyone at the camp. He sang songs of freedom in Lakota. Sometimes there would be actions every morning, people would gather at the South Gate and jump in their vehicles not knowing where we would go. Spirit was leading. I took this photo in one of those mornings. I was sitting in one of the cars, I raised the camera in my hand and took the shot without looking through the viewfinder. When I was selecting my images for the day I saw something on this one even though it was underexposed. I raised the exposure in post and this come out. #nodapl #followyourlight #standingstrongseries


12-23-16 ~ “There’s trees up, there’s decorations up, I hear singing here and there,” he said. “I hear a lot of different traditions with different people around the world not just native people. I know there’s some Celtic celebration. I know of some Kwanzaa celebrations that have happened, so you know, there’s a lot of good things to celebrate.” #NoDAPL Continue Reading


12-24-16 ~ Prairie Knights Casino and Resort… Ready to eat and enjoy each other’s company
Wopila! To the many churches and many folks from across US have all made this happen
Keep praying


12-24-16 ~ Jennifer Mahoney‎… I just watched a video in which my Ron’s drone was stolen out of his truck by Morton county police officers. Yes stolen.

A simple thought as to any further actions or filming of yourself as media or interviewing protectors… I do believe it may be time to protect something else right now

Your identities! Time to mix things up. They now know who all the players are on your side. You are all getting railroaded. This is not about the law. There is no law. Meaning no list of rules and regulations that they have to abide by.

It is very limited as to how to counter attack the injustices perpetuated by the terroristic gustapo of the establishment…

This is really getting out of hand.

Disguise…Get some new reporters on the scene.. Do not ever go out alone in a vehicle or be caught out on the road by yourself in the middle of nowhere.. Mix things up. A lot! Stop giving them information as to what you are doing and what your names are…

Two vehicles…4 people at all times.. Find a lawyer you can call in a moment’s notice when you are pulled over.. You put that person on speaker phone. That was truly sickening.

Btw the buzz outside of the circle to do with questionable practices with the funds everyone is accruing is huge.. Larger than you know I think. You need to somehow address that before it gets out of control. Better to be transparent financially right now. I am sure some are aware. It is great you are showing that funds are going towards food etc. That is perfect as far as public relations. Okay..

I am but one, you are many. Protect each other out there.

Keep a close eye on the family.. do believe that all of this may result in some very negative actions being portrayed but coming from a mind that is confused, scared and angry. Mental health.

Love you all. I stand. As I sit and type and share and recruit and converse and get incensed with anger and disbelief at how absolutely wrong this is.


12-23-16 ~ Mary Crow Dog Lakota Woman… “The Stars and Stripes hanging upside down used to be an international signal of distress. It was also the American Indian’s sign of distress. (58)

Every star in this flag represented a state stolen from Indians.


12-23-16 ~ Kanahus Manuel… Immovable, rooted, devoted


12-23-16 ~ Red clouds! The horse that returned from capture, is now on the Dakota 38+2 ride! #Dakota38 #NoDAPL #HorseNation


12-23-16 ~ Dallas Goldtooth… Damn. Someone stole my friend Joye Braun’s tipi in #OcetiSakowin camp! While it was erected AND with peoples stuff in it! What the eff.

She went home to Cheyenne River to see her fam for a few days and came back to no tipi! That’s cold blooded.

Just so you know: This was the FIRST tipi of the entire #NODAPL camps to have gone up. Back in April 2016, at Sacred Stone Camp, this was the first lodge. It was also the first lodge to go up at the north Treaty Camp. It was moved the day before the police swept that camp. It’s truly historic.


12-23-16 ~ Chief Arvol Looking Horse… giving his support to the horse rides #Dakota38#BigFoot #HorseNation
Big foot ride few days ago… (Now on Mankato Ride)


12-23-16 ~ Lee Sprague… Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Michigan Canoe Cold Water Rescue Team in Standing Rock, North Dakota. Lots of Love and Support from all of you in Michigan, California, Colorado, New Mexico, North America and the World help us stay ready!
Please Share this post!

Our Coldwater Rescue team drills. We devoloped a mass hypothermia warming tent. We practice setting up in winter conditions on the banks of the Missouri River, Lake Oahe.

Please consider a donation this Holiday Season to our Rescue Team. Cluck on the link beloe to read more.
You can also send mail and packages to:
Lee Sprague
PO Box 93
Mobridge, SD 57601

We have Rescue and Trraining drills on thin ice, and open water, Drills in the dark.

Our experiences includes helping hundreds of people avoid hypothermia, pulling dozens of people struggling in the cold water, and delivering medical supplies and relief to Standing Rock residents and security personnel. We clear snow drifts from river shores, for other watercraft, and respond 24/7 to calls which the Morton County Sheriff will not answer, or respond to.

We understand the Morton County Sheriff is also joining us for drills on safety and rescue, to protect us?

I pray they join us in helping our peoples hurt by the Sherriff’s water cannons, rubber shotgun slugs and bean bags, tear gas, flashbang grenades, and Long Range Acoustical Device (LRAD).

We can help train the Morton County Sheriff’s department on these rescue methods, we have experience. I might apply for a Homeland Security Grant to assist them in cold water rescue.


12-22-16 ~ Holly Livengood… Whoever this young man is, he took a water cannon blast full in the face to cover the people behind him. I mean he ran up on purpose and steped in front of them with this water poncho on. So they aimed it right in his face. When it hit, he rocked back, forced himsef upright, and faced them full on, and raised his hands in prayer, not a fist. They kept it going, so he flashed a peace sign. I painted this from watching a live stream video, and the affect from the steam, and the water, just made him look more majestic. Like the water was apologising for being used like this, to hit him, so in return, she held him and made him look beautiful. This is truly manifesting the love of God in this world. Happy Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas.


12-22-16 ~ Feather Sherman… Winter Solstice at Standing Rock was warmed by the generous donation of hundreds of pounds of organic food for all the Water Protectors, delivered this morning from Organic Valley, Wisconsin. Our deepest appreciation and gratitude to all the folks at OV, now the largest cooperative in the World, with over 300 family farms. A big shout out and special thanks to George Siemon and the Board for recognizing the humanitarian, indigenous rights and environmental need to protect the Sacred Water of the Missouri River by sending steady shipments since last summer!

12-21-16 ~ Prolific TheRapper… Now that I’m driving home alone the severity of what I’m facing is hitting me.

Just driving in silence thinking about what might happen.

7 years is a long time. $19,000 max fines for something I didn’t do.

I have to start thinking about my kids, because there’s a very real possibility that I won’t be there for a huge part of their childhood to take care of them.

7 years is a long time, but to a small child 7 years is huge. 7 years to a child can feel like 30. I would never wish what I’m facing on anyone, not even on the officer who’s lies put me in this situation.

Getting a fair jury in Morton County is probably going to be impossible. The local news has done such a good job misinforming North Dakota residents, that they have turned its citizens harshly against us, the water protectors. Thats ironic because we are trying to protect North Dakota’s clean water for ALL of its citizens.

We don’t want the world to end up like Flint Michigan or Corpus Christi Texas.

…The officer who lied about me on the stand wouldn’t make eye contact with me in court. I looked him in the eye, not in an intimidating way or an angry way, but in a curious way. I wanted to look into his soul while he was lying about me and see what it felt like, but he wouldn’t look at me. He would look everywhere at everyone else, but not at me.

He lied under oath about me. Said I recklessly endangered hundreds of people’s lives with my 3 pound drone. Said I tried to fly into a plane. Thats not true.

I’m learning that a courtroom isn’t a place where Justice is easily found. It’s a place where what you can and can’t talk about is restricted. It’s a place where you can’t get to the truth of the matter, because every time you start digging for the truth the prosecutor says “objection, outside of the scope of this hearing” and then the judge says “sustained.”

It’s a place where they play a word game, and usually the team with the most money can hire the best lawyers to win the word game.

If you’re Super Rich you’re probably going to walk free, but if you’re super poor you’re probably going to jail or prison.

Not all of the judges are bad, some are good. Not all police are bad, some are good. Not all white people in North Dakota are racist, but some of them are. And the news has lied to everyone in North Dakota which brought out a lot of prejudice in white North Dakotans.

The police brutality and dirty tactics by DAPL security also increased the prejudice in many water protectors. And all of this was fueled by a corporation’s greed. Dakota Access’s insistence to not do a full E.I.S or address Standing Rocks concerns.

And then it comes back to me. I might have to go to prison for a police officers lies and a corporation’s greed.

The only sense of justice I have in all of this is my belief in God or Creator. Because they can manipulate the laws of man all day, but they can’t manipulate the laws of creator. One day they’re going to have to answer for the harm that they have caused to others.

Despite everything it’s still #NODAPL

I LOVE YOU ALL. My next court date is March 31st, between now and then I’m going to focus on doing the things that make my spirit feel full and happy.


12-21-16 ~ Annalee Newitz … Tonight will be the darkest night of the past 500 years … Thanks to a lunar eclipse on the longest night of the year, tonight we’ll be experiencing the longest, darkest night in a very long time. It’s been nearly 500 years since the last solstice lunar eclipse. Here’s what you’ll see.
NYU science journalism professor John Rennie explains what you’re likely to see in the wee hours of the morning:

1. Faint penumbral dimming of the moon’s disk.
2. Pervasive creeping sensations of unease.
3. Howling of wolves.
4. Unclean things walk the earth; Dick Cheney rises from the grave.
5. Contortion of the zodiac.
6. Intrusion of strange dimensions.
7. Universal gibbering madness.
8. Cthulhu.
9. A glimmer of sanity in the chaos.
10. Restoration of Euclidean geometry.
11. Fungal Mi-go from Yuggoth return captive brains to their rightful owners.
12. Applause, followed by waffles for breakfast.
Continue Reading


12-21-16 ~ Note From LaDonna. Thank you!
“Hihanna waste today marks the shortest day of the year, I want to wish everyone a Happy Solstice remember to pray for the water today as we began winter. We came to Stand for the water, we remain to stand for the water, but we also came to stand for ourselves to make better lives for our people. In the world every thing is about respect we must respect the water and our earth we stand on. We must respect the winter, the wind and the cold because even in the winter there is beauty all around us. As our beautiful rivers freezes over and becomes our walkways and roads we have access to place that are cutoff in the summer. We can share the beauty around us. I love winter time but you must be prepared for it and have your supplies ready. In the winter time we can share stories, culture, history and families, everyone can start projects to complete sewing, beading, quilts, and cooking. I believe everyone should have a good pot of soup on everyday to feed the people. I remember in grandma Alice house the smell of the wood stove burning, and a big pot of soup on and she made the best bread pudding. I did not know that I would treasure those memories each day and thankful for living on the Cannon Ball River. Please on this day lay some tobacco down and give thanks for our lives, our people and the water. We have only just begun to stand together for a better world. Sending prayer to all of you who are my heart, for everyone who stand for the water is my relative and i am honored by you. STOP DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE.”


12-21-16 ~ Crystal Houser… The wind is threatening to dismantle the shelter. Very uneasy morning. Taking precautions. Letting the fire die down, propane bottles nearest the exit, dressed well in case we need to evacuate. Shelter has been holding strong for hours, just uneasy. The flags on flag road sure are whipping beautifully in the wind though.



12-21-16 ~ Indigenous Life Movement… We the people have been led to believe that mining, drilling, fracking, pipelines, offshore drilling and refineries were safe and our only option as means for our survival.

We are here to inform you otherwise.

It’s time we the nation begin the transitions towards renewable clean energy.

Doing this will help protect future generations from contaminated water, land and air.

Flint Michigans citizens of women, men, children and elders are enduring lead poisoning by the hand of their State, County and city elected officials who abused their position and allowed the events to occur that poisoned their water supply.

This is what is to come of our beautiful country if we continue to allow governments elected officials to allow careless and deadly companies to continue destroying our beautiful land below the surface to the skies.

These companies are endangering our lives and the lives of our children and elders.

It is time we take action in awakening our country’s elected and elite in order to prevent events as in Flint Michigan, North Dakota, Arizona, Florida, Utah, Nevada, California and many more.

It’s time for the people to unite and protect our beautiful Mother Earth.


12-20-16 ~ John Bravebull… It’s this kind of fear mongering that shows the true character of our opposition.

Before I say this next part, please know I’m not against police officers. Police officers that do their job with in the limit of the law and constitution, that is. With that being said:

The whole point of us fighting this bullshit pipe line is to protect children. Some of us haven’t seen our children in months. Some of us have missed milestones that we can’t get back and for you to blame us for your actions is unjustified and down right ugly. Denying Children something they may not have in their lives and then use it as publicity against a peaceful prayerful movement literally makes you look like the biggest dicks in the state. More so than shooting un armed people Standing on a public highway, some of which were under 18 and defined as children. (The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.) Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Take the kids shopping and stop letting your guilt turn to irrational fear. Just because you sunk to levels below human decency, don’t assume we will. Not just you Kirchmeier, but all of you who think we are out here to hurt children need Jesus or whatever you believe in, back in your lives.

If you’re local in Mandan or Bismark take a gift to the sherrifs department for these kids who are missing out cause this really is a poor ass excuse not to continue this program.


12-19-16 ~ Ahva Lenay … Today 11 of our Water Protectors went to their hearing in Morton County, at the Mandan Courthouse. It looks like the hearing is rescheduled for January best as I can make out… The judge needs more time.
Let’s keep our prayers strong and unwaivering. Thank you Water Protectors one and all! Your sacrifice is witnessed, acknowledged and carried with such deep gratitude from countless numbers of souls who feel deeply the courage, resolve and selflessness of your actions on behalf of us all! On behalf of our Earth Mama! Tobacco is going down, sage is being lit…. prayers are going uP, and …. may grace restore the balance, our faith in humanity and may the actions of your heart ripple out far and wide and spread the bravery and the resolve to speak out where there is danger to our people, our Earth, and our future. May justice reign. Thank you Kelli Love, Donald Strickland, Jordan Walker, Shailene Woodley, and those who’s names I don’t know but who’s faces and actions will forever be remembered and felt… know you’re making a difference for us all!


12-18-16 ~ Victory Lonnquist …Thinking and praying tonight for the Dakota 38+2 and Bigfoot riders who have begun their journey. Riding over 150+ miles through freezing conditions in memory of the people massacred. Deep respect and honor to you.


12-11-16 ~ Lolly Bee… Standing Rock has changed the world, it has awakened an aspect of our spirits that has been dampered for a long time in the collective consciousness. It has rekindled our connection to the earth and nature as a divine part of our world. It has brought us out of our complacency and reminded the people of our capacity. Standing rock has helped many to acknowledge not only the history of our ancestors but brought our awareness to the long term future of the next seven generations. Our culture has become distracted by immediate comforts and short term greed. Living outside in the elements has helped us to build more of an intimacy with the planet we rely on. Standing our ground in the face of the government and corporations which are on a destructive path has reinforced our conviction that we have to be the change we want to see. We have to step out of our comfort zone if we want to make things different, it requires action and sacrifice. We hve come together across so many lines of division for that which is common to us all, our survival and need for water and the earth. This union of all people in the face of powers that appear to have impunity helps us to fortify our ability to cause consequences to seemingly invincible forces. We pray that all people awaken and understand that the choice is up to us and that profit is not the most valuable resource. The connections made here and lessons learned have inspired millions and we will continue working for this cause beyond north dakota. We realize that the time is now and the people are us, for that is what changes the course of history.



We are in a situation right now where we need media on our situation in order for the world to know what’s going on. The judge has so far approved every motion granted by the States attorney and has denied every one of our motions.

Right now, the states attorney, same guy who tried to charge Amy Goodman with terrorism for covering the story of Standing Rock, is asking the court to disallow all of our video and evidence that would prove our innocence and uphold our constitutional right to express under our first amendment, while simultaneously submitted false lies against us.

Please share!!!! We would love to have an interview with Amy Goodman so that the public can know what’s going on. What happens in our cases will affect the rest of the cases behind us. We need a really good legal advice and media to support us.

Please stand with us and help! Share and keep us in your prayers!


12-16-16 ~ Bixi Nibe… My day in pics…these are the governments of the UN meeting with indigenous representatives and One “Navajo Ambassador”. I … was sooo happy he introduced himself as Ambassador. Power to our peoples!! Water is Life, Indigenous at the UN. We Stand.

12-15-16 ~ Magpie Waters Productions… Didn’t they see the “No Trespassing” signs all over the West? It was their manifest destiny to tame the wilderness, to make canals out of rivers and streams. To bring different plants, animals, and ways to the West. A West that was great but the greed of railroad companies, timber barons, fur trade companies, and miners and pioneers decimated the once Great West. Teddy Roosevelt and other influential politicians and people set aside lands to be preserved to save what was left. Today in Standing Rock the Warriors of the Rainbow fight to protect the water of millions of people now. They are also fighting for their ancestors then. Validating their ways, their strength and their sacrifice for now. They fight for the future too, bless them, pray for them because the fight is still on because greed will not stop, it cannot be satisfied, but it can be beat with unity in purpose.




12-14-16 ~ UPDATE Greg Grey Cloud… Today my little brothers are in between Howard and Madison South Dakota. One horse has had a minor laceration to a rear leg. He now is being trailered and cared for properly. Nothing to worry about. Dakota 38 memorial ride is being led by the courageous Spirit Riders who also ride with the water protectors message! A number of photos for you to share and love. Phot credit by: Omri #Dakota38 #SpiritRiders #NoDAPL … Here are the Dakota 38 riders aka the spirit riders! They’ve made it to Howard SD! Only 13 more days and 260sum miles to go! Be proud of these young men, be very proud! The pride of crow creek! Still carrying the water protectors message as well as honoring our ancestors!


12-14-16 ~ Some were quoted as saying it was the first time they truly felt as though they were serving and protecting their country. One speech was made by a native veteran, who at one point said “The difference between a soldier and a warrior is that a soldier takes orders–a warrior does what’s right.”

Thankful for the veterans who came, those that have been here since the beginning, those who have stayed, and those who will come.


12-14-16… The Doctrine of Discovery was denounced and burned up on Standing Rock by Church Representatives & our relatives today! The Doctrine of Discovery is a major cause of our grandparents getting their hair cut off, beaten for speaking our language….this was a major reason why millions of our ancestors were killed around the world.

I believe the clergymen recognized that this also is a big reason our treaties were not honored, this is why Dakota Access Pipeline and Morton County, North Dakota have disregard our rights and removed our protectors…the reason why they terrorize our protectors for Standing Together peacefully and unarmed.

This is long overdue, but the strength and prayers for Standing Rock has awakend the true human spirit and has given courage to those who let the rich control them. There are good people in this world in all races and walks of life. The unity and prayers have united us to start taking the steps to make ammendments and work together!


12-14-16 ~…. Emmett ~ Ate… He drove himself to and from Standing Rock, 1 or 2 times a week, he was at home at camp, you could always find him by the fire, coffee in hand, visiting. This is during the announcement by Dave Archambault of the easement denial. And dad will continue going.

12-14-16 ~ Crystal Houser… I have a bit of a heavy heart today. My brother is about to enter into a dark period of his life and I will not be home to support him. I know my mother and sister miss me and worry about me daily and I just walked away from a job with one of the greatest bosses ever so I can stay here at Standing Rock. I am confident I am making the right decision, but guilt is weighing on me for sure.
To my family back home, thank you so much for your blessings and know I love you and think about you everyday. You give me the strength to stand and inspire me daily to fight for what is right. I’d be lost without you.


12-14-16 ~ Sophia Wilansky… Update: This is what my arm looks like as of Tuesday 12/13/16, 22 days after law enforcement on highway 1806 hit it with a grenade which exploded on contact, and 3 days after I was finally discharged from the hospital. The black rods are an external fixator (ex-fix) which is screwed into my bones to hold them in place; the bone is fractured and a piece is missing. I lost both arteries in my arm and one was replaced with a vein taken from my left leg; I am about to stop taking blood thinner shots but I will have to take aspirin for the rest of my life because a blood clot in the vein-turned-artery would make me lose the arm. Next, my arm was stuffed with a large piece of my lat muscle; I still have a device draining fluids from inside my back where the muscle was taken from. Finally, my arm was covered with a large skin graft taken from my right thigh. All of this skin will take at least a year to look relatively normal. In the bottom left corner of this photo you can see the bullet wound from where I was shot right before I was hit with the grenade.


12-13-16 ~ Vonda Eagle Horse, Oglala Lakota Sioux… “This is where I, Vonda Eagle Horse, Walks First Woman, Wounded Knee Descendant, American Indian Movement. I say, apologize for killing my grandpa James High Hawk, and remove those 22 medals of honor for killing all of our people down at Wounded Knee. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You should be ashamed of yourselves. There are rules in combat, and you never apologized for that. Who does that? Kind of like what we went through over here, tanks against tarps. I mean a whole million dollar fight against forty, fifty dollar donated tarps. That’s okay, because out of faith and fear, faith will always win. And you know, you need to apologize and stop making a spectacle of yourselves. The world is watching. The world knows. All these injustices and atrocities have now come to an end. We are now in a very holy moment. Remove those 22 Medals of Honor, please.

We forgave that, my dad, my children, we forgave that. We see this Wounded Knee Memorial Ride every year, and I’m honored to see our family and our people persevere through those elements and conditions. Yet, some of us have laid that to rest, and we’ve never gotten an apology, but we’ve laid that to rest. Our people will continue to do the Big Foot Ride until we get an apology for the Wounded Knee Massacre, and you take those 22 Medals of Honor away. Who does that? This was so precious to the United States government. They use to take the children and just rip them off their cradle boards and just execute them on tree trunks. Who does that? They’re kind of doing the same thing here at Oceti Sakowin, and if I lose my life up here, it’s very very valuable to me to see our people continue to survive…continue to go on.”


12-13-16 ~ Ancient One Returns to Tribes
For more than 20 years, Columbia Basin tribe’s have battled to have the remains of the over 9,000 year old Kennewick Man returned for reburial. Discovered in 1996, Kennewick Man, who is among the oldest and most complete skeletons found, has been subject to great controversy as Tribe’s sought to have the ancestor returned and the science community wanting to conduct studies on the remains. Continue Reading



On Thursday, December 8, Bert Allen “B.A.” Naholowa’a suffered a heart attack. He was outside of the gas station near the Prairie Knights Casino. He was there doing maintenance on his RV. He’d been in the area since roughly November 26th serving as a volunteer medic to water protectors at Oceti Sakowin Camp.

B.A. received first aid, and an ambulance was called to assist him. He was taken to Fort Yates Hospital. He did not recover and passed away that day.

B.A. was Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian), American Irish, and American Chinese. B.A. was a second generation Air Force veteran. B.A. resided in Arizona. He is survived by 4 children, their mother and their partners, 8 grandchildren, 3 sisters and a large extended family.

From B.A.’s family:
“We were regularly in contact with dad while he was volunteering at the camp. He was honored to be there and of service to the camp community. Thanks to all that made his experience a good one. He walked on in a good way. We are sure he is in peace.

The Naholowa’a Ohana is happy to receive visitors for B.A. at a visitation on December 13th from 11 am to 1 pm at Dawise Perry Funeral Home in Mandan, North Dakota. Later his ashes will be taken home to Hawai‘i for further services.”

We express our deepest sympathies to B.A.’s Ohana and want everyone to know that B.A. left a beautiful lasting impression on all who he had contact with. We don’t have words to describe the loss that those of us who had the honor of knowing B.A. are feeling; but we are grateful for the time we did get to spend with him – time well spent caring for the water protectors. We are also grateful that B.A.’s family could come to camp and hold a memorial service today. Those of us who were able to come were very blessed by the songs and ceremony.

We ask everyone to please give the family time and space to heal. We love you all.
We Are The Media….. This elderly man spent his final days as a medic helping campers at Standing Rock! Thank you, Bert Allen “B.A.” Naholowa’a, for giving up your last days to help water protectors and everyone at the camps. His family says he walked along a good path and that campers made his experience a positive one. Be in peace; we are thinking of you and honoring your life today.


12-12-16 ~ Paul Bemore… My fav pic of vets gathering at Standing Rock! This is on the front line. I was amazed by this wheel chair bound protector standing tallest of us all!


‎12-13-16 ~ Fawn Lily‎… The government is lying. SHOCKER. I’m sure you all know. Yes, the fight is still on out here. We are still camping in subzero temperatures, for real. Oceti (now named All Nations), Rosebud, and Sacred Stone Camps all still stand.


Sadly, a large majority of people have abandoned us because they fell for the government’s tricks and think it’s over. “Victory” the media calls it? 46 dapl floodlights shining on camp every night tell us otherwise (check out the picture below).
I’ve been laying low because I realized how deeply intertwined into all this I have become. I was afraid and paranoid. I had to lay low.

I took the past few weeks to learn how to live. Wo Lakota means the way of life, the way of living, and that’s what we came out here to learn. How to sustain yourself and your community. I know I can learn so much more, but I feel ready to get back into my more mentally taxing work again and to continue to keep my tribe at home informed of the raw and honest T R U T H.

In respect of my fellow protectors out here and security culture, I cannot release any more details. Please just know we are still out here and spread the word.

Thank you all for the continuous love and support. I feel it everyday, from all over the world. But we need you all to know that the fight is still on, so you continue to send it our way.

If you want to send us supplies, please send construction material (plywood, nails, screws, insulation, tools, etc) and firewood.
Much love ♥ ♥ ♥


12-12-16 ~ Atsa E’sha Hoferer … Cots, Wood Stoves and & other Winter Gear was delivered today. More to come they said. #1N


11-12-16 ~ Dan Nanamkin… FreeIng cold today! Shared the duc n dive, the story n the relationship as i was told by my relative ottis halfmoon and gary door between the nimipoo and the hunkpapa! Im a representative of the walwama people so here i am! Was blessed by my paluse relative who sang washut in my yurt! I spoke to the youth to be proud of who they are, their way of their culture, language, the way they dress, the teachings of their elders and to learn their history and family! The fire burma bright inside each of you who were here!

12-12-16 ~ ‎Crystal Houser‎… I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting more updates for you all. There is so much to talk about, so much to write, so much to do. It is very difficult keeping a phone charged in the cold, and charging takes three times as long…I haven’t had a full charge since I arrived, reception has been poor during the storms… And again, there is so much to do. Even if there wasn’t, it would be a travesty to be stuck on my phone out here….I want to share with you, but I’m busy living it, really experiencing it.

I can say that morale at Oceti Sakowin feels a little better today with a slight change in the weather and a renewal of the Sacred Fire. The fire drives spiritual morale. My first morning I heard the fire was put out “because our prayers have already been answered”…. To some degree, perhaps many degrees, this is true… But DAPL is still here, Morton County is still at the roadblock, Merc private security presence is no secret… We are still praying, still staying.

I’ve been writing a lot and will share when it is time. I love you all and on behalf of all of us here, I thank you for your continued support.
And we could use more cough medicine, decongestant, expectorant, oregano…. Yes, oregano. Charged pocket chargers for our phones would help us keep in touch better too. Thank you again.



12-5-16 ~ The 8th Fire – Trailer 2 – Native American Documentary


12-11-16 ~ LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard
What will history say about 2016 and North Dakota?
Will it be about Native people standing up together with all their allies bring the nations together to go against a billion dollar corporation?
Will they talk about the civil rights violation of the State of North Dakota and Morton County Sheriff Department that represent the South in the 1960s?
Will they talk about the many brave warriors who were injured and will have life long damage by the police and mercenaries hired by oil company?
Will they talk about how government promoted racism and encouraged people to take arms against native people?
Will they talk about the corruption of the press and the spread of lies in the newspaper and television?
Will they talk about racial profiling allowed in stores and businesses?
Will they talk about asking businesses not sell goods to the people?
Will they talk about refusing emergency services to native people?
Will they talk about the pepper spray, mace, tear gas, rubber bullets, the grenades, the bean bags the water cannons and the physical abuse by the officers on the protectors?
Will they talk about destruction of our ceremonial grounds and burials?
Will they talk about police abuse and the made up charges on people?
Will they talk about their open racial comments among themselves?
Will they talk about the illegal corporation they defend?
Will they talk about being paid by the oil company?
Will they talk about arresting the press and medics?
Will the talk about how they violation their constitution?
Will they talk about how ACLU, Amestry International, United Nations are calling in to record the abuse?
How will North Dakota record this history? I am not worried because we have recorded and we will remember and tell our children and grandchildren how we stood for the water.


12-11-16 ~ Kenny Frost… Morning fellow Defenders ~ Protectors Veterans of our Sacred Water’s

We are in a heat wave of 4 degrees. Yes, I said 4 degrees.

No matter how hard or tough it is outside, we must remember my friends there. There are those out who would love to experience this weather by getting out and just feeling this by walking, stretching or running in this weather.

Never take you life for granted ever. As there are our relatives, relations and friends who just want to feel alive as they trying to heal their bodies including those who are bedridden. We offer prayers for the many in the 4~Directions.

So when your complaining about weather conditions or a bad day. Many would love to trade places.

Our prayers today is the healing energies for our people regardless of who they are. As, they over come this condition Creator.

We also pray for those who lost love ones while fighting for the sacred waters. Help their families with strength, courage and love. They will never be forgotten but always remembered.
Love to you all my dear friends.

=->>>—- Kenny —->
Picture by Kenny
December 7, 2016
Standing Rock reservation
“Sacred Buffalo”



12-11-16 Sophia Wilanski… Home!
Thanks to everyone who supported @Sophia Wilansky at Standing Rock. She is out of the hospital now but has to go back for many more surgeries. Big hug to Sophia, her great father, the donors, the doctors, and all her supporters

“On November 21st as a direct result of the violent police response at Standing Rock towards unarmed people opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline, Sophia Wilanski a 21 year old woman from New York City, was severely injured when a concussion grenade thrown by police hit her left arm and exploded,” Sophia has had multiple surgeries and will have many many more just to get 20% use of her arm back. Sophia went home today and is happy to be with her dog!


12-11-16 ~ Unify… a NEW FIRE has been lit at STANDING ROCK
DEC. 11th update.
The Indigenous Youth Council with support from Chief Chase Iron Eyes have started a new sacred fire with a prayer of oneness and commitment to doing whatever it takes to stop the pipeline.
The new camp is called Oceti Oyate. The Peoples Camp. Let’s share this video and support our youth!


12-11-16 ~ Brandon Green… Creator tonight’s prayer is for those who are full of fear, uncertainty and doubt. I pray for these people deeply in my heart. I want them to be assured tonight that there is a force at work in this entire world, RIGHT NOW, fighting for the greater good of all mankind. No matter your race, religion, sexual preferences; no matter what differences that seem to separate us by our own ignorance. We all deserve to be free. We all deserve to be a self creation of who we are. In this coming future, evil will not have solid ground to stand on. Evil will not to be welcomed but exiled into the wilderness where Mother nature will tend to them. I pray my people learn to pray because the power of prayer is unbelievable. I claim no religion, I walk no path carved by man. I walk the path Creator has laid before my feet and Creator has a path for you if you would just open your eyes and see truth. I pray we shed all fear of the unknown because if we place our trust in Creator, there is NOTHING to fear. Only when you slip away into the evil society should you fear, for Creators wrath will be upon you. Forever seek the light my family. Your not walking alone, I am walking with you. Aho!


12-11-16 ~ LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard… When i first saw people coming in to stand against Dakota Access pipeline on the April 1st at Grand River Casino I was overwhelm with thankfulness, the youth runners, women and children walkers, horse riders, Biker riders and the Seven Council fires. They came to stand with us and what is seen in July made me cry for days as the people of the world came to stand with us. As we stood with people of the world i felt a healing of the land and then… we were attacked I was shocked at the behavior of the state against peaceful people. The people still stood against the violence in prayer, song and dance. We stood with our many cultures united we stood is laughter and story telling, in the morning you can hear the songs across the camps. As some people getting ready to leave the camp because of the weather we know that they carry us in our hearts. I pray they carry the lesson of the camps to where ever they live. It is time to change the world thought we can live with our earth in respect and honor by learning to stop fossil fuel and start using green energy. Lets change the world by protecting the water everywhere.”


12-10-16 ~ Chase IronEyes
Ignore all the rumors and fear.
“Someone died at camp”
“they’re flooding the camp” (is that “public” yet)
“the Tribe dropped its lawsuit”
“the Tribe is closing the camp”
“They’re not letting anyone into camp”

The truth is about 1000 people minimum are still at camp. We are doing all we can to make sure they’re safe. They can leave on their own. I’m not doing anything but coordinating. The medics, camp organizers and each and every person there are doing all the work, so many people are stepping up when others are abandoning this fight. Talking about the “front lines are in the court now.”

The Standing Rock Tribal Gov. doesn’t have the authority to “close” the camp. The State of North Dakota doesn’t have the authority to “close” the camp. The worst case scenario is the Army Corp of Eng requests assistance from ND Law Enf to evacuate the camp (if leaseholder says they’re interfering with his rights), or they just flood it, but that is a really really bad look for anyone, except Trump.

I don’t even think the Standing Rock gov can legally block access to the camp from the south without the help of North Dakota. The Tribe could request Army Corp and the leaseholder of the land where the big camp is to start the process for evacuation but that would be interesting how we are not willing to step up against the Republican controlled brutality but we will step up to kick our allies out. And, finally nobody at camp is even aware of all the rumors at the top of the post, that’s all in our online heads. It is deadly cold out so do not hesitate to reach out or leave, but those die hards holding strong, we are here to help. Many thanks to all hosting families and responding to this. People are assembling to decide their own futures here, on their own terms.


12-10-16 ~JoLanda Gerry Thompson… Here is a letter my daughter Theresa (Tree) wrote. I just thought i would share it with you all. To show you guys are appreciated and even our children are thankfull for the water protectors. Take the pipeline, save our planet and drop awhole bunch of cocoa off at camp for our water protectors. That what my 6 year old wants for Christmas!!! Thank you for Standing with us. Feel free to share.


Josué Rivas Fotographer with Scarlet Luta Whetstone… The main fire at the Oceti Sakowin camp was put out today. This is the first fire you would see when entering the camp by the flag road. So many tribes showed up and introduced themselves here. So many people gathered here. This fire might be out but it travels with every one of us. This is the cycle of our movement. It’s all connected.

The horn (7 sacred fires) fire, Sacred Stone Camp fire, and others are still up and running. The elders were told in ceremony it was time to put out this specific fire because the prayers had been heard. This doesn’t mean that the fight is over, I personally believe that is the beginning of a new chapter.


12-10-16 ~ Greg Grey Cloud... The Dakota 38+2 wokiksuye zuya has begun! It’s currently -9 degrees with a 15mph windchill. Our riders are vigilant. Our horses are great. Our family is second to none. Our relatives at camp are also in our prayers!

12-9-16 ~ Cindy Rodriques… I Went to Cover #StandingRock and What I Found was Eye Opening
After being frustrated with the lack of media coverage and human rights violationsStanding Rock was receiving, so my friend Nathalie and I decided to go to North Dakota to get as much footage as possible to share with the world. It was a last minute decision that has changed my view of the world and where I want to take my contributions in journalism. Continue reading


12-9-16 ~ Shaun King… Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Since I emailed you this morning, you have donated $263,342 to the indigenous people of Standing Rock. With that, they will immediately purchase at least one pickup truck, at least one moving truck, a flatbed trailer, and at least one 15 passenger van. Your generosity will also allow the team in Standing Rock to immediately purchase other essential supplies to sustain them in the crucial months ahead.

Chase Iron Eyes and Edwin Lindo, who is one of the founders of the Injustice Boycott, are actually working on the purchases as I type this. Words cannot express how grateful I am for your generosity. The people of Standing Rock send you their love as well.

That’s all. More than anything, I want you to see the power of us coming together as one unified force. Together, we are changing the world, but we are just scratching the surface of our potential.

Tomorrow, we are stepping up our next action in New York City. Also, I will be appearing on Democracy Now in the morning to discuss the boycott.

Love and appreciate you all!
Your Brother,

12-7-16 ~ Hector Lavalle… “My heart felt heavy and I felt an odd sense of loss and a kind of fear. I realized how I actually felt safer with all those precious, peaceful, conscientious warriors around me. People that care so much about the earth, the water and the community, their family, the people they love. A sense of comradery and connection that is missing in the world. (I looked up the word comradery because my spellcheck didn’t even recognize it. Isn’t that apropos?) The definition was so appropriate, it made me cry.”

“Comradery is the spirit of friendship and community in a group, like the comradery of soldiers at war who keep each other upbeat despite the difficulty of their circumstances. Who is a comrade? A close friend or a fellow soldier — in other words, someone who comes to mind when you say, “We’re in this together.”


12-7-16 ~ Kelly Daniels… Finally made it home to Kansas…

I’ve become suddenly aware of a few things I learn being at Standing Rock..

As I drove into the city I glanced at cars that passed and thought “water protectors” and then realized they weren’t… My heart felt heavy and I felt an odd sense of loss and a kind of fear. I realized how I actually felt safer with all those precious, peaceful, conscientious warriors around me. People that care so much about the earth, the water and the community, their family, the people they love. A sense of comradery and connection that is missing in the world. (I looked up the word comradery because my spellcheck didn’t even recognize it. Isn’t that apropos?) The definition was so appropriate, it made me cry.
“Comradery is the spirit of friendship and community in a group, like the comradery of soldiers at war who keep each other upbeat despite the difficulty of their circumstances. Who is a comrade? A close friend or a fellow soldier — in other words, someone who comes to mind when you say, “We’re in this together.”

The other thing I learned is that I want to honor the lessons I learn at Standing Rock by bringing those lessons home and taking them to heart. Like, loving my family with honor and respect, appreciating my community the way they love and appreciate theirs, laughing more, cooking good food with family and friends, being conscious of the energy I use and the way that I live, simplifying and living lighter on the earth, taking care of my land and honoring my animals, living a prayerful existence, walking in reverence for all of life, singing more, building a community where people take care of one another, ..and circling up around the fire…

I miss Standing Rock. I love Standing Rock. I come from a loving family and friends, and I still have never been anywhere with more meaningful experiences and sense of community and cultural healing .. ever In my life. When we celebrated the Army Corp of engineers decision, I simultaneously felt a collective sense of sadness and fear… The fear that this community may one day end. So many people feel more at home, more loved, more sense of purpose, of being taken care of and connected than any place they’ve ever felt in their lives . I could feel the sense of fear that it could end. A deep sense of sadness…

Being with so many beautiful indigenous people, their laughter, their prayers, their stories, their songs, their dances, and their appreciation of one another has been truly healing to my heart.. truly healing to so many hearts.

As we continue to support this community not only because they need us, but because we need them.. Let us not forget these lessons. Let us honor the beauty that has been created here. The remembering of times of long ago. The remembering of the way we are supposed to live. Close to and honoring the earth and one another. Let us never forget. Let us continue to support this place and replicate it in all communities and in the hearts of people everywhere in our world and daily lives. So we can spread this to all parts of the world. So we can return to the way we are meant to be.


12-8-16 ~ Bucky Harjo … This photo says it all, At Standing Rock, we have seen and felt every moments emotions, for me I had seen the tears of many, a moment I will not ever forget, it’s moments like that that has chnged me in many way’s.We have faced hatred with love love, the more they tried to break up, made us stronger, we prayed every moment and will continue to do so. I don’t ever want this to be over and it shall not, it will carry over into the next 7 generations…


12-8-16 ~ Chase Iron Eyes… “They didn’t deny the easement out of the goodness of their hearts. They denied it because of the 5,000+ people who sacrificed for clean water. They denied it because the world supports the largest Treaty Camp in history, the American people want to do right. They denied it because 4,000 vets showed up and they could not afford the visual impact of unarmed Uniformed US Vets facing off with armed Uniformed National Guard & Law Enf. That would have exposed the lies that Law Enf & DAPL have been telling the world, that they protect “Law & Order.” The Vets who sign up to defend freedom & our constitution against all enemies “foreign & domestic” finally felt like true patriots because they were willing to stand for freedom against those Law Enf violating the constitution in the name of a corporation. They denied it to stall us, and let business go on as usual. When have we as Native Nations ever won a legal claim without putting our all on the line. We need this camp. DAPL & Law Enf has not demilitarized or demobilized any of their offenses against unarmed protectors. They are there ready to brutalize unarmed citizens even when DAPL says they intend to break the law & ignore the easement denial. Think long & hard about this relatives.”


12-8-16 ~ ‘Miracles Are Happening’: Photos of the Tireless Women of Standing Rock
Thanks to the efforts of Standing Rock protesters, the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline has been diverted. Photographer Celine Guiout went to Standing Rock to shoot the women who made it happen. Continue Reading


12-7-16 ~ Magpie Waters Productions… Standing Rock has a decade of story lines but for now to me one thing that stands out is the Indigenous Unity that has been solidified from this movement. A classic example is when the Crow Water Protectors came to Standing Rock and they did so with beauty, honor, and power. The Crow and Sioux were bitter enemies in times past but this fight for water, this fight of Indigenous rights, this fight for a healthy earth brought many groups together that had bitter relations with each other in the past. The past was put in the past and a new future is moving forward. Warriors of the sacred rainbow came together as Dreamer prophets foretold. The fight is on.

12-7-16 ~ Oceti Sakowin Camp…
Thank You Protectors
Press Release: December 7, 2016 �

Standing Rock Reservation, Oceti Sakowin Camp. North Dakota—Our first concern issafety. We ask all who can and want to leave, to return home. We are especially concerned for elders, families with children, those with health concerns, and/or pets that aren’t acclimated. For those who can stay—and are prepared for arctic conditions—please do, we need people here. The Lakota/Nakota/Dakota people of The Great Sioux Nation have survived in these conditions for thousands of years. If Ally Protectors cooperate with the ancient wisdom and ways of these lands, we will fare well. This movement is unlike any other—it is prayerful as well as peaceful—the consciousness we have raised here continues to resonate across the world.

Secondly we ask this of you in order to conserve resources. Bringing in wood, and other essential life supporting goods, is now much more complicated. For those who want to come, be prepared for arctic conditions, we can’t stress this enough. Be ready to contribute to the survival and safety of the camp in a significant way daily, be abundant in spirit and ready to share. Bring wood, plan to work. We need cooks, medics, builders/repair-persons, people dedicated to the survival of the community, for the coming storms. Bring weather-ready vehicles, 4×4 trucks and trailers, snow-ready vehicles.

Oceti Sakowin Camp remains determined—to protect our land. We have been given the obligation to do so in the treaty of 1851—we were specifically asked to protect this river. This is the way of the Standing Rock people, the Lakota people, the Hunkpapa people. All of the seven tribes of The Great Sioux Nation have gathered here again in an historic way—once as former enemies, we now stand together as brothers and sisters.

We are not protestors.
We are not terrorists.
We are not rioters.
We are in fact, Protectors.


12-7-16 ~ ‎Mary Arose‎… These words came through while I was at Standing Rock at the end of the summer ““I come here from Taos, New Mexico, close to the ancestral home of my maternal lineage. We are here in North Dakota at the sacred gathering to protect the waters. We are specifically here to stop the pipeline that would bring in the oil and contaminate the very important water source, but its turning into something much bigger than that. There have been a lot of prayers that people have held in themselves and their communities, a prayer for transformation, a prayer to come back to sacred indigenous knowledge, to remember how to live in right relationship with ourselves, in right relationship with our sisters and brothers, in right relationship with the Earth, in right relationship with the elements… CONTINUE READING


12-7-16 ~ Atsa E’sha Hoferer… Full house of Great Basin Tribes at #1N Camp playing Hand Game.


12-7-16 ~ Wallace Jeaneene … Grateful for the outpouring of generosity and love at the #StandingRock camp. Thankful for this man Charlie Mason Andrews, a veteran and a world jousting champion who helped me and Bianca Franchesca survive a crazy blizzard. And to Derek Hinkey who was so nice to us since we met him at the airport on Friday. Thankful the universe put you two in our path.


12-7-16 ~ Charlie Mason Andrews… I won’t be posting much while I attempt to get horses and people out and the supplies they need pretty sure no one thought this thru . You can’t ask everyone to come help you horde supplies and money raised by go fund me campaigns then tell people hey thanks for coming now go home in the middle of a blizzard in sub zero temps what the absolute fuck !!!!!!!!! Spent the last two days and nights rescuing people who just weren’t prepared and before any of you talk shit on them for coming know that I will come find you and slap the taste out of your mouth at least these people were trying to do something great that was bigger than themselves !!!! Last time I’ll ask if you can help out PayPal .. thank you in advance.


12-7-16 ~ After all most three weeks of being at Standing Rock, I finally say good bye and good luck. For those staying on: Be well, be at peace and may you all be safe. For those coming in: Go with the flow and contribute where you can, for as long as you can. Finally, thank you all for your time, energy and prayers. Peace through love, Charlie


12-5-16 ~ Rudy TwoMoon….. the healing from a break up is the half life of a relationship. Getting us, the people to heal works the same way. We have a long journey of decolonization to live through. Start now, times a wasting and our children’s-children’s-children need us now.


12-5-16 ~ Wes Clark, Jr… An incredible moment of healing at Standing Rock: Hundreds of veterans ask Native elders for forgiveness.

“We fought you. We took your land. We signed treaties that we broke. We stole minerals from your sacred hills. We blasted the faces of our presidents onto your sacred mountain… We didn’t respect you, we polluted your Earth, we’ve hurt you in so many ways but we’ve come to say that we are sorry. We are at your service and we beg for your forgiveness.” -Wes Clark, Jr.


12-5-16 ~ Just now: US Vets came forth and asked for forgiveness from the First Nations people. There was not a dry eye in the room.


12-5-16 ~ Bill Portman…. I have never been so proud to be a Native American than right now. Folks, we have just witnessed history. Over 700 tribes throughout the world come together in peaceful protection of our natural resources. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. I’m so glad to be a part of this historic moment.

But innocent people got hurt for no reason. The sheriff, governor, and DAPL security forces committed genocide against my Native family and your fellow Americans. I will not rest until justice is served. I’m committed to this cause and will do everything in my power to make sure it is served. I’m so blessed to have met the people from Lakota Peoples Law Project when I went to Standing Rock. Danny Sheehan (civil rights attorney), Kelsey Hill (journalist), and Chuck (videographer). I’ve offered my services however I can to help this team get justice.


12—16 ~ Standing Rock Victory Photos: Pictures of the Celebration
“Something happened. Something incredible. Something beautiful. It was unintended. It was by accident. But something beautiful happened. Something that no politician has been able to do. Something that no religious leader has been able to do. Something that no diplomat or peace maker or human rights activist or group has been able to do. But in a place, a small place that before now, most people never knew existed. A place called Standing Rock. A group of Indigenous Americans came together.


10-6-16 ~ Josué Rivas Fotographer… For many years I struggled with finding my purpose with photography. Internally I knew my photos were meant to make a change, to share the light I’ve always seen. I tried photographing weddings, concerts, events, etc. I enjoyed all of it, it was a great challenge but for the last few months I’ve come to realize that in fact my instinct was in the right direction. I will be the voice for native America, the platform for our peoples stories, the light in the darkness. The future holds many opportunities for my photos, I can feel it. For now I focus on the present and keep exploring and experiencing these moments. These ceremonies, these songs, these dances. We are still here and we aren’t going anywhere.


12-4-16 ~ Stand Up / Stand N Rock #NoDAPL (Official Video) – Taboo


12-4-16 ~ Lee Sprague… Amazing, Incredible. I am smiling so big my ears lobes are wet!

This morning, after our camp meetings I was informed that Veterans, who are arriving in camp in advance of General Wesley Clark’s arrival, recovered our family canoes!!

Elements of our teams assisted the Veterans who conducted an operation through the razor wire to get them.
Even though they are damaged beyond repair, it was good to see them next to the Veterans Tents this beautiful morning.

It was a point of honor for the Veterans to recover our Michigan Canoe, Cold water rescue teams primary vessels.

It hurt to see them behind DAPL oil police and Morton County Sheriff’s razor wire. With them gloating over them. They are home now at Standing Rock, safe, having served our community here and in Michigan well.

I don’t know the whole story yet, I’m looking forward to gifting the veterans for their good deeds, and hearing their stories around our winter camp fires.

I’m really happy, and deeply honored.


12-3-16 ~ Lobo, 60, Retired Police Officer and US Navy, Chicago, IL … “I’m out here because I took an oath to support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies – foreign and domestic – and with me, there’s no expiration date on that. I’m working to attain (man, I’m tired) accountability, justice and peace – and they have to come in that order. None of the banks that caused any of the foreclosures, those guilty of governmental corruption, none of them have been held accountable. It was in 1970 that I joined up with the American Indian Movement and now I’m out here with Veterans for Peace. Right now, there’s no justice and there’s definitely no peace. So the struggle goes on.”


12-3-16 ~ Jon Eagle Sr…. Veterans Stand with Standing Rock. You have no idea how good it felt to walk into this building and be told, “Fall in!” This is just the first arrivals. Warriors from all over America coming to defend and protect the Water Protectors. To stand with the Great Sioux Nation! To uphold the oath of service we took to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

“I wish America could be more like the Sioux. I think Creator made them so strong and stubborn because one day they were going to have to stand up for all of us.” – Wes Clarke Jr.
# ServiceBeforeSelf #Warriors

12-3-16 ~ Vanessa Powassin-Beadle… After all this time I finally made my way out to Standing Rock. I wanted to come out there and be able to say I was there and I know what it’s all about. Everyone was so friendly and willing to help. I met people from different parts of the world and it was so amazing. I live on an island surrounded by water so I know how important water is for myself and for the world. I ask people to try to understand why everyone is out there and why they are protecting this cause. I know in the world today we all use oil. And when you say stop driving cars if you are against this. It’s not about that. It’s about taking care of what we have. And it’s not too late to change but we must do it together. Let’s make that change, it’s not too late.

12-2-16 ~ UNIFY… We had the pleasure of meeting Wesley Clark Jr. last night who’s organizing the Veterans coming to Standing Rock. His spirit and power was incredible to witness as he spoke and expressed that he’s here at Standing Rock because it was message from God.

Over 2,500 veterans are arriving here today with the intention to be peaceful, prayerful and of service to the people of Standing Rock. Each of the battalions will be led by Native Veteran Women bringing balance to the masculine and feminine. We’re excited to witness the impact and effect with thousands of veterans coming in a structured way to be of service.

More updates for you soon on the actions the veterans will do during their stay at Standing Rock. We look forward to praying with you tomorrow at 10am CT.


12-3-16 ~ Ace Hardware Bismarck…Update on North Dakota protest stories, ACE’S BISMARCK stores are FULLY STOCKED and selling propane and supplies to any and all. Thank you Ace Hardware!


This doesn’t really go here but I just couldn’t help myself! lol
12-2-16 ~ ATXEJ – Austin Environmental Justice Team … Energy Transfer Partners was not too happy this morning when some Texas water protectors built a pipeline in their office hallway. They wanted it dismantled and taken away for some reason. Imagine that…

The pipeline was for the ETP VP of Government Affairs, Grant Ruckel. It reads, “Grant, you can still choose to stand on the side that supports life or you can continue to reap the heavy consequences of supporting an industrial complex of death and destruction. Future generations, especially your childrens, may still one day look back and thank you for having the courage to join the side that supports life. You have a choice.”

ATXEJ Texas Water Protectors contend that the locally-based VP of Government Affairs for ETP, Grant Ruckel, holds considerable responsibility for disrespecting and violating human rights, Indigenous Rights, and governmental processes during the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, Trans Pecos Pipeline, and Comanche Trails Pipeline. Documented failures include:

12-2-16 ~ ‎Adam Elfers‎... Hey. First off. I just want to say…I’m really proud of you guys. All of you. I’m really proud & humbled by my native brothers and sisters who stand on the front lines with such resilience, passion, and courage for their heritage and to protect our planet, who have stood on that line against European assault for over 100 years.

I’m really proud of our allies. The non native people, & those ones that have some native heritage but grew up entirely disconnected from it, like me. I’m proud of you for driving across the country. I’m proud of you for putting everything else in your life, second. I’m proud of you for being quiet and listening to the elders, for letting children, women, and elders eat first. Im proud of you for hanging in there on that fourth round in the sweat lodge. I’m proud of you for standing your ground when the police try to push you around, when they stop your car, or scramble your signal, or point assault weapons at your chest, launching flaming canisters of tear gas and mace into an ocean of innocence here to protect our rivers for an unborn tomorrow–still you stand.

I’m proud of all of you who want to come to Standing Rock but can’t. I’m proud of all of you that have found a new place in your heart, in your soul through this movement.

& last but not least, im especially super tugs-on-heartstrings proud for all of you around the world, taking time out of your day, your own challenging life, to write that letter, to print it off, to walk into your Bank office & ask to speak with a manager, to look that person in the eyes and say…

At what cost?
I can’t go on with you
My future is not for sale
My native brothers and sisters’ rights are not for sale
Our rivers are not for sale
Our forests & mountains are not for sale
When your investments concern the health of our planet and clean water,
We are all stakeholders
We are all downstream
I’m closing my account today
Because I stand with standing rock
Because water is life;
Mni Wiconi
You know, it’s been a long time since I’ve been home, & I’m not even sure what that means anymore, but to you, YOU, all around the world, showing up on the frontlines of your own life, putting your money where your heart is, truly standing with that sacred resilient prayer that is Standing Rock, I just want you to know
That I am so
So So proud
Mni Wiconi; Water Is Life

Write me a letter or join our community at

12-2-16 ~ ‎Billie Clary‎…So one night at dinner I had an unexpected conversation with a certain elder of camp, who shall remain nameless. This elder explained how his vision for this movement created at Standing Rock, after the black snake is dead, would become a mobile community of activism. Imagine that. Imagine everyone who is and had been to camp and those who support from all over the world joined in the strife and struggles in your community brought on by the injustices and inequities in our government. Local, state and federal levels this is a problem. Imagine this community setting up in your town, on your Frontline, making your problems their problems and standing with you in solidarity. It’s coming my friends and relatives. I believe this to be our future. The prophesy of the Warriors of the Rainbow is happening in front of our eyes, as we speak. It’s powerful. Have a great day warriors!

12-2-16 ~ Adam Schrader…I was super angry after my wrongful arrest on Oct. 27. I can’t express enough gratitude to Ron His Horse Is Thunder for helping me keep a level head in the holding cell and reminding me that I was there to do my job: report on protest actions. This story is all thanks to him. These are my factual observations and my account of what happened during the raid on the front line camp…. I SPENT 36 HOURS IN JAIL WITH STANDING ROCK PROTESTERS… Police in riot gear knocked down and arrested Granny RedFeather less than 10 feet from me. They had already pointed guns, fingers on their triggers, and used ear-piercing sound cannons against protesters, who were prepared with earplugs. Continue Reading


12-1-16 ~ Ray R Ferrer
I Stand With Standing Rock! … Echoes;
I hear echos at night
off a rock where you stand.
Drumbeats a message
from a far away land.

Riding on a horse
like a breeze on a sail.
Reaching the world
so we can follow her trail.

I close my eyes
the spirits take me home.
Where my brothers and sisters
and the Dakota roam.

I hear echoes in the rain
trying to calm the pain.
It turn’s into a storm
an unbreakable chain.
Echoes of courage

and scars once past.
They just keep returning
assuring freedom laughs last.~RF©
Ray R Ferrer
Dec 2 2016

12-1-16 ~ ‎Ray R Ferrer… Shadows;
Are those shadows I see
through my window at night?
Of the brave standing tall
through the moon’s silver light?

I hear the Wolf howl it’s warning

as the Coyote scouts.
The Eagle breathes the air
from the black bears snout.

There’s a river that flows
since the beginning of time.
In danger of toxins,
oils and grime.

The willow still sleeps
because the earth still weeps.
The beauty of nature
Is not only skin deep.

I see sacred lands
destroyed by others.
Spirits cry out
from my sister’s and brothers.

As the night turns to dawn
I see a cloud in the distance.
Of scattering dust
in a race of resistance.

From the land of the free
a white buffalo appears.
She sends you a message
“I’m here….I’m here”.~RF©
Ray R Ferrer
Dec 1 2016


12-1-16 ~ BRONSON KOENIG GUARD / WISCONSIN BADGERS… What I Found in Standing Rock
Near the edge of the Standing Rock camp in North Dakota, about 50 yards from a tributary of the Missouri River, there’s a basketball hoop. It’s one of those worn-out outdoor hoops that leans forward a little bit, almost as if the wind had bent it. Continue Reading

12-1-16 ~ Snow sledding General update from Oceti Sakowin | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV


12-1-16 ~ Steven Hugs Buscher… There is a shelter setup at the gym in McLaughlin on the Standing Rock reservation on the South Dakota side about 30 min drive from the North Dakota border behind the Family Dollar store. It’s setup for water protectors driving to or from the camps. The gym is heated, has showers, food, plenty of blankets & good vibes.

The roads are super icy. We slid off the road a few times and had to get rescued on the North Dakota side when our van slide into a snow bank. The Chief of Police at Standing Rock did issue an emergency notice not to travel due to weather conditions.
There were about 30 people at the gym in McLaughlin last night. If your traveling this is a safe place.


12-1-16 ~ Lee Sprague… Wow! This is the rubber shotgun slug wound from a week ago, Sunday Nov. 20. I was about twenty feet from the DAPL Police Force who shot me. When I was hit, I ran as fast as I could, not to fast, plus I could not run straight for a few minutes, back out of range from the water cannons. I did not want to fall down and get pelted by water. Ten minutes later, I went right up to the person who shot me. I didn’t want him to think he put me down. Everyone on our canoe rescue team was hurt that night. We had three concussions from flash bang grenades, and rubber bullets. We we’re tear gass’d, pelted with water cannons in sub freezing temperatures, hit with runner shot gun slugs, and pellets, LRAD, or Long range acoustical devices, that are at 162 decibels, and at a frequency that is painful to your ears.

Long night, we pulled many people of the ground with injuries and took them to triage center. I asked, are you wet? Have you been tear gassed, or been shot. Many had two or more injuries. About midnight my fingers stopped working. That she had slowed me down. Since then, we have received better and more protective equipment. Training is difficult and n these conditions, but these are the conditions we face right now. We are not leaving, and are looking forward to General Wesly Clarke and the veterans here Sunday.

Last night about 30 veterans who have arrived when to the front lines about 500 yards from where we are camped. I could here them talking to the DAPL police forces.

Every Veteran who I’ve spoken with feel real good about standing with us here at Standing Rock. Much better than any fighting in the Middle East. Many of the DAPL police force members also are veterans. There is enough humanity in DAPL forces to perhaps be reached to end this violence.

12-1-16 ~ Robert Gallegos… Good morning my Brothers and Sisters . I am a Tribal Member of Isleta Pueblo in New Mexico . I was at Standing Rock a month ago me and my Sisters drove there from New Mexico to donate food clothing and medicine . When we were there we were in prayer we smoked the Chanupa and went down to the water to pray . When I was standing there I heard Natives saying about the whites this and that . I looked around I saw my Brothers and Sisters with white skin ,brown skin ,black skin , yellow ,and red skin . I told my Sister Karen why do they say things about the whites and other races when these people no matter their skin color are here supporting them . These people are not the enemy these people are my Brothers and Sisters . As Brothers and Sisters please stand together quit this prejudice we cant be like the other side that is attacking us . We cant be like them , stop this negativity because of someones skin color . I pray everyday and in sweat for all that are there on the front lines . Stay strong stand as one and please be safe. I honor all of your sacrifice that your making by being there your all thru Warriors.

(This is a Spirit Rider although not Kayson Thompson)
12-1-16 ~ Anne Burnett‎… Does anyone know the name of the young man whose horse had to be put down due to injuries sustained at Standing Rock? I believe the event was around October 28th. There is a group of us who have a horse – a grey gelding named “Hard Rock” – who wish to make a gift of this horse to the young man who lost his. However, I cannot find a name of the young man or how to reach him.
Marie Custer… M’y daughter tagged Kayson Thompson Cheyenne River/ Lakota…hé will get in touch w you.


Tomorrow I leave for Standing Rock … if you have anything to send with me in Salt Lake or on the way let me know . If you want to make a donation to help out use my Paypal I’ve gotten donations from my sponsors.

My first concern is always for the horses of the Horse Nation so for them I’m bringing 30 saddle pads, vet supplies I’m throwing in 30 bales of hay and sleeping bags for the two legged’s … we can’t all do a lot but we can all do a little together that is a lot … much love to my Tribe in North Fork as a Native Veteran I will make my ancestor’s proud …..Aho Mitakuye Oyasin

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin… All my relations. I honor you in this circle of life with me today. I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge you in this prayer…

To the Creator, for the ultimate gift of life, I thank you.

To the mineral nation that has built and maintained my bones and all foundations of life experience, I thank you.

To the plant nation that sustains my organs and body and gives me healing herbs for sickness, I thank you.

To the animal nation that feeds me from your own flesh and offers your loyal companionship in this walk of life, I thank you.

To the human nation that shares my path as a soul upon the sacred wheel of Earthly life, I thank you.

To the Spirit nation that guides me invisibly through the ups and downs of life and for carrying the torch of light through the Ages. I thank you.

To the Four Winds of Change and Growth, I thank you.

You are all my relations, my relatives, without whom I would not live. We are in the circle of life together, co-existing, co-dependent, co-creating our destiny. One, not more important than the other. One nation evolving from the other and yet each dependent upon the one above and the one below. All of us a part of the Great Mystery.
Thank you for this Life.


12-1-16 ~ Julien Jacobs…There is a lot of focus on veterans arriving to standing rock. I’ve been asked to be a coordinator. I do have reserves about taking the position though and contributing even more limited time.

So instead for the meantime here’s some of the thoughts I have from an indigenous veteran perspective

Tribal engagement should be first and foremost, we all can see Standing Rock is a catalyst that brings so many together and our local realities/environments could benefit from this kind of cohesion. At times so many people defer to fixing things in places other than our own communities due to local dysfunction and lack of cohesion. This is important because addressing issues within our own framework vicariously through Oceti Sakowin helps and draws movements of thousands of veterans as a resource that can also be used for back home as after effects or follow up.

2. On perception …How we revere Military members is a social construct. Let me be clear, in order to be a military veteran society has to allow for training and contributing members that voluntarily engage ourselves into sociopathic and psychopathic action. The American Public embraces, celebrates and reinforces it through praise, holidays, parades and association like Honor, Courage and Commitment.

I know that some of the finest servicemen and women do have these valuable attributes such as those marching on Standing Rock and the cost to ourselves and the American public in this process needs to be thought out. Service members through various wars find ourselves with one of the highest suicide rates due to deception and trauma whether delivered or received. We have to acknowledge that the presence of Marines and soldiers is a good thing and we also have to acknowledge our own humanity while we realize how differing missions coalesce and then manifest intentional outcomes. I do wanna stress we need to be recognizing humanity amongst ourselves when those at the Morton County do not. These dialogues with vets will be important. There will also be distinct differences between the burning man crowds and soldiers and although many are “trying” to find themselves whether vet or rainbow it inadvertently puts pressure on indigenous which will be exhausting but needed…… I gotta take a breath…..

3. What binds and can bind us together is collective consciousness, deconstructing colonialism and realizing our best steps are those with armies behind us and that indigenous are the leaders this nation needs at a time like this. So at the helm of all conversations should be what “we” can build while we add troops.

In the meantime inform yourself of the needs of the camp by going to

If you’d like to contribute financially you can help me with my mission to bring salmon and foods to the protectors by going to

And there are several other go fund me’s that have various vital missions. I’ll continue my list later.
Quyana Caknek! #NoDapl