Snopes May Shut Down

Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe

Seriously one of the most prominent sites calling out fake news may shut down because it’s being held ‘hostage’ by an ad vendor withholding advertising revenue???

Snopes is not a credible or authoritative source of information; they’re only good at debunking chain emails such as Neiman Marcus cookie recipes and far-flung urban legends.

It’s been circulated Snopes husband and wife founder’s Barbara and David P. Mikkelsen utilized Google for their research although archived articles recognizes a majority of articles are erroneous, inaccurate and categorically untrue.

The Mikkelsen’s were in a contentious divorce in 2016 which continues to this day as a bitter legal dispute due to the accusation of David embezzling $98,000 from the company and is attempting a ‘boondoggle’ to change tax arrangements while David claims Barbara took millions from their joint accounts and bought property in Las Vegas.

Barbara Mikkelsen has since sold her 50% of the business to ad agency Proper Media who make money by generating millions of views on 3rd-party advertisements and recently teamed up with Facebook which has allowed Proper Media to become an arbitrator of the fake news circulating on their network; essentially elevating them as an authoritative source of information. So it simply makes sense for them to seek out viral articles to “debunk”, so they can piggy-back on the traffic and spawn more advertising dollars.

Additionally, Snopes has allegedly hired a team of suspect fact checkers who collaborate to debunk trending falsehoods; these fact checkers reportedly have no editorial oversight and do not follow standard journalistic procedures such as interviewing authors of articles. Snopes purportedly doesn’t have a formal screening process for hiring fact checkers or evaluating applicants for any potential conflicts of interest, and without such standards, it’s clear they can easily be infiltrated by those working within an industry with a hidden agenda.

Our entire system including government, media, voting, and internet services are corrupt and rigged by the people behind the curtains running the show. So just leave the real news for *real news outlets* [sic] using common media for transmitting propaganda messages including news reports, government information, historical revisions, junk science, books, leaflets, movies, radio, television, and social media journalists… LOL