SPECIAL REPORT Feb. 23, 2017 Standing Rock

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


Rudy TwoMoon ~ “Personal stories, truth, the fight for survival, sadness and joy. Many of you have no idea the history you witnessed or ignored. This is bigger than you realize. It will be talked about for generations as the “movement to start all movements”. The movement which shifted balance back to protection of the earth and ourselves. In a flash of time, you’ll be telling the younger generation, I remember when we almost almost lost ourselves. Your story will probably start like this… “Not long ago, the world was getting darker. No, we weren’t without light, we just couldn’t see any longer. It was children, babies, who brought the light back to the grandmother’s with song…..”

2-23-17 ~ Grandma Regina was arrested today…my heart is heavy…prayers
EDIT: just saw this post she is released and safe… http://tinyurl.com/jzhxleu
Grandma Regina Brave, a survivor of Wounded Knee II in 1973, was released yesterday after being arrested for her actions standing up for treaty rights as police raided Oceti Sakowin. She has a message for all of her supporters and all who follow the movement.


2-23-17 ~ Dave Archambault… FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2-23-17
Standing Rock Sioux Chairman responds to Secretary Spicer’s statements

Cannon Ball, N.D.— Dave Archambault II, Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, today refuted White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s statements that the White House has been involved in any way with the Tribe.

“Spicer claimed that the Trump administration has been ‘constantly’ in contact with our Tribe. That clai m is absolutely false,” Archambault said.

“We repeatedly asked for meetings with the Trump administration, but never received one until the day they notified Congress that they were issuing the easement. I was on a plane to Washington, D.C. when I learned the easement was issued at the airport. It was an insult to me and to the Tribe. I cancelled the meeting upon hearing this news. We have since filed a lawsuit for the immoral and illegal issuance of the easement and suspension of the environmental impact study.”

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe remains adamant that the Dakota Access Pipeline is a dangerous project that threatens our water. The tactics to divide our fight against the real enemy, Energy Transfer Partners, are counterproductive and detract from the goal to stop the denigration of our sovereign rights to protect our treaty resources.


2-23-17 ~ The most telling photo at Standing Rock … Raymond Kingfisher giving closing prayers upon leaving camp. Thanking the Protectors .


2-23-17 ~ Redhawk … This afternoon I was asked to take a photo of the Sacred Fire right before the final prayer walk, where nearly 100 Water Protectors peacefully, and prayerfully stepped back on to the reservations they have been confined to for over a century. For those of you not aware, the Sacred Fire has always been off limits for media, as it contains the spirits. I was honored to be asked to do this.

I am trying my best to explain the emotions that went through my heart today. Anger, fear, excitement, but mostly pain. Pain to see so many people so close to mother earth oppressed by this country for money, greed, and the overall fact the United States does not want to admit it stole this land from Native Americans. America’s dirty little secret.

We spent the last 2 days planning on how we as media could work together to keep this camp safe. Originally, I planned to remain until the end. After being asked to document the sacred fire, and participate in the prayer walk, my mind changed. Once I crossed the river with the tribes, my heart told me it was my time to go. As much as I wanted to turn around and step back over that bridge, I knew I wouldn’t be doing the right thing. I could feel something bad would happen to me. I then walked all the way to Cheyenne River camp. I sat for a bit, cried a bit more, and thought about all the emotions I had just gone through. There were many.

Looking back on the nearly 6 months of being here in solidarity, there have been many ups and downs. Small victories, and small defeats. I have had hypothermia, gone nights without sleeping bags, slept in an emergency shelter for a month while trying to assist with the shelter, had rubber bullets wiz past my head, tasted tear gas, had electronics sabotaged, “dapl’d”, items stolen, friendships lost, and a few times questioned about my intentions based off the color of my skin. Through all that, I know I still had it much easier than many. Most even. So many have sacrificed so much to be here. They have given up homes, lost marriages, lost jobs, lost children, and so many more. All to defend mother earth and human rights. Looking back, I know I am nothing more than a man, and I have received so much inspiration through watching the strength of our Native American brothers and sister.

Today was not a loss. Today was a win. Standing Rock has awoken the sleeping giant of humankind. The knowledge that people can band together, and make a statement of unity, prayer, love, and compassion. This is just the beginning of a greater whole. I believe we can change the world. We have already proven the world can hear our calls.

I am still trying to process everything, and maybe this post doesn’t make sense, but I knew it was my time to go. I followed that intuition, and followed my heart over that bridge. I cried more today than I ever have in my life. I was honored to see my heart open so much from my time here.

So many people have banded together, but for me, my focus has always been getting the media out. I’ve been very humbled to be able to work beside the Oceti Sakowin Camp media team, and try to represent the camp in a good way. The last few nights of media meetings worked. I felt that independent media, alongside veterans, medics and most of all the prayers of the Water Protectors kept the camp in peace, and no major conflicts took place today. I am still in awe over the dedication of all those media that took the stand on the front lines of 1806 today, and helped the police back away from camp. I am eternally grateful to work alongside so many dedicated and true journalists, using their abilities to document the reality of this world.

This is not about journalism tho. This is about taking a stand for 500 years of oppression for our Indigenous brothers and sisters. This is about honoring treaties. This is about native children abductions. This is about man camps destroying native families. This is about protecting the earth from corporate rape for profit. This is about being HUMAN. This is about love, and compassion, and understanding, and empathy, and prayer.

This is about leaving this world knowing you stood on the right side of history.

Today I walked away from the Oceti Sacred Fire for the last time, but all of us have left with the fire in our hearts. That fire will never burn out. It is embedded and engrained in our souls, blood, sweat, tears forever.




2-23-17 NY TIMES… The largest protest camp at Standing Rock was cleared on Wednesday. Some protesters set fire to semipermanent structures before the 2 p.m. deadline.

“It’s an act of defiance,” Nick Cowan said as he watched a fire burn after living here for more than 2 months. “It’s saying: ‘If you are going to make us leave our home, you cannot take our space. We’ll burn it to the ground and let the earth take it back before you take it from us.’”

Vanessa Red Bull shared her perspective: “I think that’s why people are setting things on fire: as a way of a last homage to what had become many people’s homes. A community was here.”


2-23-17 ~ US Customs & Border Protection at Standing Rock!
Oh, the irony.

“Militarized police, the National Guard, and US Customs have descended on Standing Rock with humvees and rifles to protect the Dakota Access Pipeline from unarmed protestors and journalists.”


2-23-17 ~ Linda Black Elk … I waited until after midnight to write this. Today, some exemplary medics and healers waited until every last person was out of the Oceti Sakowin camp before they narrowly escaped personal harm and arrest by the long arm of county, state and federal law enforcement.

I have never known better people. Never. They are brave and generous; they are tough but fair; they are cautious but honest. They have become my family, and I love them.

Over the last seven months, my medics, midwives, mental health professionals, MDs, herbalists, traditional healers, street medics, first responders, body workers, and other volunteers have sacrificed everything …everything…to protect the protectors. I am so so thankful for them.


2-23-17 ~ Watching the place I called home burn while my Friends are been arrested leaves a hole in my heart. I met many awesome People at Medic Healer Council who gave of their all, Doctors Nurses Natural Medicine in conditions that resembled conditions as bad or worse than third world countries. My stay was one of service and while I went to tell a story I became part of it and even fell in love. We learned a lot at the Standing Rock Protectors – Pipeline Protest as Veterans and as water protectors. We learned a lot about ourselves the People we met and the things we and others did. There is healing that is taking place for we as they made mistakes, tradition was forgotten and the sacred trampled. The Lakota tradition is nomadic giving Mother Earth time to heal. At this sacred place there is more than burial grounds, battles have been won and lost this one yet to be decided much less the ones that came before. Moving forward to fight the Black Snake we know requires unity with each other and harmony with Mother Earth. The lessons learned here are just the beginning not the end for while the fire here has been stomped on the ambers have spread far an wide awakening a movement of awareness of what the future holds for our children. Change is never easy, on days as today even harder but that cannot stop us. The Tribes are talking and many have united as many more come together as relations between the water protectors Veterans and other groups start to heal. Moving forward there will be Eco Villages and places that live in the Lakota way in Peace with the land. There will be self-sustaining movements teaching and doing what it takes to ensure stability and continuity of our natural resources because there is only one other choice, the Black Snake seen here as the evil it can be spewing pollution into the air and contaminating the water. That it was burned and I was not there to move it makes me sad for this structure unlike the Tipi’s was made of plastics. This is not what we stand for as water protectors, regardless of who set it ablaze, them or us it was wrong. We take from this what we will, no one person will interpret these words the same. It is time to heal the wounds of war and look forward with an eye on the past for without respect for history the mistakes are doomed to be revisited. #ImaginePeace for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. #Change #ForTheChildren#WaterIsLife.


2-23-17 ~ Ed Higgins was arrested today while covering the #LastStand at Standing Rock along with Evan Duke and dozens of veterans, journalists, and water protectors. We will NOT stand idly by while the government declares a war on our rights to assemble and free press


2-23-17~ Redhawk… Look who is out of custody, out of the hospital, and wanting to talk about how police treat Water Protectors and independent media.
Facebook live interview w Eric Poemz in a couple hours.


2-23-17 ~ An unstoppable force met immovable objects. A convoy of 200 law enforcement vehicles, including a Bearcat armored personnel carrier, 16 Humvees and more than 200 policemen and National Guard Soldiers entered the Oceti Sakowin #DakotaAccessPipeline protest camp Thursday morning. #DAPL


2-23-17 Jesse Ventura … Welcome to the Fascist States of America. What happened to the 1st Amendment? As a veteran I hang my head in shame. They say they’re giving protesters the chance to “leave peacefully” today, but we’re seeing video footage of arrests since yesterday.


Pic Flag Row, Oceti Camp. Josué Rivas Fotographer
2-23-17 ~ Adam Elfers‎… For all our Standing Rock friends, we all know watching these live feeds is tough for everybody. Watching people with such little reverence and understanding dismantle with militarized vehicles and weapons what we all built so sacredly. Not for money or power or fame, but for water, for the coming together of Tribes, of people all over the world, indigenous tribes from Ecuador, Hawaii, New Zealand, Alaska, and all over Native America. Standing rock is one of the single largest solidarity movements in world history. World history. That means ever. Think about it. How many times in the history of the world have people come together across so many differences of culture and language to #stand together. To stand United against a human greed represented in the business plans of billionaires who invade sacred land and steal water rights, all the while backed by the very men who promised to protect and serve the common welfare of the people and planet.

We withstood everything. Snow. Ice. Rubber bullets. Mace. Tasers. Tear gas. Concussion grenades. Propaganda. Lies. Water hoses in sub zero temperatures. Over 700 people were arrested for this #stand. I was one of them.

No matter what happens from here, no matter how this goes down, no matter how they evict and dismantle our camp, we know the truth:

Something was born at Standing Rock. Something Ancient & Spiritual was brought to form in modern life. & for all of us who were part of it…

We will never ever forget.

Standing Rock is in our blood. Our DNA. We are forever changed. & no matter what history gets told about the struggle for clean water that is becoming ever more common and urgent on planet earth, when our great granddaughter looks into our aging eyes & asks, “grandma, grandpa, what did you do to protect the water, to preserve the earth?” It is us, not them, who will be able to look in that little girl’s eyes with honor & say…
“Baby, I was at Standing Rock; I am a Water Protector.”

To all our Standing Rock Tribe worldwide, I love you so much. I can never thank you enough. Thanks for changing my life. Thanks for standing up and showing the world that something more is possible.
This is just the beginning.

Long live Standing Rock. Long live *Oceti Sakowin* camp, Sacred Stone, Rosebud & the rest.
#StandingRock #StillStanding #JustTheBeginning #StandingRockLives


2-23-17 ~ Prolific TheRapper… Be smarter than their propaganda. All eyes on Camp. After using force their next move will be propaganda to justify their injustices for the past several months… #nodapl

2-23-17 ~ The last man left in Oceti Sakowin Main Camp. Sitting on the roof.

2-23-17 ~ BREAKING: Trump Orders Army to Evict Sioux from Standing Rock at Gunpoint
American forces are storming lands that rightfully belong to Native Americans per U.S. treaties. Trump’s hearkening America back to one of its ugliest historical legacies. The only difference is that our soldiers aren’t on horseback this time. Now, they’re using snipers, bulletproof armor, and Humvees to storm the Native Americans’ protest camps. Continue Reading…

2-23-17 ~ Militarized Police Just Evicted The Sioux Tribe From Standing Rock At Gunpoint
Federal authorities have begun their raid to evict the water protectors from the Oceti Sakowin camp, and the images coming out of the protest site are extremely disturbing. History is repeating itself as heavily militarized United States law enforcement storm Native American treaty land to run them off- only this time they’re riding in Humvees and not on horses. Continue Reading …

2-23-17 ~ Dakota Access oil pipeline camp cleared of protesters
It took 3 ? hours for about 220 officers and 18 National Guardsmen to methodically search the protesters’ temporary homes. Authorities said they arrested 46 people, including a group of military veterans who had to be carried out and a man who climbed atop a building and stayed there for more than an hour before surrendering. Continue Reading …

2-23-17 ~ FRONTLINE at Standing Rock-Holding the Line 2/23/17 – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ North Dakota Police CHASE Journalists – TYT Politics

2-23-17 ~ The Chairman Is Having A Meeting At Oceti (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Armed Police & Military Are Now Inside Oceti (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Myron Dewey 2/23/2017 Good Morning – 411 Truth

2-23-17 ~ Armed Police & Military Are Now Inside Oceti 2/23/2017 Live From Standing Rock – 411 Truth

2-23-17 ~ Johnny Dangers Armed Riot Police have raided 80% of camp 2/23/17 – 411 Truth

2-23-17 ~ Oil Police BRUTALIZE Water Protector Who Questioned Them – TYT Politics

2-23-17 ~ Jameson Dargen speaks with Law Enforcement as they try to get him out of Camp – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Update from camp after Yesterdays Removal – J Grady

2-13-17 ~ Drone Footage Of Oceti Raid Part 1 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Stephanie Big-Eagle – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Myron Dewey (2/23/2017) Good Morning – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ On The Ground In Oceti The Raid Continues (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ We Have to Keep Fighting: Water Protectors Vow Continued Resistance to DAPL as Main Camp Is Evicted – Democracy Now!

2-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Documentary: Who, What and Why of the DAPL Protests (Must Watch) – Protect Mother Earth

2-23-17 ~ Last stand Oceti Oyate heartbreaking – The One And Only Power

2-23-17 ~ Definitely a homeland security helicopter at oceti Camp – The One And Only Power

2-23-17 ~ This is so sad, we have no choice but to stop this from continuing – The One And Only Power

2-23-17 ~ Oceti Camp Is Being Raided! (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Johnny Dangers – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ On The Ground In Oceti With Raid Updates (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Police Raid Oceti Sakowin Camp 2-23-17 12:13 pm – MeMy SelfAndi

2-23-17 ~ 2/23/17 NoDAPL Live Stream of Oceti Sakowin camp invasion from across river – 411 Truth

23-23-17 ~ Lastrealindians ~ The raid of the north camp is almost complete – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Drone Footage Of Oceti Raid Part 2 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Stephanie Big-Eagle – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ They have four armed standing on the ridge behind Cheyenne River North – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Live raid of Oceti resistance prater camp – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ BIA In Rosebud The Oceti Raid Continues (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Chase Iron Eyes Part 2 (2/23/2017) Oceti Raid Updates – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Jameson Dargen speaks with Law Enforcement as they try to get him out of Camp – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Police Cause Broken Hip! 02/23/17 #NoDAPL – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ America Lawlessly Dishonors Supreme Laws of it’s own Land. | 02/23/17 KFYR TV – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ Unicorn Riot ~ Militarized police fall face-first in attempts to tackle water protectors – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Drone Footage: Raid On Oceti Resistance Prayer Camp Part 1 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Drone Footage: Raid On Oceti Resistance Prayer Camp Part 2 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ USA: National Guard clear out remaining protesters at Standing Rock camp – Ruptly TV

2-23-17 ~ Americans Shame – Sad Day at Standing Rock as Protester Picked Off – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-23-17 ~ Military Vehicles and Snipers at Standing Rock Protest – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-23-17 ~ Police Arrest American Indians at Standing Rock – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-23-17 ~ Police News Conference at Standing Rock Protest – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

News Articles and Updates ~ Oceti Sakowin
You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

Special Report Feb. 22, 2017

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Oceti Sakowin
You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life


Chase Iron Eyes, an American Indian activist and a member of the Standing Rock

2-23-17 ~ NY Times…. Chase Iron Eyes, an American Indian activist and a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, is live from Canon Ball, North Dakota after yesterday’s evacuation order by the Army Corps of Engineers and North Dakota’s governor.


2-23-17 ~ Johnny Dangers… 100% of the Oceti Oyate Camp is now in Government Control! Riot Police, Armored Humvees, Reports of M4 guns and more are raiding the Oceti Oyate Camp!!! Armored Vehicles shamefully line the banks of the Cannonball River. Armed Riot Police have raided 80% of camp and are squeezing the remaining Water Protectors onto the semi-frozen Cannonball River! Grandmother arrested by the sweatlodge. Share! Send Prayers of Strength! Share with the world the truth!


2-23-17 ~ Redhawk… There was a reported 8-10 arrests yesterday at Oceti. What mainstream media failed to recognize is that a vast majority if not ALL of those arrested were independent & grassroots media taking a stand for the camp, and refusing to allow corporation controlled law enforcement to seize the camp with no documentation. Exercising the 1st amendment, and defending the liberties of this country, this is now a war of information as well as a spiritual war.
There is still independent media embedded inside the camp, and they will continue to defend the right to document for treaty rights and the rights of our Native American brothers and sisters.


2-22-17 ~ Sacred Stone Camp … Riot Police from Wisconsin and North Dakota chasing down Eric Poemz as he was reporting from the frontline. Police disgustingly appear to take photos with Eric Poemz after injuring him (like hunting photos).


2-22-17 ~ Native Americans Cherokee … This morning at Standing Rock, many women participated in a sacred ceremonial Women’s Jingle dance and this was the first time it was allowed to be recorded. The dancers invited the media to record it because they want the healing power to be shared with the world.


2-22-17 ~ The Fight is not over
Over 450,000 of you took action demanding Obama halt construction. Thank you!

Now we need your help finishing the fight.

On January 18th, the Department of the Army published the Notice of Intent to require an Environmental Impact Statement in the Federal Register. This is another small victory in defeating the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline.

The fight, however, is still not over.

This notice opens the public scoping phase and invites anyone interested to help them to identify potential issues, concerns, and reasonable alternatives that should be considered in an EIS.

While the EIS is exactly what we called for, we must ensure that it fully takes into consideration tribal treaty rights, natural resources, cultural and sacred places, socio-economical concerns, environmental justice, and the health and wellbeing of those downstream who rely on our drinking water.

We need your continued support as this process moves forward.

The Department of the Army’s Civil Works division will be accepting public comment until February 20th, 2017

Submit a comment to the Army Corps:
95,190 Letters Sent
Please sign http://tinyurl.com/hlpeh3q


2-22-17 ~ In a symbolic gesture, the protesters set fire to their camp
“People have said their last prayers, and offered cedar to the sacred fire and are also burning these structures we have ceremonially built, so they must be ceremonially removed,”


2-22-17 ~ Update. We made it to Standing Rock around 230 am local time. We sat around a drum circle for the last several hours singing beautiful songs. Tomorrow I will be arrested on felony charges for refusing to leave. I take everything that is coming to me in the hope that we can make a difference here. They have already released dogs, burned down their encampments and sent in the army to shoot the unarmed crowds, so who knows what is in store for those of us on the front line tomorrow, especially with Trump in office! Thank all of you for your blessings and warm thoughts. Please continue to keep me and everyone else in Standing Rock in your prayers and meditations. At this point the whole world needs your prayers.
— at #DakotaAccessPipelineResistanceCamp

2-22-17 ~ North Dakota Access pipeline protesters prayed and set fire to a handful of wooden structures on Wednesday, hours ahead of a deadline set by the Army Corps of Engineers to close the camp.
Some of the praying protesters said burning the structures — which appeared to include a yurt and a teepee — was part of the ceremony of leaving. As heavy rain turned to snow, some said they expected no trouble during the eviction, despite a heavy law enforcement presence.

2-22-17 ~ At the 2:56 minute mark ND officers just BROKE Eric Poemz hip (yes, really), took his phone, and it continued to live feed as they incriminated themselves… asked him to apologize… classic Morton County “justice”. I don’t know how to save the feed other than just clicking the Facebook button to save the video but as we’ve learned… If they delete the video entirely, there is nothing that’s then being saved… video will appear as “not found”. If you know a way around this, please save that video for Eric because he will need it later.


2-22-17 ~ Indigenous Rising Media… Water protectors are hard at work making sure to leave the Oceti Sakowin camp area better than we found it. Fake news about the ‘mess’ is rampant, so hopefully this clears up questions. We are still committed to protecting the water of the Missouri River. But if the camp is evicted or raided, it will only hinder or stop the cleanup. Please watch and share.

2-22-17 ~ Ernesto Burbank… More water protectors arrested today @ Standing Rock. Witnesses are saying many without being read their rights or any charges being stated. This is a sad day simultaneously for America and the Earth. When corporate profiteers totally hold the strings on the law enforcers and Government. The slope just got very steep and slippery. I said this was a test case for the world and that’s why I would stand loud and strong with the cause. It’s not just a blow for Standing Rock. It sets a new directive for the modern Western World. I’m not liking this directive at all.

2-22-17 ~ 10 arrested as Oceti Sakowin DAPL protest camp evacuated Wednesday
Governor Burgum and other state authorities say Thursday at 9 a.m. they will re-start clean up efforts at the Oceti Sakowin Camp. And they’re giving protesters still left at the camp one more chance to leave.

2-22-17 ~ LA TIMES… 10 arrested as authorities close in on Dakota Access pipeline protest camp
The standoff marked the culmination of one of the nation’s largest and longest environmental protests, which at its peak drew thousands of activists who said the project would threaten the water supply and sacred sites of the North Dakota tribe.

2-22-17 ~ Scheduled Eviction of Main #NoDAPL Encampment
After nearly a year of struggling against the Dakota Access Pipeline’s construction underneath the Missouri River, water protectors are now scheduled to be evicted from their main encampment. The encampment, on unceded Fort Laramie Treaty land and maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers, has a few hundred water protectors still holding steady as the eviction looms.
Ceremonial fires have been raging throughout the snow-filled morning.

2-22-17 ~ These last moments of the Standing Rock protest will break your heart
After a Trump administration executive order, the Army Corps of Engineers ordered protesters to vacate the camp by 2 p.m. local time on Feb. 22, 2017. Authorities were set to physically remove everyone in the way of the Dakota Access Pipeline’s construction upon sacred Native American land.

2-22-17 ~ Last Remnants of Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Camp Are Engulfed in Flames
Some of the last remnants of the Dakota Access pipeline protest camp went up in flames Wednesday as opponents of the project set fire to makeshift wooden housing as part of a leaving ceremony ahead of a government deadline to get off the federal land.

2-22-17 ~ Dakota Access Protesters Arrested As Deadline Passes To Depart Camp
Images showing clashes with law enforcement and pipeline security workers motivated thousands of Americans to support the tribe by donating hundreds of thousands of dollars or joining Oceti Sakowin and the other water protector camps. It also provided a model for environmental protests that essentially went viral as camps sprang up to halt pipelines in Texas, Florida and other spots around the country. “The camp was the light in the middle of the dark,” said Indigenous Environmental Network organizer Dallas Goldtooth. “It was the fire that fueled so many fights across the country,”

2-22-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Eric Poemz (2/22/2017) BIA Won’t Let Us Into Oceti Oyate! – Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ HEARTBREAKING: Standing Rock Camp Burns Before Raid – TYT Politics

2-22-17 ~ The Final Hours of Oceti Camp (2/22/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock – Oceti Camp , Front Gate – Lakota People Project – 02/22/17 – 241pm – Valley Forge Network

2-22-17 ` Vets talking to cops asking for more time – J Grady

2-22-17 ~ Unicorn Riot ~ Cam 1 Eviction of Main #NoDAPL Camp – J Grady

2-22-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Jon Ziegler (2/22/2017) Raid Updates From The Ground – Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ Raid Updates From The Ground At Oceti (2/22/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Angie Spencer – Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ Cops Talk to us about leaving Oceti Camp Right now. Standing Rock – The One And Only Power

2-22-17 ~ On our way to help sacred stone. Standing Rock – The One And Only Power

2-22-17 ~ Interview with Oglala Lakota Elder from Pine Ridge About today’s Treaty Stand #StandingRock – The One And Only Power

2-22-17 ~ Oceti Camp Final hour’s Water protectors…. Standing Rock – The One And Only Power

2-22-17 ~ Oceti Oyate in the Seventh Generation kitchen huddled around the fire with spirits high – The One And Only Power

2-22-17 ~ From Rosebud camp!!! People earning their fathers. Conquistador’s are live and well – The One And Only Power

2-22-17 ~ Oceti Oyate eviction date has arrived… And the reason for Burning – The One And Only Power

2-22-17 ~ Oceti Camp Updates With Myron Dewey (2/22/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ Cops Moving In Now! (2/22/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Jon Ziegler – Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Ed Higgins (2/22/2017) Rumor Mill Check – Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ Last Stand for Standing Rock isn’t quite over – RT America

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock – Eviction of Main Camp 255pm – 02/22/17 – Unicorn Riot – Valley Forge Network

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock – Oceti Camp Drone 131pm – 02/22/17 – DSS – Valley Forge Network

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock – International Prayer Movement w/ Chase IronEyes – 02/22/17 – LastRealIndians 214pm – Valley Forge Network

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock – 2nd Raid 402pm – Indigenous Rising Media – 02/22/17 – Valley Forge Network

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock – FOX News Feed 322pm – – Hour half – Oceti Camp – 02/22/17 – Valley Forge Network

2-22-17 ~ 748 tribes and 22 cities have signed letters supporting stopping DAPL! We Stand! – 411 TRUTH

2-22-17 ~ Moment of Arrest of Standing Rock Water Protectors 02/22/17 #NoDAPL – 411 TRUTH

2-22-17 ~ Police Rush and Arrest Protesters at Standing Rock Protest Camp – 411 TRUTH

2-22-17 ~ Snow and Fire – Standing Rock protest Camp in FLAMES – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock Deadline Day #NoDAPL – Native American Life

2-22-17 ~ Lakota People’s Law Project was live – J Grady

2-2-17 ~ 748 tribes and 22 cities have signed letters supporting stopping DAPL! We Stand! – J Grady

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock LIVE: Anti-DAPL camp as enforced evacuation deadline reached – RT

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock Braces For Police Raid TODAY – TYT Politics

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock: #NoDAPL Frontline Action- UWN FEED – DAHBOO777

2-22-17 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Update from Prairie nights casino – J Grady

2-22-17 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Morning update Good morning all my relatives – J Grady

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock Deadline Day #NoDAPL – J Grady

2-22-17 ~ Targeted Native Reporter’s Court Hearing Is TODAY – TYT Politics

2-22-17 ~ Today the Oceti Sakowin camp is expected to be evicted after 2pm – Native American Life

2-22-17 ~ Unicorn Riot ~ Cam 1 Eviction of Main #NoDAPL Cam – J Grady

2-22-17 ~ Water Protectors Singing One Last Time At Oceti (2/22/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ Vets Talk To Cops & Ask For More Time (2/22/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ They Are Fully Armed, Pray (2/22/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Women’s Indigenous Media – Mystic Dave2
Mystic Dave2

2-22-17 ~ Indigenous elder explains how some plan to passively resist evacuation of the camp:02/22/17 – 411 TRUTH

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rocks Protests, Nine Arrests were Made – PewWORKS TV

2-22-17 ~ Breaking News Riot Police ran at Water Protectors at the entrance of Oceti – J Grady

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock – Update – Riot Police run at Water Protectors – 526pm – 02/22/17 – Jdangers – Valley Forge Network

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock: Police Start Camp Eviction, Arrests Made – UWN FEED – DAHBOO777

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock’s Last Stand- #NoDAPL Camp Eviction — Chase Iron Eyes Interview – Acronym TV

2-22-17 ~ Evicted NoDAPL protesters ‘taking their fight outward’ – photojournalist – RT America

2-22-17 ~ The thunders are returning less than 20 hours from the armed raid – Native American Life

Stories From the Frontline Feb. 13, 2017

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Oceti Sakowin
You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life



2-12-17 ~ Another AIM Legend, Fred Short.
Dennis Banks awarded Fred and Henry Dominguez with eagle feathers. He also said that The Standing Rock protectors who had been injured on the front lines would also receive eagle feathers from him personally. He said that at some point, the American Congress passed a law that only Native Americans could possess eagle feathers. Dennis pointed out that thousands of people from all Races and many nations have shown up in South Dakota to express their support. He said they absolutely are deserving of the honor because what they have done, standing up and walking to a problem, is what the eagle feather honor is about.

While Dennis was speaking prior to awarding the feathers, I noticed Fred looking down on the ground, and then getting out of his chair and gently herding something into his hand. I watched, fascinated, as he carefully and gently walked about 50 or 60 feet across the packed Earth to a spot of grass, and released whatever he had just rescued from his hand into the protective grass. Dennis stopped speaking for a moment, apparently wondering why Fred had wandered off. Everyone quietly watched Fred save a tiny little life that many people would not have even

2-12-17 ~ Brandon Green… Is One Of The Most Devoted Water Protectors And Always In Good Spirits!


2-12-17 ~ Kevin Martin… This is a military staging tactic wherein you demonize the populace and create an image of people that are hypocritical and less than honorable, that way they appear to be trouble makers, and liers.

The real truth will be told, because both sides have had a longer period of time to prepare, and our new government is embolden by a series of flagrant actions, and an aggressive narcissist for a leader.

His handshake with foreign Ieaders (Japan) is aggressive and dominating, and clearly without honor. This period of time is dangerous and all actions need consideration of our collective vulnerability in a termination staged political arena.

There would be a true uprising across the US if they were to attempt such a bold action, yet small bills ( North Dakota), have been written to allow access to tribal resources. The changes in the BIA, BIE should be watched carefully, and all supportive government branches (EPA, Parks) are being staged for a fire sale. A fire sale meaning, all environmental, social, and political propundents with any protective mission will have all support shut off at once.

Mass protest it’s possibly the biggest conundrum that throws a wrench in the action, and by disavowing the intelligence, and media , the billionaire cabal has a near silent coup (soft opening), of a fascist state. The obvious question on everyone’s mind is what will be the incident that pushes the population to direct action?

It’s hard to demonize a peaceful population, and nonviolence is working. It would be wise to offer sustainable Ecovilliage, and green energy solutions. The green energy companies will be looking for a new place to do business, and the tribes have the public support for such a sustainable venture.

Yes growing pains are hard, yet the truth cuts like a knife. Our country will stand together and fight, we are growing supporters by the day. All aggressive actions are being documented by the world, and a den of thieves cannot flourish in the light. Dumping trash on a camp site is a flagrant sign of a desperate and weak minded agressor.

We will all RISE, and create water in the mountains!


2-12-17 Pueblo U.S. Veteran Brandee Paisano: Why I, a veteran, joined the fight at Standing Rock
‘I bled in Iraq and you’re going to threaten to shoot me on a bridge in North Dakota?’ Laguna Pueblo U.S. Veteran Brandee Paisano. Veterans here say there are a number of reasons drawing them in, including standing up for Indigenous people, environmentalism and even seeing an opportunity to put specialized survival skills to use.


2-12-17 ~ Angelo Sison… Wanted to lay low for awhile but there’s been something I wanted to get off my chest. There’s been talk of a NODAPL calendar for awhile highlighting certain individuals and certain organizations. I openly say FUCK NO to the calendar idea….unless…you have a month or page for every wood hauler, every cook, every mechanic, every security guard, every medic, every culture, every tribe, every warrior, every person who’s marched, every person who’s divested, every person who’s given up their liberties to fight for clean water, and every person from Cannon Ball and surrounding communities. If I lose support for this post….I honestly don’t give a fuck. If you glorify a certain individual such as live feeders, then you are a part of the problem. It doesn’t matter if you’re at camp, on live feeds, at the casino, in a office, or at home in front of your computer. We all have our part to play in this revolution. This movement has no leaders.


2-12-17 ~ Margaret Tuka‎… I see people want to buy rooms for water protectors. Let’s not do this. The casino is swarming with feds. Not saying any names, but one of the protectors was arrested at the casino. Let’s work on getting them water heaters for showers instead. I think that $164 would benefit the entire camps, not just one person. Just an idea. We have to protect them, while they protect us. Don’t get my words misconstrued!! They don’t need us to play hero. They are the hero’s!! Let’s just try to ensure we don’t get anyone hemmed up by BIA, Morton County, or the feds. This is just my humble opinion!!

2-11-17 – Earthjustice… Phyllis Young Standing Rock speech to DAPL Company
The company building the Dakota Access Pipeline has claimed that if the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe had voiced their objections to the project earlier, “we could have changed the route.”

The company is lying, the Tribe did engage in discussions more than two years ago. A recording has been released of September 2014 meeting where the Tribal members told the company not to build the pipeline near their reservation.


2-11-17 ~ David Kitchen… International Indian Treaty Council: Trump’s Executive Orders Violate Treaties
Consistent with our previous statement by the International Indian Treaty Council in support of the SRST, it is our position that these actions taken by the President ignore both federal and international law to which the U.S. is obligated, including its legally-binding commitments under the Treaties concluded with the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota (“Great Sioux Nation”). The International Indian Treaty Council again asserts that President does not have the legal or moral authority to violate the U.S. Constitution, which states “treaties are the supreme law of the land.”


2-11-17 ~ Trey Davenport … Springtime conditions have come to Standing Rock today

2-11-17 ~ Mauna Kea To Standing Rock!


2-11-17 ~ Labor For Standing Rock… Colorado and Wyoming’s UFCW Local 7 has become the first union in the state to officially oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline. An amalgamated local of over 22,000 members from the food and medical industries they also donated $2000 which will go to the renewed effort to support the First Nations and end DAPL. #nodapl#laborforstandingrock Water is life.

2-11-17 ~ Fairess Reid‎ … Today the North Dakota house voted in favor of 5 bills that are specifically meant to target water protectors.

They passed the “run protesters over” bill, the mask bill, and bills that turn riot offenses, criminal trespass, and causing a business economic harm of $1000 or more Class C felonies. Meaning your punishment could be up to 5 years in prison and $10,000 in penalties.

They put an emergency clause on these bills so after today they will go straight to the Senate (as opposed to waiting for crossover which happens halfway through the legislative session) So these laws could be in effect very soon.+

They have officially sanctioned murder in North Dakota. Its time.


2-11-17 ~ Jenni Monet, a Native American journalist, was arrested last week while covering Standing Rock. You’d think that would trigger a lot of support from the national and regional news media.

There is an idea in law enforcement called the “thin blue line.” It basically means that police work together. A call goes out from Morton County and, right or wrong, law enforcement from around the country provides back up.

You would think journalism would be like that too.

When one journalist is threatened, we all are. We cannot do our jobs when we worry about being injured or worse. And when a journalist is arrested? Well, everyone who claims the First Amendment as a framework should object loudly.

Last Wednesday Monet was arrested near Cannonball, North Dakota. She was interviewing water protectors who were setting up a new camp near the Dakota Access Pipeline route on treaty lands of the Great Sioux Nation. Law enforcement from Morton County surrounded the camp and captured everyone within the circle. A press release from the sheriff’s Department puts it this way: “Approximately 76 members of a rogue group of protestors were arrested.” Most were charged with criminal trespassing and inciting a riot.

As was Monet. She now faces serious charges and the judicial process will go forward. The truth must come out.

But this story is about the failure of journalism institutions.

The Native press and the institutions that carry her work had Monet’s back. That includes Indian Country Media Network, Yes! Magazine, and the Center for Investigative Reporting’s Reveal. In Canada the Aboriginal People’s Television Network reported on the story during its evening news. And, The Los Angeles Times has now weighed as well in with its own story written by Sandy Tolan who’s done some great reporting from Standing Rock. The Native American Journalists Association released a statement immediately: “Yesterday’s unlawful arrest of Native journalist Jenni Monet by Morton County officers is patently illegal and a blatant betrayal of our closely held American values of free speech and a free press,” NAJA President Bryan Pollard said, “Jenni is an accomplished journalist and consummate professional who was covering a story on behalf of Indian Country Today. Unfortunately, this arrest is not unprecedented, and Morton County officials must review their officer training and department policies to ensure that officers are able and empowered to distinguish between protesters and journalists who are in pursuit of truthful reporting.”

Yet in North Dakota you would not know this arrest happened. The press is silent. (UPDATE on Feb. 7: Bismarck Tribune reports on the arrest.)

I have heard from many, many individual journalists. That’s fantastic. But what about the institutions of journalism? There should news stories in print, digital and broadcast. There should be editorials calling out North Dakota for this egregious act. If the institutions let this moment pass, every journalist covering a protest across the country will be at risk of arrest.

After her release from jail, Monet wrote for Indian Country Media Network, “When Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman was charged with the same allegations I now face—criminal trespassing and rioting—her message to the world embraced the First Amendment. ‘There’s a reason why journalism is explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution,’ she said before a crowd gathered in front of the Morton County courthouse. “Because we’re supposed to be the check and balance on power.”

The funny thing is that journalism institutions were not quick to embrace Goodman either. I have talked to many journalists who see her as an “other” because she practices a different kind of journalism than they do.

Monet’s brand of journalism is rooted in facts and good reporting. She talks to everyone on all sides of the story, including the Morton County Sheriff and North Dakota’s new governor. She also has street cred … and knows how to tell a story. Just listen to her podcast — Still Here — and you will know that to be true.

So if we ever need journalism institutions to rally, it’s now. It’s not Jenni Monet who will be on trial. It’s the First Amendment. Journalism is not a crime.


2-11-17 ~ Andy Ziegler… Good evening water protectors and those everywhere who Stand w/Standing Rock. Now is not the time to be arguing about who left what at the camps, the support or nonsupport in spirit or $ from the SRST, and it is not the time to sit down and shed tears.

I hear of the “last stand” happening now and I say no…This is not the last stand, this is only the beginning. Yes they are drilling, and my heart wants it to stop, but my mind knows this snake will flow w/its poison. I have read many stories of people’s journey to SR. online, and all who I talked to at Oceti, all say the same thing–It was a calling they could not ignore, at they felt “healed” or “renewed” and even those who could not make the journey were called to engage and help as they could.

I believe our creator called us together from across the country and world like the vision of Crazy Horse, but this was not the final battle, we are meant to be the seeds. The 1st Nations has shown the world once again that standing together in peace and prayer renders a military and police force defenseless. DAPL and our Gov. think they have defeated us but they fail to realize it’s a hollow victory, as People are “STANDING” everywhere, do not think it’s over. Do not argue over trash. I will return as many times as needed-risking criminal charges if I must–to restore the area to a better cond. than before. As seeds now is the time to take root wherever we’ve returned to and continue the fight for mother Earth. Prayers to all… Mni Wiconi


2-11-17 ~ Army Veterans Have Just Returned To Standing Rock To Form a Human Shield Against Police
The growing group of military veterans could make it harder for police and government officials to try to remove hundreds of activists who remain camped near the construction site and, some hope, could limit use of excessive force by law enforcement during demonstrations. “We are prepared to put our bodies between Native elders and a privatized military force,” said Elizabeth Williams, a 34-year-old air force veteran, who arrived at Standing Rock with a group of vets late on Friday. “We’ve stood in the face of fire before. We feel a responsibility to use the skills we have.” Continue Reading


2-10-17 ~ Unify FEB 10th: STANDING ROCK Update: The struggle is heating up, and we need your support more than ever in the coming weeks. The campsite is growing, thousands of veterans have committed to joining in solidarity with us. And we are on site providing support to Grandmother, the Earth is called by so many here. And as she changes her clothes, shrugging off this long Winter and emerging into Spring, our work is made all the more urgent. Rising flood waters from the Missouri River will soon wash away any trash or refuse left behind by the waves of supporters, tourists and passersby who have lent their support, in myriad forms, these past many months.

Now we roll up our sleeves and do the difficult work of sorting through the thousands of donations and camping supplies which can still be repurposed to support the struggle to stop DAPL, or that may find new life in other nearby communities.

Already we have packed and delivered two shipments of clothing and non-perishable food to nearby charities and donation centers, with plans to send out our massive 28 foot trailer fully loaded two more times.

Our trucks roll through camp, excavating forgotten tents from the frozen ground, layers of ice and the all-concealing snow. Tools purchased with your contributions allow us to overcome these barriers to our success, and scrub from this sacred land every tarp, tent stake and cigarette butt we find.

But it’s not all about cleaning. Far too many elders have been left with the responsibility of breaking down their own camps, with little or no support. These have been homes for nearly a year, and are often full of yurts, large military tents, tipis and even some fully fledged houses. Unify identifies those members of the Standing Rock community who are being forgotten and we help.

You help. We could never do it without you. From the beginning, the movement against DAPL and to protect this water has relied on the aid of those whose support came from afar. We have rallied together each according to their ability. Each piece of this movement is sacred, as each cell in the body amounts to more than the sum of its parts. And now, more than ever, it is imperative we stay together.

Though the pipeline bores on, its infamy now burnished by the support of a new Presidency, the last impact of Standing Rock remains to be seen. Will we allow this movement to come stuttering to a halt, or can we find a way to fuel this new community in a responsible, sustainable manner?

Your support means direct aid on the ground as Water Protectors begin relocating to permanent eco-villages. Sacred Stone and Rosebud have no intentions of disbanding, and have secured their future on private lands directly neighboring the flood plain.

Unify will be here, sorting recycling, restoring the land and helping Grandmother wherever we can and in whomever we see her twinkling eye. Nothing in the future is certain, but we are certain not to abandon this place, not now when Standing Rock needs us the most, not ever.

Please join us in preserving and protecting this most magical of moments, and breathing new life into the most important movement in generations.


2-10-17 ~ Salina Manson… I actually saw this guy at Standing Rock. But since he wanted privacy it wasnt spoken about. I felt like he didn’t want to become a distraction. I’m sure folks will always say something critical and mean about people but I felt like he just wanted to be respectful. Wasn’t a limelight moment for him. I really respect that.

It’s all about the actions unsaid. Where no credit is needed. A million things happened at SR we all didn’t share on-line because resistance movements aren’t speaking every detail. They are too busy staying focused.
Great job Leo!

Leonardo DiCaprio Helps Pull Out $2.6 Trillion in Fossil Fuel Investments
Leonardo DiCaprio has long since come out against big oil companies and their effect on the environment. Now in an influential display of force this past fall, DiCaprio and over 2,000 people and 400 institutions have pulled out their funds in fossil fuel companies, representing an extraordinary $2.6 trillion in investments.
Continue Reading


2-9-17 ~ Brenda Crawford‎ … I was watching for eagles on a dark, overcast day and a single ray of sunlight illuminated the tree line across the lake. It looked like a line of ghosts marching across the water. This is what one ray of light can do. Dedicated to the Native people and water protectors at Standing Rock. May the ray of light and love of God/The Creator shine upon you..


2-9-17 ~ CHEYENNE RIVER SIOUX TRIBE REACTS TO BIA POLICE BRUTALITY … Recent images of Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIA”) agent brutality beating a water protector have emerged from the Sacred Stone Camp. Sources present at the incident indicated that BIA agents drove toward individuals with around seven (“7”) vehicles marked “BIA” and the officers identified themselves as BIA agents. Video images of the incident have been uploaded to various media and internet outlets showing water protectors being beaten with security batons in the legs until they fall. Audio from the video clearly picks up the water protectors’ screams. Once fallen, the water protectors were arrested. Continue Reading

2-9-7 ~ Video Shows Morton County Dumping Trash Inside Standing Rock Camp To Frame Protesters …
Puente narrates that a man — whom he describes as employed by Morton County — can be seen standing near the quickly amassing pile of waste, taking pictures of the progress and attempting to persuade a few of the crew to pose in lawn chairs in front of it. Continue Reading


2-9-17 ~ Lauri Hust Zupan… This is crazy !! These cases should not be taking place anywhere near Morton County !!! With the way things are a person has nowhere to go to dispute this !! We need to help find a way to get these moved and retried !! There has to be a way !! EVERYBODY reach out to everybody you know to help find a way to end this madness!! We need to make all this reach out beyond our circle of water protectors !! It may seem like the world knows but when you start to connect with those outside our news feeds on Facebook you see that it’s still too quiet ! WE NEED TO LIFT OUR VOICES BEYOND what we know to bring more awareness. There are still so many people that are not aware of Standing Rock or its happenings and how it’s affecting the country as a whole. Think about how much do you really hear about all the other pipelines going in everywhere else in the country (we need to unite). That is how much we are being heard about Standing Rock!! Many are tired but we are just in the beginning of this fight !! RECHARGE and let’s make some noise and share your knowledge from Standing Rock with other Water Protectors and Treaty Enforcers from other pipeline fights as they are all our fight for the future , so all these pipeline associated cases around the world are being heard (UNITE AS ONE ) . We need this to be talked about around the world at every water cooler and dinner table in the world each and every day until there is a solution to this madness !!! Our future generations are depending on us!! Continue Reading Four More Water Protectors Indicted on Federal Charges


2-8-17 ~ MORTON COUNTY SHERIFF KIRCHMEIER: Today’s decision from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is a step toward the closure necessary for pipeline construction. If protestors continue to take unlawful actions in response to the Corps’ decision, law enforcement will be forced to continue to put themselves in harm’s way to enforce the rule of law. Our hope is that the new administration in Washington will now provide North Dakota law enforcement the necessary resources to bring closure to the protests. This has never been about the pipeline or the protests. This has always been about the rule of law, protecting both residents and peaceful protestors from criminal elements that have significantly harmed people and property – all with very little assistance from the federal government in the last administration.

COMMISSIONER SCHULZ: The last administration in Washington decided against granting an easement to DAPL even through the career experts at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recommended approval and a federal court denied a request to stop it. And they refused to give North Dakota law enforcement the much needed resources to deal with professional protestors who have assaulted police officers, bullied residents, killed livestock, and angered the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe for treating their land with disrespect. But today’s decision from the Corps shows that this new administration will not politically meddle in a thorough review of a project that will have an enormous positive effect on the economy and public safety in our area. With professional protestors continuing to engage in criminal activities, we have new hope that we didn’t have before: an administration that will help law enforcement provide public safety for the citizens of Morton County instead of turning their backs on them.

On the morning of Feb. 1, a group of water protectors established a new camp, Last Child Camp, on higher ground west of HWY 1806, which is contested treaty land. Lakota activist and LPLP attorney Chase Iron Eyes spoke with law enforcement officials at the barricade before returning to camp, where he was later arrested and charged with “inciting a riot”—a class C felony with a max sentence of five years. This video is a recap of the day and some of the wisdom Chase had to impart about this treaty stand.


2-8-17 ~ Kat N Jamie Moore… Here ya go let’s all so this. They saying the polls we sign on fb aren’t legit electronic signatures don’t count. So please send a signed no DAPL post card to the address below on the date stated.

Lorins Lewis comment to post of Trump saying he hasn’t received any negative calls about the pipeline. On March 15th, each of us will mail Donald Trump a postcard that publicly expresses our opposition to him. And we, in vast numbers, from all corners of the world, will overwhelm the man with his unpopularity and failure. We will show the media and the politicians what standing with him — and against us — means. And most importantly, we will bury the White House post office in pink slips, all informing Donnie that he’s fired.

Each of us — every protester from every march, each congress calling citizen, every boycotter, volunteer, donor, and petition signer — if each of us writes even a single postcard and we put them all in the mail on the same day, March 15th, well: you do the math.

No alternative fact or Russian translation will explain away our record-breaking, officially-verifiable, warehouse-filling flood of fury. Hank Aaron currently holds the record for fan mail, having received 900,000 pieces in a year. We’re setting a new record: over a million pieces in a day, with not a single nice thing to say.
So sharpen your wit, unsheathe your writing implements, and see if your sincerest ill-wishes can pierce Donald’s famously thin skin.

Prepare for March 15th, 2017, a day hereafter to be known as #TheIdesOfTrump

Write one postcard. Write a dozen! Take a picture and post it on social media tagged with #TheIdesOfTrump ! Spread the word! Everyone on Earth should let Donnie know how he’s doing. They can’t build a wall high enough to stop the mail.

Then, on March 15th, mail your messages to:

Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

It might just be enough to make him crack.
Not my original post but someone else’s great idea!
Copy and repost.

From someone that cares…not a bad idea and obviously not just the women or democrats or yada yada…


2-8-17 ~ Jordan … It is with a heavy heart that I can no longer be in Standing Rock at this time and every time I am on Facebook I see members of my NODAPL family being arrested, mistreated and wrongfully accused with false allegations and charges. For the simple act of trying to protect our Mother Earth and practice our constitutional right to assemble and speak against our government. There have been over 676 of arrests since the NODAPL movement started. Imagine peacefully protesting one minute then after being beat and brutalized by police you are suddenly facing felonies as well as 10 years to LIFE in prison?! That is the reality for most of those who have been arrested in the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline. For standing? For praying? For trespassing? For being a leader? The corruption in legal system in Morton County and countless lies being told by the Morton County Sheriff’s Department (MCSD) and ATF is ruining peoples lives. I may no longer be physically in Standing Rock but my heart and spirit stays with my warriors.

I know this may just be another Facebook story to many of you but for myself and so many others these people are my friends and my family. These people have children, wives, husbands; these protectors have lives. Don’t abandon those who have risked everything to protect the Earth and stand up against injustices for future generations. Spread awareness. Find out how you can help. Don’t let a corrupt system continue to go unnoticed and unaccountable.

Below is a great video by TYT Politics that will give you an idea about what is going on in regards to those being charged.

Hell, they have not yet been held accountable for the 100’s of injuries I have personally seen caused by the Morton County Sheriff’s Department, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Headquarters and DAPL employees. Lets at least hold them accountable for being unjust in arresting our water protectors.

North Dakota Supreme Court: 701-667-3350
Morton County Sheriff (Morton County Sheriff’s Department): 701-667-3330
Department Of Justice (The United States Department of Justice): 202-514-2001


2-7-17 ~ Floris Ptesáŋ Huŋká… Today us ladies met with Alicia Custer, the grandniece of General George Armstrong Custer. My grandfather killed her grandfather. I know exactly what most are going to feel immediately. Still processing this among so many other things including the Army Corps granting DAPL easement to drill under Mni Sose.

She’s a mother. She brought her daughter. She’s actually a supporter of us in this fight against DAPL. She’s brought donations and wood to the camp. So she’s helped the people keep warm through this brutal winter. She takes responsibility for her grandfather and apologized. Her family has no male births and the girls are unsica. She came for forgiveness. It struck me when she said “You’re fighting for my daughter too.” It’s true. Just like we are fighting for MCSD’s children’s water, the pipeline workers water.

She doesn’t carry an honorable name. That name is synonymous with the death of women and children. We don’t carry that burden. Our ancestors fought and died defending their families, honorably. It’s their sacrifices and honor that we draw strength from.

She had some good words the pipeline workers and MCSD could use. The stains on their legacy families incur for “just following orders”.


2-6-17 ~ Water Protector Recalls Moment National Guard Took Selfies With Caged Protectors In Background
When our bus pulled in to the Morton County facility, we saw that the bus before us had already unloaded the other Water Protectors into the dog kennels and they had been stripped down to their base layer of clothing and it was freezing cold in the garage.

There were police officers and National Guards standing around casually eating pizza and joking with each other. From my window I had a view of the cage where they were holding the men. I could hear them singing and chanting #mniwiconi to keep their spirits up. It felt good to hear that, I felt connected to them even though they were outside of the bus we were on because we are all one heart, one mind and one prayer.

As we were looking out the window, someone pointed out that 2 National Guard officers were taking selfies with their personal phones with a view of the men in the cage behind them. Sure enough, there they were smiling and laughing as they posed and snapped pictures of our Water Protector brothers in cages behind them who were doing their best to hold each other’s spirits up. It was disgusting to see them take such pleasure in it.

We sat on the bus for hours and most of us had to pee so bad but our requests to use the bathroom were denied. At one point the female guard said “ok, stand up if you have to go bathroom and can’t hold it” so we all stood up. She laughed and walked off the bus. I was in the very back of the bus and a young woman who was in the seat across the aisle couldn’t hold it anymore and pee’d in her pants then jumped out of the back of the bus with zip ties still on. I assume they took her to get cleaned up but I never saw her again after that. When they had our bags labeled there was a Jane Doe bag that none of us recognized so it may have been hers. Continue Reading


2-6-17 ~ Marcos Ramirez … Yes, I’m here at Standing Rock … I’ve been here for over two weeks now, working through sickness (we have incredible medical support), cold , through the night. We’ve moved houses, modified heavy equipment, provided jail support, and supported the Warriors / Water Protectors in ways that I can only speak of quietly with the sponsors that have supported us…. We awoke Wednesday to the beautiful sight of 7 teepees on a hill, treaty land to the Lakota ( Sioux ) Nation. That day’s action would show the hypocrisy of the 6 month bridge blockade that was torn down within hours, and also thrust treaty rights back into the court system. Is there a special court, or justice system for whites vs Indigenous people? We shall see …..

I haven’t always had the time or energy to post, but I’m always watching, observing. Below is some of my photographs and short clips


2-6-17 ~ Photo by Myron Dewey… Currently taken at 7:00pm this evening at Sacred Stones Camp…across from Dakota Access Pipeline


2-6-17 ~ Dallas Goldtooth… Today during a federal court status conference, DOJ lawyers told the Judge that the Corps has forwarded a “review and analysis” to the Army leadership for a decision on the easement. They did not state what that decision was of course. They expect to announce the decision as early as friday.

Once the Army makes a decision it goes to Congress for notification. While Army policy is to wait 14 days after notification, the Presidential memo says waive that waiting period, and the DOJ did not indicate its position on this either.

The other fact that came out today under the Court’s questioning is that it would take DAPL a minimum of 83 days from the start of construction until the pipeline is fully in operation. After 60 days there could be some oil in the pipeline underneath Lake Oahe.

In layman terms. The department of army will most likely released its determination on the easement this Friday. Whereupon the tribal immediately file for an injunction.


2-6-17 ~ Ronda Hanning‎… After reading so many things these past weeks on opposing opinions, and seeing people’s frustration pouring out I feel compelled to share my thoughts.

There are many who feel victory can only be had if the DAPL is completely stopped. I too would like this outcome but do not believe we are defeated if it gets finished. I feel victory has already been achieved in many ways and that more victories will come.

A. THE AWAKENING: The Sioux Nation awakened a staggering amount of people to not only the destruction these pipelines cause but to the injustices past and present perpetuated on them. This will continue like a domino affect until the bigger victories can be made. The only way to make sure this domino affect continues is to stay committed. To continue exposing the devastating affects of big oil and oppression of Native Americans.

B: THE UNITING: Good people, black, brown, red, yellow, white, gay, straight, catholic, muslim, baptist, wican, old, young, rich, poor, democrat, republican, german, irish, african, japanese, veterans, pacifists, teachers, students, doctors, the dieing, lawyers, the addicted and the recovering have come together. The list is endless. We all have gained insight to the others experiences, pain, joys, traditions, information, struggles and opinions. From this we are a powerful collective to right the wrongs of our past and make a better future for all.

C: THE HEALING: Individually each of us has had to confront our ignorance, our character flaws, our wrong doings, our biases, our egos, our lack of self worth, our spiritual disconnect or self-righteousness. This helps unpollute our souls so we can continue to stand for goodness.

These victories will carry us forward in truth and in light and should not be forgotten when we feel nothing has changed for the better in our efforts.


2-14-17 ~ Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn … The Dog Pack From The Camp




2-13-17 ~ Moana Maaka‎ …Our time here at Standing Rock is now, no matter where you stand we at will can allow our good energies and prayers to flow to where they need to be, that’s the beauty of prayer and blessings xx

Mother Earth and our Ancestors hear and feel our vibrations connecting. They are forgiving as we go about our lessons needed to be learned but also to be taught, she is patient even as greed becomes so disconnected to their destructive ways, lessons to the watching world will be to see the level of corruption and discontent they will go to to make a dollar, no more can they hide their greed they have televised, social networked, spread their lies and their intentions for all the world to see..

As peaceful Water Protectors we are merely a vessel bought here to give and show compassion, to give love, strength and bring Unity. Our connection goes deep and we understand that respect and appreciation must be given to all things living it’s Natures Law…


2-13-17 ~ Allison Peacock … A CALL TO ARMS: STANDING ROCK NEEDS YOU
The spring thaw is just around the corner. And if the movement that made the world sit up and notice doesn’t rally back to camp, well, we should all be ashamed.

A small group of very dedicated volunteers and a few paid contractors who come by to haul things away are doing the work of thousands. At times heavy equipment arrives to scoop up snow into large piles and clear the way for movement around camp to remove trash and debris.

The amount of debris a few people are trying to sort through is overwhelming to behold.

Some say it’s hard to imagine how ten thousand people who love the earth and the water so much would leave behind this kind of tonnage in waste. Yet no one can outwit a blizzard.

When people around the world heard the call, they came. And if they couldn’t come, they sent clothing. They sent sleeping bags. They sent food.

And then, on December 5, a massive blizzard hit the Cannonball area. I can personally attest to the fierceness of the white out conditions. I was stuck in a casino nearby unable to drive for several days until the state gave the all clear on the roads. By that time tents full of donations and provisions had been buried. Well-meaning campers, thinking they were providing for the next person who came along, left tents, food, and gear.

It is the Standing Rock way. Share what you have with your neighbor and we’ll all be just fine.

It’s hard to imagine how so much actual trash made it onto the ground as well. We all tried so hard to be self-contained and live light on the earth while in camp. I personally carried my every scrap of food wrapper and used Kleenex out of camp with me in my own trash bag. I carried my orange peels to the community compost. Yet there are thousands of bags of trash left behind anyway.

Somehow in all of the massive outpouring of humanity, we all weren’t as thoughtful as we could have been.

I personally picked up three bags full today between shuttling media and documenting stories. I realized my first day back that I would have to keep a trash bag in my pocket and pick things up as I walk to the compost toilets or to interview a crew organizer. It would hurt my soul not to bend over and pick up the old batteries or crushed carton of eggs when I pass by – screws in my back or not. It’s a start.

Now if only 200 more people would come and do the same.

Camp Oceti needs us. Teams of people are needed to clean up and clean up hard. Rally your football teams, fraternities, Boy Scout troops, youth groups, and VFW groups.

Where are the veterans who raised $1 million to come to camp for four days? I saw none today cleaning up. I hope they’re here. I hope they’re picking up trash as I did today.

Mother Earth deserves it. We can’t become the great irony of the water protection movement. Please come. Bring your work gloves. Bring your trash bags. Just come.

Tomorrow I’ll post instructions on how you can help clean up our beloved Camp Oceti.


2-13-17 ~ These 10 Quotes From an Oglala Lakota Chief Will Make You Question Everything About Our Society
Luther Standing Bear was an Oglala Lakota Sioux Chief who, among a few rare others such as Charles Eastman, Black Elk and Gertrude Bonnin occupied the rift between the way of life of the Indigenous people of the Great Plains before, and during, the arrival and subsequent spread of the European pioneers. Raised in the traditions of his people until the age of eleven, he was then educated at the Carlisle Indian Industrial Boarding School of Pennsylvania, where he learned the English language and way of life. (Though a National Historical Landmark, Carlisle remains a place of controversy in Native circles.) Continue Reading


2-13-17 ~ Wopida to the Akicita with #VeteransRespond who have sent some people out to camp to help with cleanup and be on hand for any other need the people may have. We appreciate our veterans across the country for everything they’ve done and pray for all the things they have yet to do. They’re a group I trust and have had a blast getting to know, I’ll paste their fundraiser link below.

Stories From the Frontline Feb. 6, 2017

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life


2-5-17 ~ Chief Crazy Horse
I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am at that place within me, we shall be one.
~ Chief Crazy Horse
Oglala Sioux, 1877


2-5-17 ~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi… LaDonna Allard, Standing Rock and No DAPL
I read LaDonna Allard’s post a couple of hours ago, but needed to wait and comment after letting her words sink in. Now I will comment since LaDonna is one of those people who has become so much more than just LaDonna. This has happened not through ego or intention, but because of the leadership and spirit she has shown.

When friends asked me to begin a Facebook support page for the Standing Rock Protestors in August I knew little of what was going on – and little of Standing Rock. The Black Hills – Pine Ridge – yes, but Standing Rock and North Dakota – no. I was busy running our educational non-profit, Sanctuaries of the Earth Mother, with Sue, my wife and did not need more work. But, after three calls and requests I agreed to do it. As we talked on the phone we spoke of how the people beginning to mass at Standing Rock were Protectors. So the group name of Standing Rock Protectors – Pipeline Protestors was used.

The group grew quickly and we were 30,000 strong by September. In October Sue and I headed to Standing Rock and Sacred Stone Camp. So, that is the beginning of the virtual support and how I came to meet LaDonna. After we were at Sacred Stone 5 days or so we walked back to our little RV one evening and saw LaDonna and her husband sitting by one of the fires. We went over and we all began to speak. I have written about this before and will post that again another day. This is about LaDonna and the Protectors. I was immediately impressed by her strength and commitment. And by her words. She spoke of the young ones who had come to her about the pipeline. And mentioned her son. We spoke of the pipeline and the sacred ground. She shared how that camp was on her land and she would fight to keep it there. Her husband spoke of LaDonna’s long time commitment to her families land and untiring work at stopping the pipeline now.

I told her of the virtual group supporting her and the main camp and how many people were already in it. She said that piece was critical and wanted us to do whatever it took to tell more people, spread the word and tell them why the pipeline was bad for Standing Rock and all people along the rivers fed by the Missouri. We told her we would do all in our power. And we would try to help with donations and materials. Then we spoke of re-routing the pipeline and she was the first who said to me this was about stopping, not re-routing, the pipeline. Under the river was bad, no matter where it was done. She gave us permission to film and record those willing and we got press passes and did so for a week.

Since that time our group has followed LaDonna’s work and all the camps at Standing Rock. And promoted and educated. And watched groups appear around the world. Now with over 134,000 in this group we continue the work Standing Rock – and LaDonna and all the elders began. They are the heroes. And they have won SO much that has captivated and amazed people around the world.

Some of the things LaDonna told me were: 1) this had to be and remain a peaceful protest and 2) have the people send prayers – lots of prayers and 3) talk about all people working together.

Other elders told me similar things as LaDonna, but Sue and I heard her words first and with our hearts. This we have done and will continue. The Standing Rock protest is not over – the venue changes now. But the successes and wins do amaze me. The biggest, most incredible success of these camps is that everyone there was working together – shoulder-to-shoulder. We worked with red, white, black and yellow… old and young… male and female… citizens of the U.S. and many other countries. And I watched Native American friends from tribes long considered enemies embracing. This is truly the prophecy of the four colors coming together and sharing their wisdom playing out. When Sue and I went to camp meetings we heard LaDonna also speak to this.

For months now we in our virtual group have spoken of Water is Life the Movement and how that must be the next evolution of this water protection work. I have long said Standing Rock or any individual protest will eventually be decided – win or lose. And that ends the issue. But a united movement for clean water around the world goes on and on – each protest connected to all the others. A tsunami of clean water demands that cannot be stopped. Now I see that is also the best way to honor LaDonna and all the camps and protectors of Standing Rock – carry on the Water is Life Movement with the same fervor as is being shown at Standing Rock… and Flint… and Florida… and Texas… and everywhere.

The Red Nations began Standing Rock and welcomed in the White, Black and Yellow. Other protests were first led by the Black Nation or White or Yellow. Together, being colorblind now, we move ahead.

Lately there have been some dark comments – some divisive ‘one color only’ comments – some ridicule – some hate talk. Those doing this have no understanding at all of what Standing Rock is about. The majority in the movement know we must be all one and welcome and share with ALL people – regardless of their color or race. That is the current huge legacy of Standing Rock.

Thank you LaDonna. Thank you Protectors.


2-5-17 ~ Lorna R Knowshisgun… Sacred Stone Camp today when the BIA forced their way into the upper entrance to the camp due to a phone call made by the gentleman in the house who is pointing. In the process 3-4 people were abused and one person sustained a possible broken arm.

It is unclear why the BIA were called to the house. It is possible the owner complained about the mutually shared driveway was being blocked. However, it seems strange that 6 BIA vehicles and countless BIA police were necessary to answer a call that could have been handled by one car, one man.




2-5-17 ~ Oceti Sakowin Camp… Kinetic impact projectiles (KIPs) | Less Than Lethal Weapons on US Civilians

**Name ONE of these injuries that Water Protectors have NOT sustained at Standing Rock. Where else are these happening in the United States?**

Direct trauma to the eye from KIPs nearly always causes total blindness in that eye, due to rupture of the globe (eyeball) as well as trauma to nearby structures. KIPs can also penetrate through the eye socket and enter the brain, causing brain injury.

KIPs can cause bruising of the lungs or heart, and penetration into the chest may cause serious, possibly fatal injuries such as bleeding, pneumothorax, and heart attacks.

Injuries to the muscles and bones may cause sprains, bruises, and fractures. Deeper injuries can cause permanent damage to the neurovascular structures, leading to amputations or compartment syndrome.

Blunt trauma to the brain can cause concussions and bruising inside the brain (contusions) as well as different types of bleeding in the brain (intracranial hemorrhage) and skull fractures. KIPs have also been known to penetrate the skull or enter the brain tissue, causing hemorrhage, injury to the spinal cord, and severe brain injury from the foreign body.

The delicate structures of the face and neck are particularly vulnerable to traumatic injury. The bones of the face and skull, the spinal cord, and the blood vessels in the neck are all close to the skin surface.

Blunt injuries can cause bleeding in the solid organs such as the liver, kidney, and spleen; penetrative injuries can also cause bleeding, perforations, and urogenital injuries.

KIPs can cause bruising and contusions of the skin and soft tissue, as well as superficial and deep lacerations, some of which may cause muscle or nerve damage as well as bleeding.”
**Where else in the United States are we seeing injuries like these, delivered by Law Enforcement to control crowds of peaceful protesters?**

Download the Full Fact Sheet Here:

Photo by AdaMedia Med Mera

2-4-17 ~ TO SAVE THE WATER, WE MUST BREAK THE CYCLE OF COLONIAL TRAUMA… Ladonna Bravebull Allard says, “This movement was started by the people, and led by our youth. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s decision to negotiate with the State and disown the people who came to fight for our water is risking more than they understand. We have had many thousands of people ready to stand together in front of those machines. The Indigenous nations of Turtle Island had united as never before. But as division grows, it is very difficult to see a path forward. We have no choice but to break the cycle of trauma so our future generations can have a better life.” Continue Reading

2-4-17 ~ Luba Williams… Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Chairman Dave Archambault has been criticized for things he recently said. Without getting into specifics the Chairman indicated perhaps the battle is not best fought in person. There were other comments made about water and the pipeline which seemed unusual and odd, not very supportive of the Water Is Life movement.

At first you may be in shock when you hear these words. But if you look at the mans face his posture the tone of his voice and facial expressions he does not believe what he is saying. To me he looked like an emotional blackmailed hostage. Forced to say things he did not want to say. I cannot say if this is true nor why and by whom, but that is just my personal opinion. So he will now take heat from both sides and be surrounded by negative energy. When in fact I think this is the time perhaps some positive prayerful energy needs to surround him, his family and every single person involved directly or indirectly at Standing Rock camps. Remember he is not the enemy and he is not the one wanting to build this pipeline. But he is the focus of speculation and the one that the powers who make decisions in this country will focus their sites on. That is not an easy position to be in.

We are living in a time where money is very powerful and people and companies have power to do very sinister things. There are concerns about poisoning of people with rodent killing chemicals at Standing Rock. Imagine if that’s just the start. What else could the sinister do?

What else and how else could people be affected. The pipeline is dangerous, but what else is also ? We know the pipeline may eventually leak. But we also know that direct deliberate actions may be more dangerous right now. What is the solution, I don’t know. Yet I strongly believe we need to be thoughtful of our words and intentions and how we feel about others right now.




2-4-17 ~ Oceti Sakowin Camp… Kinetic impact projectiles (KIPs) | Less Than Lethal Weapons on US Civilians

Though the law enforcement agents used no weapons on the Water Protectors during the Last Child Camp raid on February 1, they were fully armed with them. At close range, rifles like these were trained on the assembled people gathered, all of whom have no reason to begin trusting that this sort of unregulated weaponry won’t be used.

Why must military-grade weapons be used to manage a peaceful assembly of people, a First Amendment Right? How does this ongoing show of force protect and serve anyone?

“KIPs are commonly known as rubber and plastic bullets, are used for crowd-control purposes by law enforcement worldwide in multiple forms and are shot from myriad types of guns and launchers. The findings of a systematic review of medical literature carried out by Physicians for Human Rights indicate that KIPs cause serious injury, disability, and death. KIPs are inherently inaccurate when fired from afar and therefore can cause unintended injuries to bystanders and strike vulnerable body parts; at close range, they are likely to be lethal. Therefore, KIPs are not an appropriate weapon to be used for crowd management and specifically for dispersal purposes.

KIPs can cause blunt or penetrative trauma. Penetrative injuries are those that pierce the skin or soft tissue. Blunt injuries are those that cause internal damage without breaking the skin barrier.”

Download the Full Fact Sheet Here:


2-4-17 ~ Help still needed for the clean up effort. That December 4th stunt really left the protectors with a lot of clean-up to do. Making good progress.

Keep in mind when they announced victory on Dec 4th with all the world watching nearly 8000 people disappeared over night. Also there were many supplies that were bought with donation money so those who used it likely did not think it was theirs to take.


2-4-17 ~ Joshua Smith… With great reluctance I wanted to throw some actions out into the public, and honestly they might give some firepower to those against the Standing Rock Movement. There are many rumors of Financial Malfeasance by David Archambault and other members of the Tribal Council but I will stick to the ones which there is verifiable evidence for. It appears as though SRST Tribal Council and Chairman David Archambault may have MISAPPROPRIATED the $6.5 million in donations, and are now working with the federal government to crush the grassroots movement of those still there opposed to the pipeline.

The stench of malfeasance doesn’t smell any better just because it emanates from an ally. In some sense, I do have to say they are still on the forefront of the legal battle challenging DAPL in court.

Lateral Violence is when two different factions within a given movement criticize the other in a manner which creates division and also provide those opposed to the movement reasoning to criticize us. That being said I believe it is incumbent upon any movement to not close ranks and hide facts. In the spirit of that I’m urging individuals who support the Water Protectors and are part of the NoDAPL movement to consider the following actions and if you find it appropriate either withdraw your support and/or demand accountability from Dave Archambault and the Standing Rock Tribal Council.

I want you to consider their actions in the last few months. I also want you to consider throwing all your support behind Sacred Stone Camp, LaDonna Allard and Chase Iron Eyes. Understand that within any movement there is not one voice, but many voices and groups. I would like to point out that the SRST Chairman and Tribal cCouncil are but a small portion and have been allied, but have not been Leaders of the Camp Movement. Also remember, they are a political organization. Early on they made huge appeals for people to come to Standing Rock, and we did. Since mid-December, they have taken numerous actions that I believe are extremely questionable, which have been widely reported in the media but also documented as they were discussed and voted on in public council sessions. It appears they have misappropriated the money donated to them and at this time are trying to evict those that came to stand in solidarity with the NoDAPL Movement.

They are making numerous statements implying that this movement is led by themselves and are now portraying themselves as the only legitimate Water Protectors and calling Sacred Stone and the other people camped out as rogue factions. I can only surmise that perhaps they are trying to co-opt the movement in an attempt to silence the movement.


Last count IIRC they have accepted more than $6.5 million dollars in donations and while they have provided some support financially to the camps, purportedly they also voted to Use a large chunk of this money to pay Debt which Pre-existed the movement. This was adopted by a recorded council resolution and once again reported by the independent media. Call SRST Council and demand accountability for where they spent your money if you donated.

Also In December, after they called for the Water Protectors to go home, It was found that an entire warehouse owned by the tribe was filled with months full of Mail as well as monetary and purchased items addressed to both individual water protectors but also Sacred stone Camp (a separate entity) had been stockpiled and not delivered to whom they were addressed. The Council Asserts this was an administrative Error. Given the totality of their actions I question this.

Cody Two Bears, a council member has been very vocal and has also publicly advocated now that the federal government and federal law enforcement assist them in clearing the camps. One such camp, Sacred Stone, is purportedly on private ground owned by Ladonna Allard. In the Past SRST has made numerous statements supporting that this Camp is a safe camp because it is on Ladonna’s private ground.

In a stunning reversal they requested Federal Law enforcement and BIA officials, along with ATF and ACOE enter her private property without a warrant yesterday for an “Assessment.” They are now claiming that the tribe not Miss Allard has majority ownership of the property. I would challenge this claim, based on their previous statements.

I would urge you to call the tribal Government to:
Demand an accounting of your money.
Express your opinion of their actions.
Ask them about their recent collaboration with Federal officials.

Ladonna Allard and Chase Iron Eyes are still on the ground still standing up against the DAPL Movement and I believe these actions of protest have ensured our success thus far. Consider withdrawing your support from the SRST tribal Council and Dave Archambault, and support those still on the ground, still standing up for the water.


2-4-17 STANDING ROCK Update:
Greetings from Standing Rock, where the struggle to bring compassion and awareness into the thoughts and minds of all peoples in all parts of the world continues. We are here on the ground, partnering with local organizers, native communities and you, the generous supporters of our continued efforts to restore the land to the pristine state in which we found her.

Grandmother, the Earth is called by so many here. And as she changes her clothes, shrugging off this long Winter and emerging into Spring, our work is made all the more urgent. Rising flood waters from the Missouri River will soon wash away any trash or refuse left behind by the waves of supporters, tourists and passersby who have lent their support, in myriad forms, these past many months.

Now we roll up our sleeves and do the difficult work of sorting through the thousands of donations and camping supplies which can still be repurposed to support the struggle to stop DAPL, or that may find new life in other nearby communities.

Already we have packed and delivered two shipments of clothing and non-perishable food to nearby charities and donation centers, with plans to send out our massive 28 foot trailer fully loaded two more times.
Our trucks roll through camp, excavating forgotten tents from the frozen ground, layers of ice and the all-concealing snow. Tools purchased with your contributions allow us to overcome these barriers to our success, and scrub from this sacred land every tarp, tent stake and cigarette butt we find.

But it’s not all about cleaning. Far too many elders have been left with the responsibility of breaking down their own camps, with little or no support. These have been homes for nearly a year, and are often full of yurts, large military tents, tipis and even some fully fledged houses. Unify identifies those members of the Standing Rock community who are being forgotten and we help.

You help. We could never do it without you. From the beginning, the movement against DAPL and to protect this water has relied on the aid of those whose support came from afar. We have rallied together each according to their ability. Each piece of this movement is sacred, as each cell in the body amounts to more than the sum of its parts. And now, more than ever, it is imperative we stay together.
Though the pipeline bores on, its infamy now burnished by the support of a new Presidency, the last impact of Standing Rock remains to be seen. Will we allow this movement to come stuttering to a halt, or can we find a way to fuel this new community in a responsible, sustainable manner?

Your support means direct aid on the ground as Water Protectors begin relocating to permanent ecovillages. Sacred Stone and Rosebud have no intentions of disbanding, and have secured their future on private lands directly neighboring the flood plain.

Unify will be here, sorting recycling, restoring the land and helping Grandmother wherever we can and in whomever we see her twinkling eye. Nothing in the future is certain, but we are certain not to abandon this place, not now when Standing Rock needs us the most, not ever.

Please join us in preserving and protecting this most magical of moments, and breathing new life into the most important movement in generations.


2-4-17 ~ ‎Joshua Taflinger… We have been in camp all week collecting information face to face directly from camp coordinators and leaders in Oceti Oyate, Rosebud, and the new Black Hoop Camp. **(Didn’t spend time in Sacred Stone, so can’t report facts on that one. Check out live feeds for those updates)

All camps agree that Dave Archambault and the SRST are corrupt politicians that have been bought and have bailed on the people that THEY called out to stand and help protect the water, land, and sacred sites.

The Army Corps announced an eviction notice to Oceti Oyate(main camp) and the sections of Rosebud that the Army Corps has illegally (based on the treaties) claimed for February 22nd. Many are cleaning up, packing up, and heading out.

Many Water Protectors are dedicated to stay and stand and are praying for you, Veterans, anyone to stand and resist with us on the 22nd!

The numbers in camp are dwindling and with these declining numbers, when police raid on the 22nd, they will have no problem clearing out the resistance. We cannot quit now. If we give them this victory they will just keep taking more and more until there is nothing left to stand for.

Now more than ever, people are being called to camp. It would logistically be much more difficult/improbable for police to clear out camp if there were 1,000’s present on the 22nd.
Come prepared to resist and potentially be arrested. If you don’t come, this will be over!

Rosebud camp is focused on major clean up efforts as well as working out logistics to move their camp up the hill to higher ground to the new Blackhoop Memorial Camp.
This will be an invitation camp. People will be vetted to make sure there are as few “agitators”.
This will be a peaceful prayer camp.

All camps, especially Rosebud, need help cleaning up the grounds to prevent the debris from getting washed into the river if flooding occurs. Please go NOW!! You are NEEDED and encouraged to help with clean up efforts if possible. Many hands make light work.

And this is directly from those who are committed to staying and resisting DAPL. There is a call for the VETERANS to begin arriving before the 22nd, set up, and dig in and prepare. If you do not come in large numbers, the camp will be crushed and cleared out.

Face your fears! Get in your car and get your butt to Standing Rock!! This is our last chance to STAND and kill this Black Snake! We need you!


2-3-17 ~ Redhawk Standing Rock Rising



2-3-17 ~ Redhawk… During the police sweep of Last Child Camp, Water Protectors were all charged with “engaging in a riot” along with “trespassing” on treaty land.

In this photo, to the right, you can see all the Water Protectors holding a prayer circle around the Sacred Fire.

On the left, you can see law enforcement approaching the Water Protectors.

Not quite sure where this “riot” is.
False charges.


2-3-17 ~ Andrew Alexis Varvel… “I think Chase Iron Eyes set a trap for the Morton County Sheriff and Dakota Access LLC and they fell in. Firstly, Sheriff Kirchmeier had been claiming that the Backwater Bridge needed to be closed down because it needed repairs – his very use of that bridge exposes Morton County’s blockade of that bridge as entirely punitive in nature. Secondly, Chase Iron Eyes now has a clearcut case testing his rights as a member of Oceti Sakowin to press territorial claims under the Fort Laramie Treaty. Thirdly, his arrest exposes the flimsy nature of Dakota Access LLC’s claim to own (and at that, temporarily own until the end of this year!) the Cannonball Ranch – the Attorney General had to twist North Dakota’s farming law into a pretzel (in defiance of over three-fourths of the electorate as expressed in last June’s referendum!) to accept Dakota Access LLC’s justification that it needed to use the property as a security perimeter around its state-granted easement. Fourthly, Chase Iron Eyes has now become a political prisoner, which helps bring more publicity for the cause. Fifthly, his arrest can show the outside world how morally corrupt the local news media’s demonization of him has really become.

Chase Iron Eyes is a lot smarter than his opponents give him credit for. I would not underestimate him.”
– ‎Andrew Alexis Varvel‎ // #LastChildCamp #IndigenousRising


2-3-17 ~ Ken Ward tried to save our water and was sentenced to 20 years for his efforts. These oil companies have the country’s judicial and law enforcement in their pockets. they want profits and we need water. The people of this country need to rise up NOW!! We need to tell everyone we know what’s happening to our water ways and water ways all over the world. The last war will be for water!


2-1-17 ~ US Army Corps ordered to allow the completion of the Dakota Access pipeline
Acting Secretary of the Army Robert Speer had “directed the Army Corps of Engineers to proceed with the easement needed to complete the Dakota Access pipeline,” and that Congressional notification was “imminent”. Continue Reading


Standing Rock Last Child Camp Raid 2/5/17

2-1-17 ~ Lindsey Norton… DAPL has set fire the the new camp set up across from Oceti. The DAPL men are now having a celebration around the burning remains of the arrested protector’s homes and property.

Standing Rock Camp Raided, Mass Arrests

2-1-17 ~ Johnny Dangers… Police arrested 76 Water Protectors at the New Camp Raid after dismantling the barricade and rolling in like an Army!

Tin Soldiers and DAPL’s Army
Completely exhausting day. I hope the arrested can be bailed out quickly.

Mass Arrests by shameful Miltarized police at New Camp Raid! Humvees and military gear line our streets and we stay silent? Will you?
Share Everywhere! Protect the Water!!

Follow Johnny Dangers and Johnny K. Dangers for continued on the ground updates and more on defeating the Black Snake that is the Dakota Access Pipeline! Click where it says “Follow” on my profile and change it to “See First” to not miss any #NoDAPL updates.

2-1-17 ~ Last Child Camp. It’s gone now. Torn down and burned.


2-1-17 ~ Updates from Sacred Stone Camp… requests for Standing Rock allies to physically provide support at Sacred Stone Camp. But you must be self-sufficient. The kitchens are closed down there now. you need to be able to feed yourself….and provide your own winter gear and camping gear etc. once at Camp you will be put to work.

If you can’t go to Standing Rock…..please go to any of the Army Corps of Engineers and do a peaceful, prayerful sit-in. Do not leave until they force you to leave. Finally, divest your money from the banks that fund the pipeline


2-1-17 ~ Gary Rice… In honor of the Last Child Warrior Society, the only such society created by Crazy Horse we are asking all frontliners in camp to come to the high ground west of the Oceti camps to put out a call for others to join this stand. It’s time brothers & sisters. Our conscience won’t let us back down. In the spirit of Crazy Horse.


1-31-17 ~ LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard… calling all veterans and Standing Rock allies to go to Standing Rock! They need everyone’s help to fight the black snake! LaDonna says if you can go support them at Standing Rock do so asap!


1-30-17 ~ The Standing Rock Water Protectors … had some apprehension about returning to Standing Rock due to all of the sensational and mostly false reports about military invasions and mass eviction of the camps. It was a relief to find most of the people calm and not too concerned about deadlines. There was one report of “Massive military buildup”. I never saw it. When I arrived I found the camp at work organizing a move to higher ground but it was a controlled plan and very methodical. Continue Reading


1-30-17 Cheryl Angel, Sicangu Lakota – Rose Bud, SD… “I felt an obligation, because the water was under attack. It wasn’t a Lakota calling. It was an Earth calling. And the river she called, and thousands came..

There is so much work to be done here on so many different levels. So the work I’ve done, I would say is — I’m a gatherer of resources, of people, of prayers. That’s what I’ve been doing. And then I’m a giver, also. I give praise. I give thanks. I try to give good words to encourage people, and my time. I give of my time. If I’m walking somewhere to do something and someone needs time, help, or encouragement, then I’ll stop and do what I can to encourage that person, and then I’ll just get to where I’m going later.”


1-30-17 ~ The Trump presidency and the United States’ First Nations are on a collision course brought about purely by Trump’s racism and hatred of anyone who gets in his way.

After Trump took power, the White House website was changed and its Native American page was taken down. The pages for civil rights, people with disabilities and climate change also disappeared. In their place was a biography of Melania Trump.

Earlier, Obama renamed Mount McKinley in Alaska to Mount Denali, which is the Native American name for the mountain. This incensed Trump, who vowed that when he became president he would return the name Mount McKinley to the country’s highest mountain. This is a small matter, but it illustrates Trump’s temperament and micromanagement approach.

The Trump government is quickly proving that it’s no fan of Native Americans, and Trump’s negative relations with Native Americans goes way back.

In the 1990s, when Native American casinos were expanding, they began to cut into his gambling profits. He began a fake news campaign that Native American casinos were run by the mafia and career criminals. He even stated that some tribes were faking their ancestry.

Meanwhile, Trump tried to strike a management deal with the Agua Caliente Band in Palm Springs; they turned him down, further inflaming his bruised ego.

In 2000, the St Regis Mohawk tribe at Akwesasne planned a casino, and a series of ads came out in local newspapers with pictures of hypodermic needles and lines of coke. The caption read, “Are these the kind of neighbours you want?” The ads were sponsored by an organization called the New York State Institute for Law and Society. As it turned out, Donald Trump was the principal funder.
The repeal of the Affordable Care Act, also called ObamaCare, will have a serious effect on Native American tribes. When the act was passed it included the Indian Health Care Act and a funding stream was established to fund Indian health care. Since ObamaCare is about to be repealed, no allowance has been made for Native American health care.

Like Canada, health care is promised in many of the treaties in the United States, but their implementation is spotty.
This brings us to the Dakota Access Pipeline, which has been under attack by the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. President Obama refused to grant a licence to tunnel under the river, instead calling upon the Army Corps of Engineers to find an alternate route. The Republican state governor, along with the Republican representatives, were all in favour of pushing ahead. North Dakota state Senator John Hoven (Republican) has been elected chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Hoven has been an outspoken opponent of the action taken by the Standing Rock tribe.

Standing Rock faces a perfect storm of law makers from the president on down who have no qualms about crushing opposition to the pipeline.
Trump signed a presidential memorandum calling for the re-authorization of the Dakota Access Pipeline in spite of the fact that the Army Corps of Engineers had denied Energy Transfer Partners, the pipeline owner, an easement to tunnel under the Missouri River at Standing Rock. The Army Corps is currently studying alternate routes for the pipeline.

The question is, can the environmental process be rescinded by a presidential memorandum?

The Dakota Access Pipeline has become the line in the sand where America’s next Indian war will be fought; the new battlefield will be the courtroom. The Standing Rock tribe has stated that they will take the government to court and tie them up for years.

The tribe can move forward on three fronts: first, they have the moral authority to protect their land and water; second, they have the legal authority based on their treaties; third, they have the political authority based on a nation to nation relationship with the United States, and unilateral action by one party cannot be allowed.

It’s becoming obvious that Trump has little regard or knowledge of process and the role of government. Governments are not there to be run like a corporation, but have checks and balances and due process. It’s a lesson the Standing Rock Sioux Nation is about to teach him.

2-1-17 ~ Chase Iron Eyes Arrested, Police Look To Make Example – J Grady

2-1-17 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Update on Oceti Resistance prayer camp – J Grady

2-1-17 ~ Chase Iron Eyes Arrested, Police Look To Make Example – TYT Politics

2-1-17 ~ Police raid Standing Rock camps as Army Corps moves forward on construction review – RT America

2-1-17 ~ Standing Rock – 02/01/17 – Keytha Fixico – 331pm – Update #2 – Valley Forge Network

2-1-17 ~ EXPLAINED: Standing Rock Protectors’ BOGUS Charges – TYT Politics

2-1-17 ~ Serious action happening NOW at Standing – Uprising TV

Stories From the Frontline Feb. 1, 2017

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life


DISCLAIMER ~ The photo of the above tipis burning is not from Standing Rock it is from the movie trailer Wounded Knee. HOWEVER 76 Water Protectors were arrested for saying Treaty Rights should be respected. The police arrested those brave people on stolen Treaty land make no mistake. We hope for their quick release.

2-1-17 ~ Police Raid Standing Rock Camp, Destroy Tipis and Are Burning What Remains… 68 arrested.. The 7 tipi’s were burned. Chase Iron Eyes and Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn are among the ones arrested. Morton County is overwhelmed so other counties are taking in the arrested. I am sick to my stomach with worry. Many of those arrested are the ones who broadcast out the most.”

DISCLAIMER ~ The photo of the above tipis burning is not from Standing Rock it is from the movie trailer Wounded Knee. HOWEVER 76 Water Protectors were arrested for saying Treaty Rights should be respected. The police arrested those brave people on stolen Treaty land make no mistake. We hope for their quick release.

UPDATE 2-3-17 ~ Law enforcement showed up at LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard’s front door on Thursday, claiming the need to perform an “assessment” of the Camp of the Sacred Stones — the original Dakota Access Pipeline opposition camp erected in early April — but refused to offer a warrant or explanation for the sudden appearance Continue Reading

1-30-17 ~ Who is Coming Into Camp?
This morning, everyone in camp is seeking clear answers.
This morning, we NEED to know what is going to be happening in the next couple of days.

This is a statement from the people who plan to bring heavy machinery into camp. There WILL NOT be a raid. We were assured multiple times last night at Prairie Knights Casino by several government representatives including the Executive Director of Indian Affairs from North Dakota, and the Brownfield Coordinator from Standing Rock Sioux Tribe EPA.

This conversation happened in the presence of the Communications Director from the Governor’s Office, General Al Dohrmann, the North Dakota Commander of the National Guard, the Director of Emergency Services, someone from the State Health Department, the Department of Transportation, and the Army Corps of Engineers, the BIA and Morton County. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) from Thunder Valley and Standing Rock Sioux Tribe will be sending volunteers to help as well.

What is not clear is the timeline, but we should be prepared, and representatives from camp were also present to emphasize what our priorities are in terms of:
Protecting the Water by making sure the camp site is clear, so that nothing washes into the river with the floods we are expecting.
2. Keeping everyone in camp safe, with careful attention paid to the perpetual stress and pressure everyone has been exposed to.
3. Doing all we can to avoid a violent or armed conflict.
4. Assuring all Law Enforcement and State Agencies that people in camp have worked very hard to develop an efficient plan in line with public safety and environmental health.

Water Protectors have been here and offered to help us with this large task are standing strong together, ready to come help with camp clean up and with moving those who want to stay to higher ground.

Leaders from Rosebud/Sicangu Camp, Oceti Sakowin Camp, Tribal Elders, the Medics and Healer’s Council, Cannon Ball community, and Water Protectors were there to talk with the Tribal, State and Law Enforcement Agencies. Concerns for the community relationships of Standing Rock and neighboring cities and towns were discussed at length. We need to leave this sacred ground better than we found it, environmentally, physically, emotionally and with special regard to racial tensions.

2-1-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With #NoDAPl Warrior Angie Spencer (2/1/2017) Serious Action Happening NOW! – Mystic Dave

2-1-17 ~ Lost Child camp is being overtaken by Morton County Militia – Uprising TV

Sacred Water: Standing Rock Part I – RISE (Full Episode)

Red Power: Standing Rock Part II – RISE (Full Episode)


1-29-17 ~ Standing Rock Update… We are told that the 1806 blockade is going to be removed. DAPL side is to back off the bridge and the parts of Turtle Island we can see so as not to be such an agitating presence. They say they will remove weapons from their side. Given the current administration, many are dubious about this news. The tribal council says they will not be sending in people to remove us but still ask us to leave by the 30th. We wonder if ACOE is about to give jurisdiction to Morton County to come in and remove us. Some assume the tribal council may be privy to a move of such sort and as such think the 30th leave date is a warning. I stay as far away from speculation as possible while remaining aware of my surroundings. We continue to question and denounce Trump’s decisions. My phone seems to be taking screenshots by itself. Things are ever changing. Media has been around the last several days but we have a hard time finding what is being said about camp because of connectivity issues. We send our love to all supporters (and non supporters) and our families and appreciate the sacrifice our families make having us out here.
Many people are making a call for more protectors to come.


1-28-17 ~ Oceti Sakowin Camp, The Horn
January 28th, 2016
Local Leadership comes to decision, Oceti Sakowin Headsmen meet with ND Governor.
Cannon Ball River, ND – After days of deliberation between the North Dakota Governor’s office, the Oceti Sakowin Headsmen Council and numerous Tribal Reps – the state will begin taking apart the backwater bridge barricade. Removing razor wire, and some of the concrete. They have also agreed to pull back the visible amount of the Nat’l Guard on the hills overlooking camp. The Governor’s office has also stated that they will encourage law enforcement near the backwater bridge to not have any weapons (lethal or non-lethal) on their person during this desecalation.

So we, the Headsmen Council, are asking everyone respect this process and let them remove the barricade in order to ensure the task is managed safely.

This was NOT a negotiated agreement between our parties. The Governor, based on demands given by Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Headsmen Council, decided to take the aforementioned steps of his own volition with only the verbal commiment by our party to tell the camps of the Governor’s plans.

Monday January 30, 2016
We will begin the process of cleaning up discarded and abandoned camp sites and unneeded trash and/or supplies. We will have volunteers bringing heavy machinery, dump trucks, drop boxes and bobcats to help.

Meanwhile, we have a call out for allies and people across the country to stand up where they are, and enact mass civil disobedience as a showing of solidarity for Standing Rock. The fire of the Oceti Sakowin has been taken by 10,000 potential organizers from across Turtle Island, people who have been trained in Nonviolent direct action and we need you to hit the ground immediately to help educate others and further this movement.

We continue to be thankful and encourage all to stand strong and take courage.

Lila Wopila,
Oceti Sakowin Camp Leadership



1-25-17 Laurie Frenette… I have been holding off on doing a post about my experience at the Women’s March on Washington until I had time to process a lot of the emotions surrounding it. I want to make clear that anything I do express is simply my opinion and my opinion only – not fact. This is also going to be somewhat stream of consciousness, so if you’re going to jump on my sentence structure or grammar, you may want to just move along. By the same token, this is probably going to be too long for any of you to really want to read, so again, move along.

Personally, I had some real concerns about some of the things about the march to the point of which I was unsure about going. There were things that I felt that were being expressed and done that the media and those opposing the march could grasp onto and focus on instead of trying to report or understand what the march was actually about. Unfortunately, that has proven to be true to a degree, but overall my experience with the march and the people I interacted with was positive and I truly believe that this is just the beginning of women around the world taking a stand and letting this administration know that we are not easily dismissed and that we will be watching the actions of those that represent us.(Yes, that was a run on sentence. Move along English teachers, move along!)

Any of you that know me know that the events that I have seen happen at Standing Rock have shaken me to the core. I am ashamed that it took me so long to become informed on this issue and to try to become involved in some small way. What indigenous people understand is that we are not separate from the planet we live on – we are not here to rule it, we are here to take care of it. If we continue to rape the earth, pollute our water and air and drive animals into extinction we are destroying our very future – the future of our children and grandchildren.

I have watched as militarized forces have attacked Native Americans and their allies with unnecessary force and brutality and then lied about what they did even when confronted with video and photographic evidence. I watched the live stream videos from the Backwater Bridge on November 20th, with tears rolling down my face and a strangled scream in my throat. I finally realized just how corrupt our government has become and how civil rights are cast aside as they were nothing when it benefits the powers that be. I lost complete and total faith in a president that brought that allowed that violence to come about by saying “Let’s let this play out” in the weeks before instead of being a true and just leader and stepping in to take action that could have avoided innocent people being severely injured.

I marched on Washington because of the Water Protectors and the young warriors at Standing Rock. I marched on Washington because American citizens should not be subject to such a blatant disregard of civil rights. I marched on Washington because I have finally gained at least some small understanding of white privilege. I marched on Washington because no man should have the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body. I marched to ease my own damn feelings of guilt for being so naive and so complacent for so damn long. I did not march to protest Trump being elected president, I marched because the whole freaking system is generally fucked and we are quickly moving towards to destroying ourselves. So hate away haters, and I will take a lesson learned from the good people of Standing Rock – I will pray for you and for your children.


Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez… The March for Women sham was originally planned by the Democratic Party to celebrate Clinton’s victory but didn’t pan out so they went with an anti-Trump rally instead. The obvious first question should have been: why a communal march in the streets as a form of protest?

Female activists succumbed to one of the most enduring myths of contemporary American protests: the comforting belief; “if you can get enough people in the streets from diverse demographics, unified behind a message, the powers that be will be forced to cave in to the crowd’s wishes”.

The Women’s March was destined to be ineffective because there was never any message, no organizational agenda, no set goal for the protest other than “I’m woman hear me roar”; There was no clear path from marching about reproductive rights, equal pay, affordable health care, clean water or anything of value to march toward. No one bothered to ask “What was supposed to come afterward?”

With no specific goals or objectives other than meeting their personal psychological need for love and belonging, this event was nothing more than an amusing communal coffee klatch to build self-esteem; a feel good pretentiousness of festooned (primarily) White women in knitted pink pussy hats (did these snowflakes not realize not everyone’s genitalia is pink), women costumed in cartoon female pudenda, not even caring if they don’t actually know where their vagina’s are, their faces depicting vaginal orifices with faux (I hope) menstrual blood waste smeared across their cheeks simulating war paint.

These females were a laughingstock; by mocking their own bodies they demeaned and reduced themselves to tragic vaudevillian caricatures, focused solely on summarizing women as body parts rather than emulating the efforts of historically consciousness-raising women who made a positive healing impact on equality. Instead these cosmic yahoo’s over shadowed those who came to embrace the women’s liberation movement i.e. Feminist Movement with power; not a pity party of victimization.

The Women’s March comedic extravaganza was merely a show of shriveled jellybean feelings plunging them into a psychological coma of mass therapy, a seductive substitute for action countering Trump’s butt hurt tantrum. The only awareness raised from this ridiculous embarrassment to all women only gave more comedic fodder to the media “Isn’t that cute, women are such amusing little creatures. Now go sit down so we can get back to business.”

The Women’s March was nothing more than a social experience; crowds of people mutually experiencing a feel good moment and allowing themselves to erroneously conclude they’d actually accomplished something profound; forever forging togetherness as elite members of an enlightened and cohesive community, but ultimately the only thing they managed to prove was a bunch of vulgarly dressed gaggling women holding up signs could get together and gather a bigger crowd than attended Trump’s Inauguration.


1-27-17 ~ Eric Poemz… An important update from E-Poemz! Eric phoned the Poison Control Ctr about symptoms he was having. Poison Control Ctr told Eric to go to emergency asap to get tested for Rozol and other poisons!
If you were or still are at Standing Rock:
If you have any of the following symptoms:
-back pain
-coughing up blood
-nose bleeds
phone the Poison Control Ctr at (800) 222-1222…..talk to them first before going to emergency…..if you are referred for testing at emergency the Poison Control Ctr will contact the emergency department you are going to on your behalf….and you will be seen right away for testing etc.


1-26-17 ~ You may have known that the Indian Treaties of 1851 and 1868 declare the Standing Rock Reservation to be much bigger than it is today, including encompassing land that the Dakota Access Pipeline is being illegally built on. But there is a clause you might not have heard about. That clause allows Natives to take up arms and ARREST “Bad men among the whites” who violate the treaty,

The “Bad Men” clause of the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty provides: “If bad men among the whites, or among other people subject to the authority of the United States, shall commit any wrong upon the person or property of the Indians, the United States will, upon proof made to the agent and forwarded to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Washington City, proceed at once to cause the offender to be arrested and punished according to the laws of the United States, and also reimburse the injured person for the loss sustained.”

This means that the “Bad Men Among the whites” using police brutality, stealing land, breaking these treaties all in the pursuit of their imagined profit can be arrested by armed Native Americans.

This is not a call to take up arms, it is a call to educate yourself about the rights that have been promised to you by these treaties.

Remember, the U.S. Constitution itself says that treaties supersede later laws. That means no matter what land the government later annexed from Standing Rock, that is STILL Native Land legally and constitutionally!
Transcript of Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868) ARTICLE I


1-26-17 ~ Grennan Milliken… “A barrier would sever animal populations living in the fragile desert ecosystems of the US-Mexico border from food resources, mates, and important migration routes. Such a disruption would deal an irreparable blow to countless species, including extraordinarily rare ones like the Sonoran jaguar and Mexican gray wolf.” Continue Reading


1-26-17 ~ MICHAEL J. SAINATO… Ed Blackcloud was the lone dissenter at the council meeting, criticizing the council’s actions, insisting it was wrong to force the protesters to go home. The founder of the original protest camp, Sacred Stone Camp at Standing Rock, LaDonna Tamakawestewin Allard, refused to attend the council meeting and has said she does not intend to close down her camp, which lies on her own private land. Allard formed a 510c3 with plans to build a permanent green energy camp at the site.

In addition to this recent bad news on two different fronts for water protectors against the Dakota Access Pipeline, an EPA investigation found that 40,000 pounds of rat poison were illegally distributed on ranches very close to the Standing Rock camps. The Save the Buffalo Nation issued a press release advising Standing Rock water protectors they may have bene unknowingly exposed to the rat poison chemicals;“many people have come back from the camps reporting symptoms and illnesses of what is referred to as the “DAPL” cough, bloody noses, fatigue and some people have reported to have coughing up blood.” Continue Reading


1-26-17 ~ Oceti Sakowin… “We are putting a call out immediately for allies and people to stand up where they are, mass civil disobedience as a showing of solidarity for standing rock, the fire exists within them and now is the time to let them reignite.

The heart of standing rock beats everywhere, the fire has been taken by 10,000 potential organizers nationwide and we need you to hit the ground immediately. Demand people Divest from big banks and help us Defund DAPL!

We are the revolution and the resistance continues.”

– Camp Leadership


#LetOurVoicesEcho #NoDAPL #StandingRock #RubbetBullet #MilitarizedPolice

#LetOurVoicesEcho #NoDAPL #StandingRock #RubbetBullet #MilitarizedPolice


1-26-17 ~ Olowaan Plain… I just want to say that water protectors wearing protective gear is NOT an act of aggression it is an act of protection for our lives.. We don’t want to get shot but as we all know Morton County Sheriff’s Department does shoot us.. Rubber bullets are real bullets as told to us by the representative from the UN Council on human rights violations.. We all know that those bullets go through clothing and skin.. We want to live!! We want to be able to go home to our families.. I love you all.. Please be safe!

1-26-17 ~ Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn… Remember camp is NOT CLOSED. WE ARE UNDER THREAT OF EVICTION. BUT HAS NOT PASSED NOR IS GRANTED (YET) or how they will proceed. This land we are on is Treaty Land. It is part of many tribes Land that was promised via TREATY long ago. So many people are still here. There is still room. They are saying eminently the water flood will come. (Me not so sure) nor do a lot of relatives know either. But will become muddy and ucky if does attempt to flood. So. Camp is still open. You are welcome to join.

But remember. We are under threat of Standing Rock installing BIA official cops roadblocks (rumor) and they asked Morton or somebody to aide them in removal of the Camps.

Also, new camps are being established as we speak. Be patient as we know more. You know more. But as of right now this day. CAMP IS OPEN

Guess this is a rumor disclaimer lol. Safe travels and prayers to all

Actions ,that go on, are Purely prayer. Those disregarding these rules will be asked to Leave. This is a responsible community and we have a task at representing ourselves as the water protectors full of strength and determination to protect the land.


1-25-17 ~ Chase IronEyes… Sometime last night My Facebook was suspended for a post calling out TrumpTyranny. This isn’t the 1st time my accounts been disabled, the last time I posted a pic of my mom with other grandmothers posing with a stolen Nazi flag when white supremacists attempted a takeover at Leith, ND. I’m creating a MEWE acct to supplement fb & Twitter @chaseironeyes


1-25-17 ~ Linda Black Elk… I’d just like to express a heartfelt “wopila,” THANK YOU to Ronda Rousey (and her amazing friend, Pauline!) for her ongoing support of the water protectors and for all of the amazing food and supplies that she dropped off in camp. She is an amazing woman and athlete, and an inspiration to women everywhere.


1-25-17 ~ Jim Fergie Chambers… Yesterday DAPL dipped in and out of our campgrounds with snowmobiles all day, and began posing as camp security on radios to lure people out to certain locations, in one instance promising “hot frybread and food for anyone who can come meet at the bridge.”

Over the evening, we heard reports of trucks creating road barricades by semi-solitary encampments, and then two more arrests on turtle island. In that case, those arrested also had their windows shot out by DAPL.

Notice I don’t usually specify troopers, sheriff, DAPL security, etc. We often don’t know and we never care. They’re all DAPL, they’re all ETP, they’re all Trump, they’re all America.

The raid did not occur; the scare was planted by them, though in this instance, whatever they did was enough to have folks out here, especially the elders, believing it more than other times. The threat still lingers, especially as they seem very emboldened. We await with barricades.

More Akicitas have arrived, and there is talk of Anipis going up, and more ceremonies returning. Hope is here.

Today it’s colder again, and snow is falling, but it’s still relatively mild and more folks are joining camp again. All is well.


1-23-17 ~ David Kam… For Immediate Release

“Possible Chlorophacinone (ROZOL) dangerous rat poison exposure”
Cannonball, North Dakota, Jan. 23, 2017 – This public health warning and advisory for Standing Rock is being issued by us as a precaution to those who have passed though the camps in and around the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

Water protectors (aka known as protesters) who have been camped out since April 1st, 2016 at the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe reservation area may have been unknowing exposed to a dangerous and toxic rat poison known as Chlorophacinone (ROZOL).

An article appeared in the Bismark Tribune below that has more details for the poisoning inclident.

Meyer ranch buffalo under quarantine for ROZOL poison, LAUREN DONOVAN Bismarck Tribune, Jan 22, 2017. http://tinyurl.com/h2ewf25

Some 350 indigenous nations and up to 20,000 people passed through the camps to protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline, setting up camps in various locations in and around the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Reservation. Many people have come back from the camps reporting symptoms and illnesses of what is referred to as the DAPL cough, bloody noses, fatigue and some people have reported to have coughing up blood.


The 900 buffaloes at the David Meyer’s former Cannonball Ranch near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation as well as on the former Wilder Ranch to the south have been under quarantine due to the illegal application of Chlorophacinone (ROZOL) until September of 2017. David and Ernie Fisher who shared a grazing lease on the same pesticide laced Cannonball Ranch had another herd of 600 animals on the same ranch. They reported having as many as 14 dead or missing animals, which they claimed were killed and eaten by the water protectors (protesters).

The article in the Bismark Tribune states, “The situation dates to April, when six dead bald eagles and dead bison were discovered at the former Wilder Ranch. An Environmental Protection Agency-led investigation found that 40,000 pounds of ROZOL poison had been illegally distributed across more than 5,400 acres on both ranches, according to EPA documents.” Upon investigation by the EPA, the ranch had dead bald eagles, dead prairie dogs, and dead bison.
Chlorophacinone makes creatures that ingest it bleed from every orifice and stagger around for the week or two or three it takes them to die, attracting predators and scavengers. Whatever eats the anticoagulant-laced victim dies, too. The creatures meat is unfit for human consumption and can cause blood clots. Highly toxic if it enters the food chain. Exposure to Chlorophacinone can come from skin contact of an infected animal, handling feces and urine, consuming the meat of the animal and direct contact with land and water contaminated with Chlorophacinone.

Even the feces from the animals are considered bio-hazard material. The effects of long term exposure of Chlorophacinone is unknown and there are no safe limits to having safe amounts of Chlorophacinone in your system after exposure.

“The EPA order for the cleanup was to : tilling of all misapplied ROZOL to ensure there is no longer any ROZOL on the surface of the pasture land or any other land;”

This means the 40,000 pounds of ROZOL poison was just to bury it in the soil, contaminating the water and soil around the ranches area. This means there was no real clean up of the contaminated land.

The adult buffalo are under quarantine until September 2017, though yearlings were released from the no-sale hold on Jan. 1, 2017. Upon calling the EPA, it was reported that 100 yearlings under quarantine until Jan 1, 2017 were sold on Jan 7, 2017 to unsuspecting buyers who might put the bisons into the food chain. Beverly Fisher in the article says that none of these yearlings were ever under quarantine that was sold. The EPA reports that some of the bisons sold were those under quarantine. Someone is not telling the truth here.

From the EPA docket Docket No. RCRA-8-2016 for the bison incident was dated April 22, 2016, just right after protests started for the Dakota Access Pipeline. The case is still under investigation.
About the Save the Buffalo Nation Campaign

The Save the Buffalo Nation Campaign is a campaign to create Buffalo Sanctuary Cooperatives to return and restore 250,000 buffaloes to their ancestral lands, starting with locations near the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

The Save the Buffalo Nation Campaign is headed by Mother Earth Trust, a sovereign that manages World Heritage Sanctuaries and also manages the World Basic Income Program.

The Save the Buffalo Nation Campaign is also supported by Free Nations United to Heal Our Mother Earth, a sovereign that manages Water is Life Unity Alliance that is supported by 20 indigenous nations and sovereigns.

Campaign: Save the Buffalo Nation
Spokesperson: Ambassador David Kam
Email: help@savethebuffalo.com
Tel: 562-353-7288
Website: http://SaveTheBuffalo.com


1-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Protectors – Pipeline Protest… I’m seeing 3 breaking stories about Standing Rock from the past couple of days that must get out. Two of them are so bad I am feeling the onset of shock and more trauma for all upon hearing them. One of them is beautiful, but given the information in the first story below, I am having a hard time cerebrating the good that is happening.

The first story from yesterday is about possible massive Rozol poisoning of Protectors. Yes- massive poisoning. It looks like there has to have been an EPA cover-up, or at least a ‘failure to notify’ Protectors of massive amounts of this poison on the ground at Standing Rock. Many animals have died. Many people have reported symptoms… This is the ground Protectors have been camped on for many months. The ground where animals and children played for months. The ground where floods happen and carry all poison downstream. Meyers Ranch owners are responsible. All Protectors who have been to camp may have been victims of exposure to this poison. All Protectors must be tested immediately and should seek treatment if they have any health issues at all. It could be because of this poison.


The second breaking story is about the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SRST) asking the federal government to evict all camps, including Sacred Stone Camp. This is the same federal government who has been brutalizing the Protectors for months. It is a deep betrayal we are seeing be uncovered. Much deeper than I can comprehend right now. It may very well be that the SRST had this plan from the beginning and never thought this movement would be a real movement, or that it would be so big and last so long. They want it to go away now and clearly don’t care how. The Chairman got the name DAPL Dave a while back, but I was reserving judgment. Seems pretty clear now – the SRST council is likely on the DAPL payroll and are trying to cover-up the Rozol poison story before it gets out.


The third story, after the previous two, is really bittersweet… It is a letter from the Protectors sharing their guided, beautiful, legitimate direction. They plan to stay at camp no matter what happens. I don’t know if they know about the poison yet.
I cannot believe things have come to this. This world can be such a horrific place. My heart hurts..

