SPECIAL REPORT Feb. 23, 2017 Standing Rock

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


Rudy TwoMoon ~ “Personal stories, truth, the fight for survival, sadness and joy. Many of you have no idea the history you witnessed or ignored. This is bigger than you realize. It will be talked about for generations as the “movement to start all movements”. The movement which shifted balance back to protection of the earth and ourselves. In a flash of time, you’ll be telling the younger generation, I remember when we almost almost lost ourselves. Your story will probably start like this… “Not long ago, the world was getting darker. No, we weren’t without light, we just couldn’t see any longer. It was children, babies, who brought the light back to the grandmother’s with song…..”


2-23-17 ~ Timmery Turner… This is Erick Fierro. Erick is a Fire Keeper…still waiting for more word on where they took him…He is burning sage and fanning with turkeys feathers. He is praying. Genuine nice guy who is always smiling and helping others. This is what his day entailed.

Erick was one of my first friends at Oceti Sakowin Camp. I call him Little Brother. He is one of THE most dedicated people this movement has seen, and this photo speaks volumes to that.

He has given so much of himself, and always did it in a good way.

In this photo he is keeping the fire, which is what fire keepers do. It’s an incredibly important job. He vowed to stay by the fire until he no longer could.

Though, it pains me to see this photo, it also fills me up with even more love and respect for Erick than I already had. Erick is a true warrior and leader.

Let’s all send our prayers to Erick, and once I find out more information about what is happening with him let’s do all that we can to help him.

2-23-17 ~ The largest protest camp at Standing Rock was cleared on Wednesday. Some protesters set fire to semi-permanent structures before the 2 p.m. deadline.

“It’s an act of defiance,” Nick Cowan said as he watched a fire burn after living here for more than 2 months. “It’s saying: ‘If you are going to make us leave our home, you cannot take our space. We’ll burn it to the ground and let the earth take it back before you take it from us.’”

Vanessa Red Bull shared her perspective: “I think that’s why people are setting things on fire: as a way of a last homage to what had become many people’s homes. A community was here.”
Read more: http://tinyurl.com/j9oukzv #Daily360


2-23-17 ~ Grandma Regina was arrested today…my heart is heavy…prayers
EDIT: just saw this post she is released and safe… http://tinyurl.com/jzhxleu
Grandma Regina Brave, a survivor of Wounded Knee II in 1973, was released yesterday after being arrested for her actions standing up for treaty rights as police raided Oceti Sakowin. She has a message for all of her supporters and all who follow the movement.


2-23-17 ~ Dave Archambault… FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2-23-17
Standing Rock Sioux Chairman responds to Secretary Spicer’s statements

Cannon Ball, N.D.— Dave Archambault II, Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, today refuted White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s statements that the White House has been involved in any way with the Tribe.

“Spicer claimed that the Trump administration has been ‘constantly’ in contact with our Tribe. That clai m is absolutely false,” Archambault said.

“We repeatedly asked for meetings with the Trump administration, but never received one until the day they notified Congress that they were issuing the easement. I was on a plane to Washington, D.C. when I learned the easement was issued at the airport. It was an insult to me and to the Tribe. I cancelled the meeting upon hearing this news. We have since filed a lawsuit for the immoral and illegal issuance of the easement and suspension of the environmental impact study.”

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe remains adamant that the Dakota Access Pipeline is a dangerous project that threatens our water. The tactics to divide our fight against the real enemy, Energy Transfer Partners, are counterproductive and detract from the goal to stop the denigration of our sovereign rights to protect our treaty resources.


2-23-17 ~ The most telling photo at Standing Rock … Raymond Kingfisher giving closing prayers upon leaving camp. Thanking the Protectors .


2-23-17 ~ Redhawk … This afternoon I was asked to take a photo of the Sacred Fire right before the final prayer walk, where nearly 100 Water Protectors peacefully, and prayerfully stepped back on to the reservations they have been confined to for over a century. For those of you not aware, the Sacred Fire has always been off limits for media, as it contains the spirits. I was honored to be asked to do this.

I am trying my best to explain the emotions that went through my heart today. Anger, fear, excitement, but mostly pain. Pain to see so many people so close to mother earth oppressed by this country for money, greed, and the overall fact the United States does not want to admit it stole this land from Native Americans. America’s dirty little secret.

We spent the last 2 days planning on how we as media could work together to keep this camp safe. Originally, I planned to remain until the end. After being asked to document the sacred fire, and participate in the prayer walk, my mind changed. Once I crossed the river with the tribes, my heart told me it was my time to go. As much as I wanted to turn around and step back over that bridge, I knew I wouldn’t be doing the right thing. I could feel something bad would happen to me. I then walked all the way to Cheyenne River camp. I sat for a bit, cried a bit more, and thought about all the emotions I had just gone through. There were many.

Looking back on the nearly 6 months of being here in solidarity, there have been many ups and downs. Small victories, and small defeats. I have had hypothermia, gone nights without sleeping bags, slept in an emergency shelter for a month while trying to assist with the shelter, had rubber bullets wiz past my head, tasted tear gas, had electronics sabotaged, “dapl’d”, items stolen, friendships lost, and a few times questioned about my intentions based off the color of my skin. Through all that, I know I still had it much easier than many. Most even. So many have sacrificed so much to be here. They have given up homes, lost marriages, lost jobs, lost children, and so many more. All to defend mother earth and human rights. Looking back, I know I am nothing more than a man, and I have received so much inspiration through watching the strength of our Native American brothers and sister.

Today was not a loss. Today was a win. Standing Rock has awoken the sleeping giant of humankind. The knowledge that people can band together, and make a statement of unity, prayer, love, and compassion. This is just the beginning of a greater whole. I believe we can change the world. We have already proven the world can hear our calls.

I am still trying to process everything, and maybe this post doesn’t make sense, but I knew it was my time to go. I followed that intuition, and followed my heart over that bridge. I cried more today than I ever have in my life. I was honored to see my heart open so much from my time here.

So many people have banded together, but for me, my focus has always been getting the media out. I’ve been very humbled to be able to work beside the Oceti Sakowin Camp media team, and try to represent the camp in a good way. The last few nights of media meetings worked. I felt that independent media, alongside veterans, medics and most of all the prayers of the Water Protectors kept the camp in peace, and no major conflicts took place today. I am still in awe over the dedication of all those media that took the stand on the front lines of 1806 today, and helped the police back away from camp. I am eternally grateful to work alongside so many dedicated and true journalists, using their abilities to document the reality of this world.

This is not about journalism tho. This is about taking a stand for 500 years of oppression for our Indigenous brothers and sisters. This is about honoring treaties. This is about native children abductions. This is about man camps destroying native families. This is about protecting the earth from corporate rape for profit. This is about being HUMAN. This is about love, and compassion, and understanding, and empathy, and prayer.

This is about leaving this world knowing you stood on the right side of history.

Today I walked away from the Oceti Sacred Fire for the last time, but all of us have left with the fire in our hearts. That fire will never burn out. It is embedded and engrained in our souls, blood, sweat, tears forever.




2-23-17 NY TIMES… The largest protest camp at Standing Rock was cleared on Wednesday. Some protesters set fire to semipermanent structures before the 2 p.m. deadline.

“It’s an act of defiance,” Nick Cowan said as he watched a fire burn after living here for more than 2 months. “It’s saying: ‘If you are going to make us leave our home, you cannot take our space. We’ll burn it to the ground and let the earth take it back before you take it from us.’”

Vanessa Red Bull shared her perspective: “I think that’s why people are setting things on fire: as a way of a last homage to what had become many people’s homes. A community was here.”


2-23-17 ~ US Customs & Border Protection at Standing Rock!
Oh, the irony.

“Militarized police, the National Guard, and US Customs have descended on Standing Rock with humvees and rifles to protect the Dakota Access Pipeline from unarmed protestors and journalists.”


2-23-17 ~ Linda Black Elk … I waited until after midnight to write this. Today, some exemplary medics and healers waited until every last person was out of the Oceti Sakowin camp before they narrowly escaped personal harm and arrest by the long arm of county, state and federal law enforcement.

I have never known better people. Never. They are brave and generous; they are tough but fair; they are cautious but honest. They have become my family, and I love them.

Over the last seven months, my medics, midwives, mental health professionals, MDs, herbalists, traditional healers, street medics, first responders, body workers, and other volunteers have sacrificed everything …everything…to protect the protectors. I am so so thankful for them.


2-23-17 ~ Watching the place I called home burn while my Friends are been arrested leaves a hole in my heart. I met many awesome People at Medic Healer Council who gave of their all, Doctors Nurses Natural Medicine in conditions that resembled conditions as bad or worse than third world countries. My stay was one of service and while I went to tell a story I became part of it and even fell in love. We learned a lot at the Standing Rock Protectors – Pipeline Protest as Veterans and as water protectors. We learned a lot about ourselves the People we met and the things we and others did. There is healing that is taking place for we as they made mistakes, tradition was forgotten and the sacred trampled. The Lakota tradition is nomadic giving Mother Earth time to heal. At this sacred place there is more than burial grounds, battles have been won and lost this one yet to be decided much less the ones that came before. Moving forward to fight the Black Snake we know requires unity with each other and harmony with Mother Earth. The lessons learned here are just the beginning not the end for while the fire here has been stomped on the ambers have spread far an wide awakening a movement of awareness of what the future holds for our children. Change is never easy, on days as today even harder but that cannot stop us. The Tribes are talking and many have united as many more come together as relations between the water protectors Veterans and other groups start to heal. Moving forward there will be Eco Villages and places that live in the Lakota way in Peace with the land. There will be self-sustaining movements teaching and doing what it takes to ensure stability and continuity of our natural resources because there is only one other choice, the Black Snake seen here as the evil it can be spewing pollution into the air and contaminating the water. That it was burned and I was not there to move it makes me sad for this structure unlike the Tipi’s was made of plastics. This is not what we stand for as water protectors, regardless of who set it ablaze, them or us it was wrong. We take from this what we will, no one person will interpret these words the same. It is time to heal the wounds of war and look forward with an eye on the past for without respect for history the mistakes are doomed to be revisited. #ImaginePeace for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. #Change #ForTheChildren#WaterIsLife.


2-23-17 ~ Ed Higgins was arrested today while covering the #LastStand at Standing Rock along with Evan Duke and dozens of veterans, journalists, and water protectors. We will NOT stand idly by while the government declares a war on our rights to assemble and free press


2-23-17~ Redhawk… Look who is out of custody, out of the hospital, and wanting to talk about how police treat Water Protectors and independent media.
Facebook live interview w Eric Poemz in a couple hours.


2-23-17 ~ An unstoppable force met immovable objects. A convoy of 200 law enforcement vehicles, including a Bearcat armored personnel carrier, 16 Humvees and more than 200 policemen and National Guard Soldiers entered the Oceti Sakowin #DakotaAccessPipeline protest camp Thursday morning. #DAPL


2-23-17 Jesse Ventura … Welcome to the Fascist States of America. What happened to the 1st Amendment? As a veteran I hang my head in shame. They say they’re giving protesters the chance to “leave peacefully” today, but we’re seeing video footage of arrests since yesterday.


Pic Flag Row, Oceti Camp. Josué Rivas Fotographer
2-23-17 ~ Adam Elfers‎… For all our Standing Rock friends, we all know watching these live feeds is tough for everybody. Watching people with such little reverence and understanding dismantle with militarized vehicles and weapons what we all built so sacredly. Not for money or power or fame, but for water, for the coming together of Tribes, of people all over the world, indigenous tribes from Ecuador, Hawaii, New Zealand, Alaska, and all over Native America. Standing rock is one of the single largest solidarity movements in world history. World history. That means ever. Think about it. How many times in the history of the world have people come together across so many differences of culture and language to #stand together. To stand United against a human greed represented in the business plans of billionaires who invade sacred land and steal water rights, all the while backed by the very men who promised to protect and serve the common welfare of the people and planet.

We withstood everything. Snow. Ice. Rubber bullets. Mace. Tasers. Tear gas. Concussion grenades. Propaganda. Lies. Water hoses in sub zero temperatures. Over 700 people were arrested for this #stand. I was one of them.

No matter what happens from here, no matter how this goes down, no matter how they evict and dismantle our camp, we know the truth:

Something was born at Standing Rock. Something Ancient & Spiritual was brought to form in modern life. & for all of us who were part of it…

We will never ever forget.

Standing Rock is in our blood. Our DNA. We are forever changed. & no matter what history gets told about the struggle for clean water that is becoming ever more common and urgent on planet earth, when our great granddaughter looks into our aging eyes & asks, “grandma, grandpa, what did you do to protect the water, to preserve the earth?” It is us, not them, who will be able to look in that little girl’s eyes with honor & say…
“Baby, I was at Standing Rock; I am a Water Protector.”

To all our Standing Rock Tribe worldwide, I love you so much. I can never thank you enough. Thanks for changing my life. Thanks for standing up and showing the world that something more is possible.
This is just the beginning.

Long live Standing Rock. Long live *Oceti Sakowin* camp, Sacred Stone, Rosebud & the rest.
#StandingRock #StillStanding #JustTheBeginning #StandingRockLives


2-23-17 ~ Prolific TheRapper… Be smarter than their propaganda. All eyes on Camp. After using force their next move will be propaganda to justify their injustices for the past several months… #nodapl

2-23-17 ~ The last man left in Oceti Sakowin Main Camp. Sitting on the roof.

Chase Iron Eyes, an American Indian activist and a member of the Standing Rock

2-23-17 ~ NY Times…. Chase Iron Eyes, an American Indian activist and a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, is live from Canon Ball, North Dakota after yesterday’s evacuation order by the Army Corps of Engineers and North Dakota’s governor.


2-23-17 ~ Johnny Dangers… 100% of the Oceti Oyate Camp is now in Government Control! Riot Police, Armored Humvees, Reports of M4 guns and more are raiding the Oceti Oyate Camp!!! Armored Vehicles shamefully line the banks of the Cannonball River. Armed Riot Police have raided 80% of camp and are squeezing the remaining Water Protectors onto the semi-frozen Cannonball River! Grandmother arrested by the sweatlodge. Share! Send Prayers of Strength! Share with the world the truth!


2-23-17 ~ Redhawk… There was a reported 8-10 arrests yesterday at Oceti. What mainstream media failed to recognize is that a vast majority if not ALL of those arrested were independent & grassroots media taking a stand for the camp, and refusing to allow corporation controlled law enforcement to seize the camp with no documentation. Exercising the 1st amendment, and defending the liberties of this country, this is now a war of information as well as a spiritual war.
There is still independent media embedded inside the camp, and they will continue to defend the right to document for treaty rights and the rights of our Native American brothers and sisters.

2-23-17 ~ Police Remove Last Of Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters From Camp
Officers on Thursday arrested 46 protesters and forced out all other people who remained in a camp that had been the epicenter of opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Morton County sheriff’s department announce Continue Reading

2-23-17 ~ North Dakota Dismantles #NoDAPL Oceti Camp
Just after 11 am, the combined eviction forces began their approach into the camp. Between a few dozen to a hundred water protectors were estimated remaining in camp at that time, with most having left the previous day but some having returned that morning by walking across the frozen Cannonball River. Bypassing the main entrance, two Bobcat-type skid steer loaders were used to clear a path down the snowy hill into the north end of Oceti Oyate. Bearcat and MRAP armored vehicles, accompanied by a large number of Humvees and sheriff’s deputies, police with riot gear and live weapons, descended down the path into the camp. Continue Reading

2-23-17 ~ Gov. Burgum signs 4 DAPL-inspired bills into law
Gov. Doug Burgum signed four bills into law Thursday afternoon. The bills all have ties to the Dakota Access pipeline protests.House Bill 1293 expands the scope of criminal trespass under state law, but reduces the offense to a $250 citation rather than criminal charges. House Bill 1304 makes it a misdemeanor to wear a mask or hood when committing a crime. House Bill 1426 increases penalties for riot offenses. It allows prosecutors to charge those who take part in a riot in a manner consistent with the potential for actual harm to health safety and well-being. Senate Bill 2302 allows the Attorney General to appoint ad hoc special agents. An example of this would be an out-of-state officer who comes to North Dakota responding to a request for assistance. All four bills have emergency clauses that make them effective immediately. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/zfz23eh

2-23-17 ~ Trump administration withdrew legal memo that found ‘ample legal justification’ to halt Dakota Access pipeline
The 35-page legal analysis of the pipeline’s potential environmental risks and its impact on treaty rights of the Standing Rock Sioux and other indigenous tribes was authored in December by then-Interior Department Solicitor Hilary C. Tompkins, an Obama appointee who was — at the time — the top lawyer in the department. “The government-to-government relationship between the United States and the Tribes calls for enhanced engagement and sensitivity to the Tribes’ concerns,” Tompkins wrote. “The Corps is accordingly justified should it choose to deny the proposed easement.” Continue Reading

2-23-17 ~ BREAKING: Trump Orders Army to Evict Sioux from Standing Rock at Gunpoint
American forces are storming lands that rightfully belong to Native Americans per U.S. treaties. Trump’s hearkening America back to one of its ugliest historical legacies. The only difference is that our soldiers aren’t on horseback this time. Now, they’re using snipers, bulletproof armor, and Humvees to storm the Native Americans’ protest camps. Continue Reading…

2-23-17 ~ Militarized Police Just Evicted The Sioux Tribe From Standing Rock At Gunpoint
Federal authorities have begun their raid to evict the water protectors from the Oceti Sakowin camp, and the images coming out of the protest site are extremely disturbing. History is repeating itself as heavily militarized United States law enforcement storm Native American treaty land to run them off- only this time they’re riding in Humvees and not on horses. Continue Reading …

2-23-17 ~ Dakota Access oil pipeline camp cleared of protesters
It took 3 ? hours for about 220 officers and 18 National Guardsmen to methodically search the protesters’ temporary homes. Authorities said they arrested 46 people, including a group of military veterans who had to be carried out and a man who climbed atop a building and stayed there for more than an hour before surrendering. Continue Reading …

2-23-17 ~ FRONTLINE at Standing Rock-Holding the Line 2/23/17 – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ North Dakota Police CHASE Journalists – TYT Politics

2-23-17 ~ The Chairman Is Having A Meeting At Oceti (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Armed Police & Military Are Now Inside Oceti (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Myron Dewey 2/23/2017 Good Morning – 411 Truth

2-23-17 ~ Armed Police & Military Are Now Inside Oceti 2/23/2017 Live From Standing Rock – 411 Truth

2-23-17 ~ Johnny Dangers Armed Riot Police have raided 80% of camp 2/23/17 – 411 Truth

2-23-17 ~ Oil Police BRUTALIZE Water Protector Who Questioned Them – TYT Politics

2-23-17 ~ Jameson Dargen speaks with Law Enforcement as they try to get him out of Camp – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Update from camp after Yesterdays Removal – J Grady

2-13-17 ~ Drone Footage Of Oceti Raid Part 1 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Stephanie Big-Eagle – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Myron Dewey (2/23/2017) Good Morning – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ On The Ground In Oceti The Raid Continues (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ We Have to Keep Fighting: Water Protectors Vow Continued Resistance to DAPL as Main Camp Is Evicted – Democracy Now!

2-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Documentary: Who, What and Why of the DAPL Protests (Must Watch) – Protect Mother Earth

2-23-17 ~ Last stand Oceti Oyate heartbreaking – The One And Only Power

2-23-17 ~ Definitely a homeland security helicopter at oceti Camp – The One And Only Power

2-23-17 ~ This is so sad, we have no choice but to stop this from continuing – The One And Only Power

2-23-17 ~ Oceti Camp Is Being Raided! (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Johnny Dangers – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ On The Ground In Oceti With Raid Updates (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Police Raid Oceti Sakowin Camp 2-23-17 12:13 pm – MeMy SelfAndi

2-23-17 ~ 2/23/17 NoDAPL Live Stream of Oceti Sakowin camp invasion from across river – 411 Truth

23-23-17 ~ Lastrealindians ~ The raid of the north camp is almost complete – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Drone Footage Of Oceti Raid Part 2 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Stephanie Big-Eagle – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ They have four armed standing on the ridge behind Cheyenne River North – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Live raid of Oceti resistance prater camp – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ BIA In Rosebud The Oceti Raid Continues (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Chase Iron Eyes Part 2 (2/23/2017) Oceti Raid Updates – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Jameson Dargen speaks with Law Enforcement as they try to get him out of Camp – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Police Cause Broken Hip! 02/23/17 #NoDAPL – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ America Lawlessly Dishonors Supreme Laws of it’s own Land. | 02/23/17 KFYR TV – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ Unicorn Riot ~ Militarized police fall face-first in attempts to tackle water protectors – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Drone Footage: Raid On Oceti Resistance Prayer Camp Part 1 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Drone Footage: Raid On Oceti Resistance Prayer Camp Part 2 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ USA: National Guard clear out remaining protesters at Standing Rock camp – Ruptly TV

2-23-17 ~ Americans Shame – Sad Day at Standing Rock as Protester Picked Off – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-23-17 ~ Military Vehicles and Snipers at Standing Rock Protest – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-23-17 ~ Police Arrest American Indians at Standing Rock – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-23-17 ~ Police News Conference at Standing Rock Protest – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

News Articles and Updates ~ Oceti Sakowin
You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life