Breathe it in, surrender and celebrate

Dr. Julie TwoMoon ~ The Divine calls us to believe in timelines of infinite capacity… see past right now, know with unshakable brilliance that right now is one moment, not the whole picture, and that picture… man is it magnificent.

Stop getting caught in the BUT and start being excited for the YES.

This, right now, this is what it is, you are in the midst of a soul appointment, the funny thing about soul appointments is, you don’t realize it when you are in one. But this, this moment, this challenge, this step, it’s important, don’t skip it, don’t wish it away, don’t pine for it to leave, because this step is magical.

We are called into our brilliance, stop thinking that brilliance is easy and start KNOWING you are up to the task, you were made for this.

Create, play, speak, laugh, sing, dance and BE NOW, this moment is everything and nothing, which is why it is time to breathe it in, surrender and celebrate and get ready for some BIG MAGIC!

Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez
Human Rights Advocate, Researcher/Chronological Archivist and member in good standing with the Constitution First Amendment Press Association (

Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe

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