Stories From the Frontline ~ Oct. 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe

There is no solid line between “organizers” and others- this is a movement, not an organization. There are many camps and points of contact, we can only verify that the ‘Facebook Check In’ action did not originate from the Sacred Stone Camp FB page. We support the tactic, and think it is a great way to express solidarity.

There is no doubt that law enforcement comb social media for incriminating material and monitor communications.

The check in’s have created a huge influx of media attention that we appreciate. Our growing massive social media following plays a key role in this struggle. We have been ignored for the most part by mainstream media, yet we have hundreds of thousands of supporters from across the world. We appreciate a diversity of tactics and encourage people to come up with creative ways to act in solidarity, both online and as real physical allies.

We would like to see these thousands of people take physical action to demand that their banks divest, their police forces withdraw, and the Army Corps and Obama administration halt the construction of this pipeline. We would like CitiBank, Bank of Tokyo, and Mizho Bank to cancel their pending $1.1 billion dollar loan to DAPL. We’d also like to see people connect with indigenous and environmental struggles in their own bioregion. We’d like you to investigate and organize around your personal relationship to fossil fuel consumption and colonization.

We need your support for our legal defense as the battle intensifies-

We need you to plug into a solidarity action

We also need 10,000, 100,000 people to join us here on the ground. Now. Join us!



10-31-16 ~ Redhawk ~ Just received this video from my friend Mike. In the first 15 seconds, you can see a spirit rider holding the line, and keeping distance between water protectors and police. You will then see the water protector shot off his horse at point blank range with rubber bullets, and then his horse shot at point blank range. The next couple minutes are the commotion afterwards. There was no reason to shoot this brave water protector and his horse, as they were not threatening MCSD or military in any way.

10-31-16 ~ NEPALESE MIRACLES IN NORTH DAKOTA: Walking through a section of trees in Sicangu (Rosebud) camp yesterday I ran across this couple–Ken Gagnon and Gina Shvartsman, yurt makers. They said they were setting up a shop to make yurts on demand for all the encampments.
Miracle! I asked if they’d help with emergency shelters and warming stations for medics from the Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council.

YES! For FREE! (More about that in a minute.)

If you’re here, or about to arrive, WE NEED YOU. Ken and Gina are going to be in Sicangu for the next two weeks. They want to train yurt makers so that the work can continue through winter. This is incredibly important. I’ve seen (easily) 75 expedition tents crushed flat as a pancake by 50-60 mph winds. Yurts survive. Tipis survive.

Yurts can make a huge difference in protecting people here. In making sure our medics–particularly in a rescue–can get out of the wind and the cold, and warm up while transporting patients overland.

Gina and Ken will train you. Ideally, you should plan to be here for at least two weeks, to go through the training; then you yourself could be a trainer, as ppl rotate in and out of the camps. You’d be making sure the knowledge was passed on. And that yurts keep rolling out of Ken and Gina’s shop.

You don’t need to be here all winter to make a difference. Even ppl who are going to be here a few days could help with some simple tasks. If you can strip bark off poles, you’d be hugely useful. If you can use a drill, there’s a place for you.

So, MSG ME please, if you’d like to become a yurt maker. I’ll start connecting volunteers with Ken and Gina, and we will help them build the shelters we need to protect people here.

And please, for those of you who can’t come, but want to help, support them. Their website is Order a yurt! Even if (God forgive you) you’re warm and dry in Tampa. They’re providing a crucial service. They deserve our support.

You can reach Ken directly, too:


10-31-16 ~ John Floberg … Three hundred Clergy have registered to come and Stand With Standing Rock. There are 16 different faith traditions represented. 10 of those are various Christian traditions.

We made a call for one hundred to come and Stand With Standing Rock. I am humbled by the response by these people/faith communities to come for a Peaceful, Non-Violent, Prayerful, Witness in Solidarity with Standing Rock and the hundreds of Indigenous Nations that are Standing With Standing Rock.

Many of our faith traditions have now rejected the Doctrine of Discovery that provided the way for church sanctioned oppression during the past 500 years. For those of us that are able, in our faith tradition, we will reiterate our renunciation of that doctrine in Camp Oceti Sakowin before we ever go out to stand witness with the Standing Rock Nation. That act will be the first thing and the first time done by so many in attendance of denominations and of Indigenous people.

10-30-16 ~ Lee Burkett … Here’s the thing:
Baton down the hatches, here comes the Cause.

I’ve seen it. You’ve seen it, whether you recognize it for what it is remains to be worked out.
Now that the battle of Standing Rock is garnering national and international attention and support, there is a mad rush to brand it, to attach organizational and political agendas to it.
What began very simply as wise and brave Indigenous people taking a stand to protect the water, the Earth, life itself, is now being defined and redefined through long standing filters of belief, opinion, ideology and, of course, celebrity culture.

People are turning it into a political debate, a philosophical debate, an economic debate …
Because now, it’s a cause. It’s a movement.
And we thrive on causes.

Especially white privileged self described liberals and progressives. We can’t help ourselves. We need to meddle. We need to educate. We need to emphasize just how liberal and progressive we are by taking over, re-branding, every cause, every movement.

So, as a public service, I’ve written a letter that sums up the approach most of us white, privileged people are taking as regards the Protectors of The Water:
“Dear Indigenous People,
Gee … thanks, you Indigenous people for bringing this to national and international attention. You did kind of all right, you know, considering none of us white liberals were there educating and organizing and forming consensus groups.

And, you know, having millions of US citizens pledging support for you without our help is quite a feather in your cap.

So pat yourselves on the back. No, really, you deserve it, coming all this way without our guidance. National and international attention and support, resistance groups springing up everywhere, you’ve done well. Considering, you know … but now it’s too big, too important for us to let you keep running things.

We’ll take over from here. I mean jeez, look at all we’ve accomplished in the past 40 years. Look how we helped Occupy! And who could forget how we came up with the touchy-feely all inclusive politically correct “All Lives Matter” in response to the racially charged and possibly offensive “Black Lives Matter.”

We’ve got to step in and educate you. First, this is gonna hurt, but we question your leadership. We mean no offense, but your Elders and stuff don’t seem to know anything about consensus building and networking and educational outreach and media relations and the all important spin this little movement of yours needs. You guys don’t get that you have to attach yourself to us and our agenda.

Like for instance, there’s been talk about re-routing the DAPL away from Indigenous land.
If they reroute it, where will that leave all of us? We might have to organize our own communities to resist a pipeline being put through our local cemetery or our rivers and aquifers.

Do ya get how uncaring that attitude is? All pipelines matter, right? What a turn off to keep making this all about you Indigenous people and your lands and your water and your history and stuff. You’re not going to get anywhere alienating people like that.

So thanks for all you’ve done. Can we move into this office? Great, listen, somebody form a consensus about building a movement. Can we get some memes going? ”

10-29-16 ~ Sarah Sunshine Manning… This morning was just what we needed to refocus on the work we were all called here to do- to stand prayerfully and peacefully for each other, for Earth, and Water. We all walked up to the frontline, Arvol Lookinghorse with his pipe, and a beautiful group of women in their healing dresses. We were reminded not to treat each other poorly as tensions heighten, to not use profanity and especially while pipes are at these sites. During the day of the removal from the north camp, elders stood with a pipe, and they stood in prayer. Some with heightened energies lost sight of that pipe there and began spreading energies opposite of the energy necessary for that pipe to truly do its intended work. Today was a humbling and beautiful reminder of who we are, and what we need to do moving forward.

10-28-16 Floris Ptesáŋ Huŋká … My friends and relatives I’m OK, so to speak. I was arrested yesterday. What I saw, felt, and heard was ….unreal. I’m proud of my people, we stood together. People did their best to protect one another, unarmed.

After we were arrested, we were dehumanized. We were given a number. They trucked us by busloads to Morton Co. We were held in dog kenels, packed. There were tarps to cover the two that women were put in. We sat and laid on the cold cement.
Standing Rock were the first called out to be shipped out to Fargo. I have so much to say but right now I just want to let you all know I am ok and, we will not stop.

10-28-16 ~ Jacquelyn Cordova … International Indigenous Youth Council member Lauren TwoBraids Howland has been repeatedly abused by law enforcement this past week. Her wrist was broken earlier this week. She was maced alongside other water protectors 3 times yesterday and her wrist was rebroken.

Medic are working to clear all burning agents from our protectors eyes as they continue standing in prayer. PLEASE, pray for our medics! Many have now been arrested and are therefore unable to help with frontline and overall camp injuries and illnesses.

10-28-16 ~ Ron Toahami Jackson… This comes from Greg Grey Cloud, one of these beautiful horses was murdered by the militarized goons on Thursday. UPDATE ON HORSE NATION:
Two of my horses have been shot by Morton county police, along with their riders. One horse was wounded in the front leg. Going to be ok though we doctored her up. Both warriors shot, are my boys from the Crow Creek Spirit Riders and are both going to be ok!
Sidebar::: “can’t keep warriors down too long”
Four other horsemen were ripped off of their horses and violently arrested. One horse was injured so badly, it didn’t make it home. RIP to one of our relatives of the horse nation…
Other horses were left. Apparently they can’t legally detain livestock.
Sidebar::: “I guess livestock have more rights than Indians”



10-28-16 ~ Red Hawk…. Today at Standing Rock during the 1851 Treaty Camp standoff, a hired DAPL security guard was spotted in the crowd with an automatic rifle in his vehicle. When he was spotted, he began to head towards camp. Water protectors made an effort to stop him on the road, in which he shot off onto the shoulder, and began speeding towards camp through the grass. The community feared for the women and childen and began taking action. Water protectors began setting up a blockade at the bridge ahead, as 2 water protectors used their vehicles to crash into the securities truck, causing him to spin out on the riverbank. The security then exited his vehicle, cocked his AR-15, and began back stepping from protectors into the nearby river. A near half hour stand off took place where water protectors pleaded and tried to defuse the situation of the man coming directly at their families. Eventually, BIA came to the scene, disarmed the man, and his was placed under arrest.

America, this is what is happening here. DAPL will do anything possible, include the threat of death and violence to get this pipeline through. DO NOT LET MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIE TO YOU. Protectors are facing the threat of death simply for protecting water and preserving history.


10-28-16 ~ Kenny Frost ….Here is what is in store for the DAPL workers destroying our burials and in store for the sheriff n state police officers. The spirit of our ancestors will come after them making them and their families so sick for life.

Plus they don’t believe like we do as native people. If they believe like us. They would be protecting our burials sites.

I met the descendant of Colonial Chivington who killed the Cheyenne people at Sand Creek. He was not a happy person. He said, “He wish his great-great-father never killed the Cheyenne people.” He said, “His family either killed themselves in the past.” Or they had “Terrible sickness like cancers, and other dreadful disease.”

They really have screwed themselves….drugs, alcohol, disease’s for them and their families…plus they are non-believers…they don’t care.

This is the faith of those who hurt and harm our people. There is nothing we can do to help them.
Let the spirits have at them!
=->>>— Kenny —>



10-28-16 Tim Yakaitis … Standing Rock Today. People were shot with rubber bullets, a horse rider was shot off his horse, we were pepper sprayed several times and a DAPL worker armed with a 9mm and an AR 15 was chased into a pond by Water Protecters. He shot into the water several times before he was arrested by BIA police.

10-28-16 Fawn Wasin Zi … Medic “Michael” who was at the front lines told his story. “The cops actually pulled medics out of their vehicles and arrested them. They had their red cross insignias on their cars, shirts and arms. They are unbiased, they were there to help ANYONE in need.

10-27-16 ~ Olowaan Plain … America, you killed 50-100 million of our people throughout our nation’s history…then you hide it by not sharing it with the public…then you turn us into Mascots and demonize us in John Wayne movies…as if that’s not enough, now your allowing North Dakota to use Militia to illegally dig up the graves of the same millions of our ancestors you killed, just so you can build an oil pipeline which will poison the water for us & 17 million other U.S. Citizens!

Just know the world is standing with our people on the front lines on Standing Rock, who are unarmed! You’ve chosen your path and you will answer for your actions someday! We will continue to honor our ancestors and share the truth because our ancestors taught us well and died to save our traditions and values! WE ARE PROTECTORS, WE ARE STANDING ROCK!


10-27-16 ~ The Other 98%… Share to support the #WaterProtectors!!
Read this Call to Action from Nick Tilsen, Lakota leader and co-founder of the Indigenous Peoples Power Project (IP3)
Stand With Standing Rock Now
1. We need thousands of people, who care about justice, to come to camp willing to stake a peaceful stand!
2. We need Tribal Governments on the front lines. Don’t leave this fight to the tribal grassroots! Governments need to take risk and stand with the people!
3. We need all national media to come to camp. We’re done doing your damn job for you. You’re supposed to report the news and this is a giant story!
4. Celebrities who care about justice should come to North Dakota. Bring press with you. Be willing to take arrest and stand in solidarity with all of us!
5. Al Gore, Jessie Jackson, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders, we need you on the frontlines with us! Now!! Don’t wait for this jacked election to be over, while innocent natives are attacked using tax payer dollars!!!

10-27-16 ~ Olowaan Plain … I just received this statement from the Hillary Clinton campaign re: the Dakota Access Pipeline and #NoDAPL.
“We received a letter today from representatives of the tribes protesting the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline. From the beginning of this campaign, Secretary Clinton has been clear that she thinks all voices should be heard and all views considered in federal infrastructure projects. Now, all of the parties involved–including the federal government, the pipeline company and contractors, the state of North Dakota, and the tribes–need to find a path forward that serves the broadest public interest. As that happens, it’s important that on the ground in North Dakota, everyone respects demonstrators’ rights to protest peacefully, and workers’ rights to do their jobs safely.”

10-27-16 ~ Spence Etzkorn … I am asking for prayer from all my friends. I know that not all of you agree with the pipeline protest but my nephew (15 years old) had his horse shot and killed out from under him today by one of the mercinaries and. He is still missing and no one knows if he is ok. He could have been shot instead of his horse. As a rancher, uncle, human, and Lakota I am extremely pissed, sadened and worried for all that are up there especially my nephew. I am hearing of some really bad things from up there. Our greed has got in the way of compassion and humanity.

10-27-16 ~ Indigenous Life Movement …. One man was shot with a taser in the face, as I was filming. The bar is still in his face. They already began arresting protectors, unlawfully checking people’s cars pepper spraying people in the face… and moving into our camp grounds. Helicopters and planes circle up above us. They have breach sacred burial grounds, and have moved along side of those ground, surrounding our entire camp.

All this has been caught on film, and when we can release it you all will be able to see for yourselves. I’m doing my best here to respite but many of our phones are blocked.
Everyone please Keep us in your prayers.
We are standing our grounds here.

10-27-16 ~ Clarence Rowland … A sweat lodge has been torn apart and all whom were in ceremony were arrested, my brother arrested also… Granny Helen went to jail too… Elders were pepper sprayed and arrested, we are asking for help now at this place it is a real war happening, rubber bullets were fired and percussion grenades thrown at the crowds.

10-27-16 ~ Lee Sprague …. It’s Begun, the Removal of Water Protectors at Standing Rock.

The United States is expert at removing Indians off the land. Ethnic Cleansing all legal. Because they wrote themselves a Bill of Rights to our lands.

North Dakota is just a proxy, handling the Great White Father in DC’s mop up operations.

That’s how they came to occupy over 567 nation’s lands, all legal.

I’m sure President Obama told Tribal Leaders their peoples, the Water Protectors at Standing Rock’s removal would be legal. That’s How Great White Fathers Roll.



10-27-16 ~ John Bravebull … “Take your armored vehicles home. Put your assault rifles away. You don’t need them, the people are unarmed. This isn’t Wounded Knee. This isn’t Sand Creek. This isn’t centuries ago. Your actions against an unarmed people will not go down in history as a victory. You said today you have the man power to end this now? How? With violence? With fear? With military tactics on the prairie? Do you realize how ridiculous an over armed military style raid on people from all around the world who are known as water protectors sounds? You claim everyone’s safety is your number one priority but you are the only one making threats of violence. Think about that. Just step back and think about what you are doing. Six million dollars to build an army of officers to defend an oil company against prayer. How is this happening in 2016? Have we really not come that far?”


10-26-16 ~ Kei Kurimoto… It has been an amazing journey protecting the water from greedy corrupt corporations that have no regard for how their actions affect the earth and all people. However this experience has been so much more. Words cannot give justice to the power of Nations coming together as one family to fight for what is right. I have spent a lot of time working in the kitchen feeding the masses and learning the native ways. This work has fed my soul, I have never felt more connected to the source of what life is really about. I’m so grateful to everyone I have met and everyone who has come to help us!! Here is just a glimpse of the love and the unity. Do not be fooled by all the smiles…in the kitchen we are on the front lines everyday. We began cooking over the fire battling the wind and the rain. But love poured in and donations were brought! We now cook on a stove that was deployed to Hurricane Katrina, to Sandy and now to Standing Rock thanks to Rosetta Buan. We have an actual shelter now to cook in thanks to Regina Randall. So many people have come here…but we need more warriors now!! Please come! Please stand with us. We are writing history everyday!

10-26-16 ~ Mississippi Stand
DAPL Security Harassment Update: Two of our comrades, Cameron Kennedy and James McBride, were arrested on false pretenses on the East bank of the Mississippi River yesterday afternoon near the drill pad in Illinois that bores underneath the river.

In this video update Cameron explains that the DAPL private security spotted himself and James on a public road near the linchpin drilling operation and within three minutes they were surrounded and blocked by multiple Hancock county squad cars as well multiple DAPL security cars. The two were arrested under false pretenses with private security as the only witness to a criminal trespassing charge.

Cameron denied consent to a vehicular search by Police, but the Private DAPL security guards began conducting the search regardless of this. The Hancock Sheriff, Scott Bentzinger, who was present at the scene simply said, “They are going to do what they want.”

These are the first known DAPL related arrests in Illinois and it sets a clear precedent about whose side of this battle the police are on. The money of big oil has seeped into small towns and counties across the United States and has effectively hired the police as enforcers of the Dakota Access agenda.

We need bodies on the ground here in Iowa to help with our mission to stop the drilling operation underneath the Mississippi and to amass a force that can librate us from the tyranny of militant security forces and police collusion.

Please come join us and also consider donating to our legal fund to help Cameron and James.

10-25-16 … The moment shortly after @kyfurneaux and I made it to Sacred Stone Camp, and stand in awe of a timeless scene…the fading colors of the day, rainbow on our left and shooting stars already visible above us, bareback riders galloping up a hill overlooking camp to watch the sunset…

As many as you already know, the Standing Rock Reservation is in the process of protecting their land, water, and burial grounds from being destroyed by the Dakota access pipeline. I was lucky enough to first visit Standing Rock over eight years ago, and will never forget the kindness, generosity, and humility of the people I met there. Returning this fall and having the privilege of once again being a guest of the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota Nation, I was brought to tears at seeing Sacred Stone Camp, at the beauty and music of that space, of the individuals I met there, their spirit, and everything they stood for. It breaks my heart to hear that hundreds of police and military members are mobilizing at this very moment to descend upon camp and the water protectors there in preparation for any resistance to the pipeline as it reaches these sacred grounds.

I’m not sure how this became a world in which money and greed demand so much power, but I know one thing – it will only get worse if we let it. Only we can choose what we hold sacred as a people, if human beings have more rights than corporations or if anything, even our basic rights, can be bought for a price. I refuse to be someone who sits on the sidelines at this point in history, and watches the rights of a people be taken away and their land destroyed, all over again. People are standing strong in the front lines, but they can use as much help as we can give them. If you can’t make it to North Dakota to stand with these peaceful warriors, please call the White House to make your voice heard ( 202-456-1111), check out the link in my bio, and spread the word!!!

10-24-16 … The United Nations has made communication with the Oceti Sakowin Seven Council Fires Camp yesterday evening, we are now recognized as a nation and they are sending UN Marshalls here to observe and help our people put a stop to this pipeline.

There has been a camp set up right in the path where the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline is to be built, this land the tribes is taking through eminent domain.

The time has come, our Mother Earth needs our help.


10-24-16 ~ Chad Charlie at Oceti Sakowin Camp
First, I must say….. I’m glad I wasn’t shot..
Now to the real story..

If you didn’t know, that was me being taken down by the riot officers. From what I recall I was in a line of peaceful protectors. We had a mission that did not involve being attacked by authority abusing, short tempered mercenaries protecting large oil companies.

I have been charged with Engaging in a Riot. I heard the Moron County Sheriffs statement lying about us crossing some imaginary line. First off, there was no line to begin with. The only line formed was our line of warriors protecting our people when they rushed forward to attack us with mace and violently push us in the chest to move us backwards, frequently causing us to trip and fall so they can nab us on the ground.

I was singled out by the officers to put under arrest because as we had our media teams filming the atrocities set forth by these cops, they continuously tried to grab our camera men and women to prevent us from getting out the true stories. Every time I watched an officer move forward on someone with a camera, I either stepped in front of them or pulled that camera person out of the way. One officer caught on to what I was doing and informed the overly aggressive mace attacker to move up on me. I had my hands up from the moment they arrived to our group to the moment they put me in zip ties.

During the time I was in those zip ties, which was 10 hours to be exact, I went through my day as my normal self, with humor. From cracking little jokes on the cops like telling one officer “I like your ugly stick” and he responded with “why do you call it that?”, I said “because ugly people hold them”. To urgently screaming in a garage full of protectors and officers “I NEED AN OFFICER OVER HERE!!!” and as they rush to me, I calmly state “my nose itches”.. I used my humor to maintain an image to these officers. Even on our three hour trip to Fargo police station, we sang songs and told jokes. We humorously gave our transferring officers a hard time, encouraging them to smile.

We have been labelled as verbally abusive, cattle-stealing, riot-engaging eco-terrorists. How can I continuously inform the world that we are peaceful people when we can’t even convince the officers in front of us that we are peaceful? Regardless how unfortunate it is that they are treating us so brutally (I mean, look at this image of me being slammed), we still have the potential to humanize our image by remaining peaceful, friendly people.

After spending over 10 hours with arresting officers, I managed to ask atleast four of them “We’re probably the coolest bunch of people that you’ve arrested aren’t we?” And every one of them hung their heads down and slightly smirked “Yeah, you kinda are”.

This is the power we have. We can change the game. All it takes is a little humility and humor.
Let’s put this pipeline to an end with our power..

10-25-16 ~ Water Protector and Gold Star mother, Netha Morgan, locked down to a barrel yesterday with another protector, Dan T., in order to block Dakota Access from entering the site where they have been dumping toxic sludge. The sludge accumulates as Dakota Access operates the drill that bores beneath the Mississippi River. Our action today has halted their boring operation because they cannot dump off the excess sludge!! This video is a somewhat comprehensive recap of the first afternoon of action. More will follow in the coming days.

Netha and Dan have not been arrested. After over 36 hours the site is still being occupied by Mississippi Stand! We are preparing for a number of arrests; there has already been one. Please consider donating to our legal fund in order to keep the movement strong, and come to join us in person!!
Water Protectors Stand Up!


Jan. 1 thru Feb. 28, 2017
