Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, Spree Killers and Vigilantes Are Almost Exclusively White Males

Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, Spree Killers and Vigilantes Are Almost Exclusively White Males

Serial Killers

I ask you this: How is it police manage to apprehend and incarcerate extraordinarily dangerous serial killers/ mass murderers/spree killers and vigilantes of Caucasian decent yet cannot manage the capture of unarmed citizens of ethnic lineage without executing them?

A serial killer is typically defined as a person who murders three or more people over a period of more than 30 days, with a “cooling off” period between each murder, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification.

A mass murderer is the intentional and indiscriminate murder of a large number of people by government agents; for example, shooting unarmed protestors, lobbing grenades into prison cells, and randomly executing civilians.

A spree killer is someone who kills two or more victims in a short time in two or more locations without a cooling-off period; the lack of a cooling-off period marking the difference between a spree killer and a serial killer.

A vigilante is a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

The identity of a serial killer is generally unknown until he is caught, the mass murderer’s identity is learned only after he has committed his crime and the identity of the spree killer, on the other hand, usually becomes known by police while his spree continues, and he is sought as a fugitive. The vigilante masquerades as doing their civil duty by proclaiming a private law enforcement attitude made possible by the Castle Doctrine, otherwise known as Stand Your Ground Law/Make My Day Law, coupled with a permissive Concealed Carry Law (24 states). The vigilante claims they feared imminent bodily harm.

Most serial killers, mass murderers, spree killers and vigilantes are male, white, conservative and come from relatively stable, lower-middle-class backgrounds. They are not usually adopted, illegitimate or institutionalized as children. They are usually people who aspire to more than they can achieve. They see their ambitions thwarted, and blame other people for keeping them down. They feel excluded from the group that they wish to belong to, and develop an irrational, eventually homicidal, hatred of that group. Invariably, they choose to die in an explosion of violence directed at a group they feel oppresses, threatens, or excludes them.

There are three types of mass murderers/serial killers: the family annihilators, the paramilitary enthusiasts, and the disgruntled workers. They all tend to be young, white, males with easy access to weapons. Unemployment, loneliness, a family breakup, or just a tongue lashing from a supervisor can trigger their deadly rage.

Cases where police were able to kill a Caucasian, they opted to use none-lethal force as opposed to people of ethnic origin who are murdered even though a majority are unarmed.

So I’ll ask again: How is it police manage to apprehend and incarcerate extraordinarily dangerous serial killers/ mass murderers/spree killers and vigilantes of Caucasian decent yet cannot manage the capture of unarmed citizens of ethnic lineage without executing them?

Serial Killers Men
CLICK HERE for MALE Homicidal Maniac’s

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